31% of Americans Have No Retirement Savings


Well-Known Member
You guys are assuming they will even check.

If you don't say anything, they cannot check.
No you are just guessing.

I on the other hand, am a Sr. Mgr at a big Tech company and have hired and terminated, around 50 people. Not all I hired were terminated, only a few, but there were others I let go for cause.

There is no national data base of criminal record by name. Not legal, or there would be. It is state by state.

If you don't say anything they cannot check.

In CA, because we all know this, they can't even ask. If they can't ask they have nothing to check. And with this ruling, it means checking is not allowed, iac.
Here you said you hired and fired 50 people. In the same breath, you say if you don't disclose a felony, they can't even check. How in hell could someone who works in a big company, and does hiring even THINK this was true. I have had 3 different jobs after college. None asked me if they could do background checks. Guess what? They all did. Just like almost all reputable companies do. And you rant on and on about how it is illegal to do so. But yet, you hire so many people. How in hell could someone that intimately close to this subject be so far off base? Because he is full of shit. Its pretty obvious. I mean who has to lie on a forum. Does it really make you feel better?

I'll link the thread ONCE MORE. Maybe you will read it. Probably not. But hopefully others will and see how much you are contradicting yourself. It's quite comical if you actually real through it all, and see the crap you say.


There is no need to link what you said again. I did it for you.
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Well-Known Member
What company do you work for anyways? I'm going to write the producers of gangland and tell them I have jobs for everyone on the show


Well-Known Member
Here you said you hired and fired 50 people. In the same breath, you say if you don't disclose a felony, they can't even check. How in hell could someone who works in a big company, and does hiring even THINK this was true. I have had 3 different jobs after college. None asked me if they could do background checks. Guess what? They all did. Just like almost all reputable companies do. And you rant on and on about how it is illegal to do so. But yet, you hire so many people. How in hell could someone that intimately close to this subject be so far off base? Because he is full of shit. Its pretty obvious. I mean who has to lie on a forum. Does it really make you feel better?

I'll link the thread ONCE MORE. Maybe you will read it. Probably not. But hopefully others will and see how much you are contradicting yourself. It's quite comical if you actually real through it all, and see the crap you say.


There is no need to link what you said again. I did it for you.
It's simple, he is delusional and is probably the janitor.

He probably read something on the desk of the HR director and thinks he understands what it means.


Staff member
The reason I thought it was probably one of the rip off schools is due to the course itself. Holistic nutrition isnt really recognized by any medical bodies. Thus they aren't in demand. And those are the types of courses generally offered by such colleges. Even if you did go to a reputable school, it would have made a lot of sense to look at potential job prospects beforehand. If you had, you would have known what a bad idea it was going into that. Its kinda like getting certified to treat pain with a drill. Not too much demand for it.
My career does have a very big job demand health and wellness is the fastest growing thig right now but where I live it doesn't haven't a big demand
Anyways I'm done arguing about this honestly


Well-Known Member
My career does have a very big job demand health and wellness is the fastest growing thig right now but where I live it doesn't haven't a big demand
Anyways I'm done arguing about this honestly
Health and wellness, yes. Holistic nutrition, not so much. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you need to be a little more realistic. Do a simple Google search of holistic nutrition job prospects. Look and see what is said about it (other than the biased sites, the ones selling the courses). None of the major medical associations recognize it as an accepted practice. That's the problem with it right there. You cant just pick any field and expect job prospects, especially fields like that. This is the same conversation I had with my friend who went to ITT Tech. Couldnt find a job in field for over 2 years. After a certain point, its time to move on, unless you want to go no where.


Well-Known Member
My career does have a very big job demand health and wellness is the fastest growing thig right now but where I live it doesn't haven't a big demand
Anyways I'm done arguing about this honestly
If you can stick it out, your future is bright. If you can some how market your knowledge in the weight loss world you can be worth your weight in gold.

I think more and more people are understanding the importance of balancing hormones regarding health and wellness, and nutrition is the best tool for this. Unfortunately we live in a pill popping society that demands instant gratification. If you could hook up with a health food store as a special diet consultant or something, you'll find a nice client base.

If you live where I think, from the north Ontario and steel comment, I know there is not much across from Port Huron. Doesn't mean it can't be done where you are, it's just going to be harder. If you can stand Windsor, it's pretty progressive there, not like Toronto, but more so than a Sarnia type city.

With the healthcare situation around the world, your field should explode.


Staff member
Health and wellness, yes. Holistic nutrition, not so much. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you need to be a little more realistic. Do a simple Google search of holistic nutrition job prospects. Look and see what is said about it (other than the biased sites, the ones selling the courses). None of the major medical associations recognize it as an accepted practice. That's the problem with it right there. You cant just pick any field and expect job prospects, especially fields like that. This is the same conversation I had with my friend who went to ITT Tech. Couldnt find a job in field for over 2 years. After a certain point, its time to move on, unless you want to go no where.
You don't get it poster below me does
If you can stick it out, your future is bright. If you can some how market your knowledge in the weight loss world you can be worth your weight in gold.

I think more and more people are understanding the importance of balancing hormones regarding health and wellness, and nutrition is the best tool for this. Unfortunately we live in a pill popping society that demands instant gratification. If you could hook up with a health food store as a special diet consultant or something, you'll find a nice client base.

