Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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I'm glad you watched it. SHit is pretty fucked up huh..
I think its fucked up she was told to sign a pledge to effectively have a chance in office.
I'm not anti Semitic, but there's something fishy going on with the zionists.

No. This was stated by the new church, the Jewish cult of the Way. By 200AD we have records of these Cult Crazy Christians blaming the Jews for "god murder." What kind of god gets murdered, except Pagan gods? Blaming is one thing that leads surely to burning. You can look it up. I've posted all this.

Deus occidere in Latin. It doesn't have to be public dogma of the Catholic Church, anymore, it is beaten into the children by age 2. It has been adopted by the Presbyterians and the Anglican Church. It is now a Tenet of Islam. It is the very first act of Mohammed. He sent Calvary to an Oasis and wiped out Jews.

Dio assassini in Italian and I heard it last night on a show about Mayer Lanski and the FBI.

God murderers? This is THE problem the Christians own. This is a problem that Gestapo sewed into the very fabric, of the Arab Brotherhood and the Bathists, long ago. Millions now believe the blood drinking, baby eating crap from Stalin's tract in the early days of the 20th Century. It is taught as the FACT to the kids of Gaza and all the children of Sunni Jihad. It was printed and leafleted across Egypt and Jordan to Syria, by Gestapo in 1939

Wolf Blitzer had a HAMAS guy on and pissed him off, by showing the world he preaches the Protocols as fact in the modern Israel...blood sacrifice before they attacked Gaza, he said, " we all know."

Ask your Muslim "friends" and take head from ass. This is hideous and animal-istic and ISIS. Don't blame the Zionists. The Zionist did not create ISIS, Gestapo did that.

Ask the Muslims about the widespread belief as FACT, in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Many will tell you it is a secret text, of Zion, revealed. NO NO.

It is just a horrible lie from the Stalin Pograms. Ask them if they will reject Jihad as a means to stamp out all but Islam. And if that means those of us that don't give a shit one way or the other, will be forced. Just ask them.

I see all that oppose the protection of Israel by all means necessary to be only spouting the Dogma of your pre-verbal days, and only calling it adult thought.

Read the history and don't be dupped. It is already here in our lifetimes. It cannot be appeased or become Moderate. Even fighting Jihad makes more Jihadists. Wake up.

This is Jefferson War, and Jihad invading our homeland.
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This is Jefferson War, and Jihad invading our homeland.

al quaeda's platform is only tangentially related to israel, their stated aim is to END ALL NON-MOSLEM THOUGHT and force the world into their fucked up ideology.

as the worlds most powerful nation, america is a target, and always will be.

it doesnt matter what excuses and rationalizations they trot out, the core of their hatred is always the same, Non-Moslems must either become moslems or die.

bin laden was funded by the us, trained by the us, and supported by the us when he was figthing against the soviets, and once that immediate threat was removed, bin laden turned his eyes to the REAL problem in the world, which was of course, america.

pretending that his ideology was somehow driven by american policy in asia minor is retarded, since he was more than willing to accept american interference in asia minor when it suited his goals.

do try to be less facile.

The question would be facile and idiotic if not for your previous post, you give it complete validation.
Seems sarcasm doesn't travel well.

Al Qaeda has more than a passing interest in Israel, your nonchalant assertion that Al Qaeda is not really Israel's enemy is quite silly.
Mombasa 2002 was a serious Al Qaeda attack on Israel not to mention the numerous other Al Qaeda attacks from Syria and Lebanon and just recently Barawe the Al Qaida group in Somalia recently ordered all Muslims worldwide to attack Israel, Israeli citizens and Israeli interests
in revenge for the deaths in Gaza.
I agree that the US will always be a target but your suggestion that America is only a terror target because it's the most powerful nation is absurd. Once upon a time America and Americans were respected in the middle east and not seen as greedy like the Europeans. Then America moved to consolidate their position with the some petroleum agreement with Britain and basically take over, the result being all the big oil companies who were mostly all American got to control the flow of oil and set the prices, the middle east was considered at the time by America to be very important strategically and also considered a jewel because of the material riches and by 1946 the various nationalist movements that were popular didn't suit American interests which were by then about the Soviets, the oil and the creation of Israel. I'm not pretending to know what relevance those events by themselves have today but I do now that stealing the resources from another country or region does not get forgotten too quickly and especially when the practice has been a constant.
Fast forward a few years to the 80's and surprise surprise it's still about the Soviets. the oil and Israel. only this time their prosperity and protection, anyway America et al at the time thought that the Taliban was a better alternative to Communism hence supporting every two faced regime that you funded to fight your proxy war.
Bin Laden took your money, availed of your expertise and turned against you, hindsight is great but seriously no good was ever to come from such a parasitic relationship. That said US foreign policy can't be blamed for every little problem in the middle east but it has created problems none the less and also created perceptions about America that are easily exploited by radical clerics etc.
So all roads lead to today and now we have Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, he has control of billions of dollars, some of which was redirected through Syria no doubt and he also has American weapons, I'd imagine the conspiracy theorists are having a field day with his meteoric rise, considering it's not so long ago since he was given an "Unconditional Discharge" .
Yeah sure he wants his glorious Islamic state and to lop the heads off the non-believers but his broader agenda is the same as any wannabe dictator, all the radical bollox is a very effective terror device but it also works well for the recruitment drive and for the cannon fodder who choose to follow willingly.
The reasons for war will never change, just the excuses.
The war would stop if Palestine stopped attacking Israel....

