w.t.f. is going on? been researdhing fro 3 days and nothing. PLEASE HELP


Active Member
What your looking at is a Pineapple Chunk by Barneys Farm. It is in happy frog potting soil. Im using F.F. tiger bloom, F.F big bloom, CalMag, bud candy, by advance nutrients. Its under a 600watt m.h./h.p.s. conversion bulb. Monday will be the beginning of week 3 of flower. I thought it was either nitrogen toxicity, or nitrogen deficiency. Please help anyone. 100,000 blessing be yours for your kindness and time.



Well-Known Member
I have the same problem. It is only effecting my sour jack. I have 5 other strains outdoors right next to sour jack and they are effected?


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem. It is only effecting my sour jack. I have 5 other strains outdoors right next to sour jack and they are effected?
That's confusing. They usually spread and infect everything. Nasty little fuckers. Neem oil is recommended but I've never had them so I've never tried


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem. It is only effecting my sour jack. I have 5 other strains outdoors right next to sour jack and they are effected?
They may not be infected...only way to tell is the twisting, curling white edges on leaves or the mozaic pattern. I have had plants next to broad mite infected plants and not show signs of them at all


Active Member
Yea cause I have a grand doggy purp right next to it and nothing. Not one funky leaf. Ive scoured it with a magnifying glass with a special light to pick up on living pests. Nothing. Not one bug in 2 days. Its crazy. How can a mite cause twisted growth and why does it only affect a couple tips of each leaf? Always on the same side? Its making me crazy. Ill do as u say and spray for lack of any other advice. Im not talking shit. Im sure your a good dude with tons of knowledge and exp. I respect that and give cred where its due. This just doesn't sit right in my gut that its mites. Namaste all. Thank you.
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I just googled it and this is the picture that came up and it is identical to what is going on with my plant
There isn't anything to fix it now. It can spread so be aware of that. It can reduce yields but not always. It generally expresses itself when the plants are a little stressed.

It can come with seeds or clones too.

It isn't necessary to pull down your room but monitor it and do some research on TMV and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Read the links I provided
I've had both these effects...the twisting and curling on one plant, mozais on another, and some not effected at all. Maybe you need to research a bit before you give bad advice again:bigjoint:

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Read the links I provided
I've had both these effects...the twisting and curling on one plant, mozais on another, and some not effected at all. Maybe you need to research a bit before you give bad advice again:bigjoint:
Dude You are fucking clueless. I've been watching this thread to see if you would persist with your opinion. Damned if you did.

The OP is on the right path and you are fucking clueless



Active Member
I used this site through my last grow and loved it. Now not so much. Instead of discussing what we all see, what we all know (facts) and what can be done. We r arguing like 5th graders. For what? Because someone asked for help? Not cool. Not for me. Im gonna try a diff site. Live and light to u all. My your crops ve bountiful and your nugget ubber dank.