MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

Hey woodsman either your a patient or your an LP...stop trying to be both
I thought this was a med patient forum. Why don't you post all this shit on a LP forum. As a matter of fact why doesn't everyone here who would prefer to an LP ...fuck-off and go seek your dreams on an LP forum.
I for one am sick of reading all about the trials and tribulations of becoming an LP. Boring to most of us. So woodsman why don't you take your work/job and your advocating and your agenda to a forum for the LP world. Because here you just insulting a bunch of sick people.
This is a forum for med patients...not a bunch of greed bags trying to corner the market of MMJ. Keep on dreaming boys. Because your fucked before you even got started !!

If you are so sick of reading it, why do you keep opening the thread and reading it?
Hippy, I tend to enjoy most of your posts as I can definitely appreciate your sense of humour and wit. I don't enjoy it, however, when you start with your anti-LP crusade. Last I checked, RIU was a public forum for anything and everything related to MJ and MMJ. This thread was started by (and for) people interested in starting a small-scale LP. What gives you the right to waltz into this thread a year + after it was started and declare what people can or cannot discuss? What happened to freedom of speech, keeping an open mind, and not making gross generalizations and painting everyone with the same brush?

There are a zillion other threads purely for patients, no one is forcing you to continue to return to this thread (which was created by an LP applicant for LP applicants) if you don't want to read it.
Your either with us or against us

I've stated my position many times....
I think everyone should be allowed to grow their own.
I think there should be a delivery service from LPs.
I think there should be store front dispensaries.
I think we should be able to have it in all forms ie concentrates.

I don't view things as with or against...I only have my own beliefs.
I've stated my position many times....
I think everyone should be allowed to grow their own.
I think there should be a delivery service from LPs.
I think there should be store front dispensaries.
I think we should be able to have it in all forms ie concentrates.

I don't view things as with or against...I only have my own beliefs.
Didn't direct that at you personally...just in general
Hey woodsman either your a patient or your an LP...stop trying to be both
I thought this was a med patient forum. Why don't you post all this shit on a LP forum. As a matter of fact why doesn't everyone here who would prefer to an LP ...fuck-off and go seek your dreams on an LP forum.
I for one am sick of reading all about the trials and tribulations of becoming an LP. Boring to most of us. So woodsman why don't you take your work/job and your advocating and your agenda to a forum for the LP world. Because here you just insulting a bunch of sick people.
This is a forum for med patients...not a bunch of greed bags trying to corner the market of MMJ. Keep on dreaming boys. Because your fucked before you even got started !!

Wait, what's the name of this particular section of RIU? Something about MMPR...
Hippy, I tend to enjoy most of your posts as I can definitely appreciate your sense of humour and wit. I don't enjoy it, however, when you start with your anti-LP crusade. Last I checked, RIU was a public forum for anything and everything related to MJ and MMJ. This thread was started by (and for) people interested in starting a small-scale LP. What gives you the right to waltz into this thread a year + after it was started and declare what people can or cannot discuss? What happened to freedom of speech, keeping an open mind, and not making gross generalizations and painting everyone with the same brush?

There are a zillion other threads purely for patients, no one is forcing you to continue to return to this thread (which was created by an LP applicant for LP applicants) if you don't want to read it.
Yes you and i are actually very similar in out views at times.
But to point it out a MEDICAL PATIENTS forum...It DOES NOT say forum for LP's or those who dream of being one.
So does it say Medical Patients or not? Is there no forum for wanna be LP's. I'm not dictating what can be said, because who would listen. But it does say "Canadian Medical Patients....correct??
And Hippy, answer me this:

Who is more likely to enact positive change in the current mess of a system?

A) A person/party who puts their skin on the line to get involved in the industry themselves, or

B) Someone who just complains about it on the internet all day.
Skin on the line...phffft hardley. Just dreamers trying make money on the sick...don't be one of those Devil.
It sure does, and who are you to say you can only be a patient or an LP and not both? If I went through with my own plans to start an LP, does my chronic neck pain and migraines suddenly go away?
Only you and not me thinks you can be both. You grow Devil, your already your own little LP. And wasn't that working for you?. I bet it was....don't be greedy. That was the better system. It's the peoples plant and it proves it over and over and over..always has and always will. If you remember it belongs to won't get greedy.
And Hippy, answer me this:

Who is more likely to enact positive change in the current mess of a system?

A) A person/party who puts their skin on the line to get involved in the industry themselves, or

B) Someone who just complains about it on the internet all day.

We have Devil Lettuce to do that for us eh

Skin on the line...phffft hardley. Just dreamers trying make money on the sick...don't be one of those Devil.

Hippy, I have a very good career where I'm at and this was never about the money for me. I've got 6 years in with the union, cushy job with close to 6 figures, a nice pension, and 5 weeks paid vacation. I'm willing to walk away from all of that to try and get involved in one way or another, with the right party, to help be part of the solution. I'll likely be taking a sizeable pay cut and incurring a bunch of risk to try and contribute in my own way with the skills and experience that I have.

You really have to stop with the generalizations. There are almost 1000 applicants, are you telling me there aren't any good people with genuine intentions out of that bunch? I still think most of your anger and frustration (which is justified) is misdirected. Most of it should be directed towards Health Canada, and not the people that are trying to change their BS program for the better.
Only you and not me thinks you can be both. You grow Devil, your already your own little LP. And wasn't that working for you?. I bet it was....don't be greedy. That was the better system. It's the peoples plant and it proves it over and over and over..always has and always will. If you remember it belongs to won't get greedy.

And the people who can't grow themselves should get it from where?
Only you and not me thinks you can be both. You grow Devil, your already your own little LP. And wasn't that working for you?. I bet it was....don't be greedy. That was the better system. It's the peoples plant and it proves it over and over and over..always has and always will. If you remember it belongs to won't get greedy.

I'm with Leaf, I've always felt that all people should have the right to grow their own, healthy or sick. There will always be people that are not able to or do not want to, this has been covered ad nauseum.
That I'm able to hold down a good job?......something I have a feeling you probably struggle with.
If only you had as many brain cells as stupid smiley faces in your nonsense troll droppings.
You like that Union Job? You think its a good deal do you?


You've got no clue!