winterizing ftw

you can find them cheap and I build that foam layer so i put my tubes with the dry ice below and the vac sealed material on top. i also leave my shatter that is done in the freezer. This will stop it from waxing up, there is a scientific term for it i think it starts with an N Fade and QK know it. nuclitation something i don't know.
Written by The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica
nucleation, the initial process that occurs in the formation of a crystal from a solution, a liquid, or a vapour, in which a small number of ions, atoms, or molecules become arranged in a pattern characteristic of a crystalline solid, forming a site upon which additional particles are deposited as the crystal grows.

Nucleation processes are classed as heterogeneous or homogeneous. In the former, the surface of some different substance, such as a dust particle or the wall of the container, acts as the centre upon which the first atoms, ions, or molecules of the crystal become properly oriented; in the latter, a few particles come into correct juxtaposition in the course of their random movement through the bulk of the medium. Heterogeneous nucleation is more common, but the homogeneous mechanism becomes more likely as the degree of supersaturation or supercooling increases. Substances differ widely in the likelihood that they will crystallize under conditions in which the crystalline state is the inherently stable one; glycerol is a well-known example of a compound prone to supercooling.
Yeah i asked about storing shatter in a better place, i suggested the freezer not knowing and VP went on to say that its just a way people cheat to make it shatter up...not my question but im glad it was eventually answered by twitch. thanks man.
Got a half million dollar car you don't even know it~
Got a thousand dollar pair shoes you dont even know it~..
I came up from the bottom you dont even know it~..

songs illin lol..
my oil is usually never around long enough for it to wax up, if its true shatter I dont think it should wax up.

I went to work for 3 weeks and left shatter on the table and it didnt change one bit. how long should it take?
too many variables for state Of consistency to next.

like time of harvest, quality of material etc.... Even extraction tek plays a part.
Well, did another QWET extraction with Strawberry Cough. I used 192 proof polish vodka.

Out of one ounce of premium buds, I got 4 grams of premium oil and about 1.5 grams of lower quality oil.

The humidity did effect the purging compared to doing the extraction in the winter. I just poured the water off when all of the alcohol was evaporated. There is still THC in the water. I will recover that with a small amount of alcohol.

I didn't run into any of the problems like I did on the last extraction when I used the bad 190 Everclear.

Here are some pics of the lower grade oil. Strawberry Cough is a strain that usually produces a darker oil. The higher quality oil went right into a 1 dram vial, don't have any pictures of that.

SBC QWET 8-16-14 044.jpg SBC QWET 8-16-14 048.jpg

On the left is my e-cigarette, an Aspire CE5 BDC with a 1.8 ohm coil on an eGo C Twist 650 battery. On the right is an AeroTank Mini with a 1.5 ohm coil on an eGo C Twist 650 battery. Each is flavored with NF Organic Banana Nut flavoring. I also used PEG400 NF/USP.
SBC QWET right 8-16-14 051.jpg

I am really liking the NF Organic flavorings. Especially for the devices with a lot of stainless steel and glass. Not too harsh, not too smooth.

Can't wait to get to try the premium oil, but I am going to let that sit for 90 days or so. Hoping it naturally decarbes and I can eat it. :D

No heat whatsoever, no winterizing, I have done my best to keep all of the medicinal properties, terpines, mono terps, and CBD. Organically grown buds, 192 polish vodka for solvent, PEG400 NF/USP, and NF Organic flavoring. A little over 5 grams from an ounce of buds, I am not complaining. I will take the oil over buds any day.

instead of taking the pic on a flashlight, take it into a pitch black room and take a pic with just the cameras flash.... youd be surprised.

another winterized run of really nice stuff, a decent yield, but waxed up again, and tihs time its a bit sticky to the touch usually not weather wax or shatter :(

instead of taking the pic on a flashlight, take it into a pitch black room and take a pic with just the cameras flash.... youd be surprised.


Aye man dont hate on other Extraction Artist or their product. They put a lot of hard work into it. I dont really care what you say about his oil/pics/whatever.....How you say something reflect a lot about your person, and your intentions about "HELPING" other extraction artists... This is a thread to help people refine their skills and improve.... not to post pics so people can bash them.... Respect The DabLife
Aye man dont hate on other Extraction Artist or their product. They put a lot of hard work into it. I dont really care what you say about his oil/pics/whatever.....How you say something reflect a lot about your person, and your intentions about "HELPING" other extraction artists... This is a thread to help people refine their skills and improve.... not to post pics so people can bash them.... Respect The DabLife


If you are referring to me, well, I am a she :D

Here are some strains that I use to make the oil.
4-G Fresh Harvest 2012_05220010.jpg 4-G Fresh Harvest 2012_05220012.jpg Dr_Atomic_Blueberry_Jam_5-2011.jpg DrABBJ.jpg Querkle Jan 2011 049.jpg

I don't like showing my face online, but I did run the Mt. Pleasant Compassion Club in Michigan for about a year.

@VP#2: I cannot take a picture in the dark with my cell phone. It will not focus properly....
Aye man dont hate on other Extraction Artist or their product. They put a lot of hard work into it. I dont really care what you say about his oil/pics/whatever.....How you say something reflect a lot about your person, and your intentions about "HELPING" other extraction artists... This is a thread to help people refine their skills and improve.... not to post pics so people can bash them.... Respect The DabLife

I wasnt bashing anything you fucking crybaby. I was teaching her how to take a nice picture, and in a nice way too, not on a flashlight like a fucking retard ,you dumb fuck. jesus this place makes my blood boil!!!!!!!! why its still in my bookmarks ill never figure out.
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GG what strain is the first 2 pics.

Good eye Twitch!

That is a wild strain that I found in some imported bag seed a good 15 years ago. I have been cloning that strain for about 10 years.

I miss the strains I used to get from that particular bag seed.

4-G is probably my most potent and is on my best strain list. Sadly it is very picky when it comes to lighting.

I called it 4-G for Goddess Grown Green Gold :D