If you live where I think, from the north Ontario and steel comment, I know there is not much across from Port Huron. Doesn't mean it can't be done where you are, it's just going to be harder. If you can stand Windsor, it's pretty progressive there, not like Toronto, but more so than a Sarnia type city.

With the healthcare situation around the world, your field should explode.


Well-Known Member
It is FREE to market your self to the world these days.

Facebook, twitter, youtube.

Sounds like you have some time on your hands, with a 30 hour per week job. Make one video a month. Post it on youtube.

Find someone famous in the health industry. Link your youtube on their twitter.

They may delete it. But a lot of people will see it before they do.

Yes. You are not getting any money for this.

But if you know your shit, and can help people, they will give you appreciation letters, in Canada I think they have the faces of kings and queens on them.

Get a PayPal account or something for people to pay you remotely.

And eventually people might start contacting you for advice. You can charge for this advice.

It may or may not happen.

But if you just set there talking about why it cant, it certainly won't.


Well-Known Member
I normally dont chime in on shit like this... I want to preface that I am in the arts and am fairly successful with it, though it has taken a long while and the field is competitive. I see students in higher education daily. Some work really hard and get by on as little as possible... others don't. We live in a society where everyone is supposed to come here to get their degree and then job.... regardless of maturity or any real direction career or life wise. Fact is that is simply not working like that. Jobs are not ready and waiting and most new graduates will have no idea how to go about getting one in their field. Most cant get jobs because they have no practical experience. Many high level jobs will be requiring education AND experience. I can tell you any one new out of school or not will be working very hard to make ends meat much less pay back education or start retirement savings.

We really need to get it together on education across the board IMO. We need better career and higher education counseling in high school and college and we need to stop with this thought that everyone needs to go to college to be successful. We need to stop evaluating all people the same. We need to stop judging people with statistics and charts and graphs.

So I don't go off the deep end here is some small wisdom I have gathered that has helped me to stay fairly happy.

-It really is up to each individual that CHOOSES higher education (or doesn't) to make it work for them. This is not easy and takes a lot of personal motivation from the individual... trust me I know. Sometimes the best jobs are the ones you create though!

-Always have a plan for now. Be willing to change that plan.

-Always have a plan for the future even if you cant enact it currently. Be willing to change that plan.

-Enjoy right now. Have hope, and be as happy with the simple things as you are capable of allowing yourself to be.

-Have goals and dreams because the help give you hope and direction. Things will always get better if you keep improving yourself and your attitude.

-In times of little to no money cherish the small things and remember it when you do make more money so you can stay focused on what is truly important. Family, love, Yourself, and happiness

-You will make shitty choices so cut yourself a break. Successful people just don't make them again. learn from mistakes

I say, try to be as positive as you can be and keep at it and it will come back to you in spades.


Well-Known Member
You don't get it poster below me does
You have a diploma in a medical field, that is not recognized by said medical field. You complain because you cant get a job in your field and only make $12 an hour. And I'm the one who doesn't get it...right. I have a job in my field, due to looking at prospects beforehand. I'm sorry but there are hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, etc. literally everywhere. Either there aren't job prospects or you really don't want a job in the field. You REALLY need to stop deluding yourself.


Well-Known Member
You have a diploma in a medical field, that is not recognized by said medical field. You complain because you cant get a job in your field and only make $12 an hour. And I'm the one who doesn't get it...right. I have a job in my field, due to looking at prospects beforehand. I'm sorry but there are hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, etc. literally everywhere. Either there aren't job prospects or you really don't want a job in the field. You REALLY need to stop deluding yourself.

You her Dad??

You really aren't helping dude!


Well-Known Member
You her Dad??

You really aren't helping dude!
Says who? You? Are you her dad? How do you know what will help her and what won't? My best friend who went to ITT Tech thought I was kind of an asshole when I told him it was a bad idea. Several years later, he couldn't even convey his gratitude for pushing him in the right path. You don't know what helps certain people and what doesn't, just as much as I don't, but I'm trying.

Sometime people don't want to hear certain things, but that doesn't mean it can't help. And I feel that I am giving solid advice. Sorry if you dont think it is


Staff member
You know my exam is actually recongonize by the Canadian medical board and I can become a practitioner who can indeed open my own office and see clients for holistic medicine you sir have very little information on what you're talking about


Staff member
Regardless eventually my field will become recognized as we move towards more holistic and natural healing properties like marijuana and other herbs and proper eating
Over shoving yourself with pills because you have a sneeze or a headache when you cango. A better route


Well-Known Member
You have a diploma in a medical field, that is not recognized by said medical field. You complain because you cant get a job in your field and only make $12 an hour. And I'm the one who doesn't get it...right. I have a job in my field, due to looking at prospects beforehand. I'm sorry but there are hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, etc. literally everywhere. Either there aren't job prospects or you really don't want a job in the field. You REALLY need to stop deluding yourself.
What's your resume, asshole?


Well-Known Member
Regardless eventually my field will become recognized as we move towards more holistic and natural healing properties like marijuana and other herbs and proper eating
Over shoving yourself with pills because you have a sneeze or a headache when you cango. A better route
I'm saying it is already well recognized on the West Coast. You can get a degree in that.


Well-Known Member
You know my exam is actually recongonize by the Canadian medical board and I can become a practitioner who can indeed open my own office and see clients for holistic medicine you sir have very little information on what you're talking about
It actually IS NOT recognized by the Canadian Medical Association.