Well-Known Member
I'm glad you watched it. SHit is pretty fucked up huh..
I think its fucked up she was told to sign a pledge to effectively have a chance in office.
I'm not anti Semitic, but there's something fishy going on with the zionists.
No. This was stated by the new church, the Jewish cult of the Way. By 200AD we have records of these Cult Crazy Christians blaming the Jews for "god murder." What kind of god gets murdered, except Pagan gods? Blaming is one thing that leads surely to burning. You can look it up. I've posted all this.
Deus occidere in Latin. It doesn't have to be public dogma of the Catholic Church, anymore, it is beaten into the children by age 2. It has been adopted by the Presbyterians and the Anglican Church. It is now a Tenet of Islam. It is the very first act of Mohammed. He sent Calvary to an Oasis and wiped out Jews.
Dio assassini in Italian and I heard it last night on a show about Mayer Lanski and the FBI.
God murderers? This is THE problem the Christians own. This is a problem that Gestapo sewed into the very fabric, of the Arab Brotherhood and the Bathists, long ago. Millions now believe the blood drinking, baby eating crap from Stalin's tract in the early days of the 20th Century. It is taught as the FACT to the kids of Gaza and all the children of Sunni Jihad. It was printed and leafleted across Egypt and Jordan to Syria, by Gestapo in 1939
Wolf Blitzer had a HAMAS guy on and pissed him off, by showing the world he preaches the Protocols as fact in the modern Israel...blood sacrifice before they attacked Gaza, he said, " we all know."
Ask your Muslim "friends" and take head from ass. This is hideous and animal-istic and ISIS. Don't blame the Zionists. The Zionist did not create ISIS, Gestapo did that.
Ask the Muslims about the widespread belief as FACT, in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Many will tell you it is a secret text, of Zion, revealed. NO NO.
It is just a horrible lie from the Stalin Pograms. Ask them if they will reject Jihad as a means to stamp out all but Islam. And if that means those of us that don't give a shit one way or the other, will be forced. Just ask them.
I see all that oppose the protection of Israel by all means necessary to be only spouting the Dogma of your pre-verbal days, and only calling it adult thought.
Read the history and don't be dupped. It is already here in our lifetimes. It cannot be appeased or become Moderate. Even fighting Jihad makes more Jihadists. Wake up.
This is Jefferson War, and Jihad invading our homeland.
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