It is like you are telling the jews to stop attacking the Germans during WWII...

As Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine. We further condemn the United States for providing Israel with the funding to carry out the attack, and Western states more generally for using their diplomatic muscle to protect Israel from condemnation. Genocide begins with the silence of the world.

We are alarmed by the extreme, racist dehumanization of Palestinians in Israeli society, which has reached a fever-pitch. In Israel, politicians and pundits in The Times of Israel and The Jerusalem Post have called openly for genocide of Palestinians and right-wing Israelis are adopting Neo-Nazi insignia.

Furthermore, we are disgusted and outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our history in these pages to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of more than 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children. Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. Nothing can justify depriving people of electricity and water.

We must raise our collective voices and use our collective power to bring about an end to all forms of racism, including the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people. We call for an immediate end to the siege against and blockade of Gaza. We call for the full economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel. “Never again” must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!



  1. Hajo Meyer, survivor of Auschwitz, The Netherlands.
  2. Henri Wajnblum, survivor and son of a victim of Auschwitz from Lodz, Poland. Lives in Belgium.
  3. Renate Bridenthal, child refugee from Hitler, granddaughter of Auschwitz victim, United States.
  4. Marianka Ehrlich Ross, survivor of Nazi ethnic cleansing in Vienna, Austria. Now lives in United States.
  5. Irena Klepfisz, child survivor from the Warsaw Ghetto, Poland. Now lives in United States.
  6. Hedy Epstein, her parents & other family members were deported to Camp de Gurs & subsequently all perished in Auschwitz. Now lives in United States.
  7. Lillian Rosengarten, survivor of the Nazi Holocaust, United States.
  8. Suzanne Weiss, survived in hiding in France, and daughter of a mother who was murdered in Auschwitz. Now lives in Canada.
  9. H. Richard Leuchtag, survivor, United States.
  10. Ervin Somogyi, survivor and son of survivors, United States.
  11. Ilse Hadda, survivor on Kindertransport to England. Now lives in United States.
  12. Jacques Glaser, survivor, France.
  13. Eva Naylor, surivor, New Zealand.
  14. Suzanne Ross, child refugee from Nazi occupation in Belgium, two thirds of family perished in the Lodz Ghetto, in Auschwitz, and other Camps, United States.
  15. Bernard Swierszcz, Polish survivor, lost relatives in Majdanek concentration camp. Now lives in the United States.
  16. Joseph Klinkov, hidden child in Poland. Lives in the United States.
  17. Nicole Milner, survivor from Belgium. Now lives in United States.
  18. Hedi Saraf, child survivor and daughter of survivor of Dachau, United States.
  19. Michael Rice, child survivor, son and grandson of survivor, aunt and cousin murderd, ALL 14 remaining Jewish children in my Dutch boarding school were murdered in concentration camps, United States.
  20. Barbara Roose, survivor from Germany, half-sister killed in Auschwitz, United States.
  21. Sonia Herzbrun, survivor of Nazi genocide, France.
  22. Ivan Huber, survivor with my parents, but 3 of 4 grandparents murdered, United States.
  23. Altman Janina, survivor of Janowski concentration camp, Lvov. Lives in Israel.
  24. Leibu Strul Zalman, survivor from Vaslui Romania. Lives in Jerusalem, Palestine.
  25. Miriam Almeleh, survivor, United States.
  26. George Bartenieff, child survivor from Germany and son of survivors, United States.
  27. Margarete Liebstaedter, survivor, hidden by Christian people in Holland. Lives in Belgium.
  28. Edith Bell, survivor of Westerbork, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and Kurzbach. Lives in United States.
  29. Janine Euvrard, survivor, France.
  30. Harry Halbreich, survivor, Germany.
  31. Ruth Kupferschmidt, survivor, spent five years hiding, The Netherlands.
  32. Annette Herskovits, hidden child and daughter of victims deported to Auschwitz from France. Lives in the United States.
  33. Felicia Langer, survivor from Germany. Lives in Germany.
  34. Moshe Langer, survivor from Germany, Moshe survived 5 concentration camps, family members were exterminated. Lives in Germany.
  35. Adam Policzer, hidden child from Hungary. Now lives in Canada.
  36. Juliane Biro, survivor via the Kindertransport to England, daughter of survivors, niece of victims, United States.
  37. Edith Rubinstein, child refugee, granddaughter of 3 victims, many other family members were victims, Belgium.
  38. Jacques Bude, survivor, mother and father murdered in Auschwitz, Belgium.
  39. Nicole Kahn, survivor, France.
  40. Shimon Schwarzschild, survivor from Germany, United States.
  41. George Winston, survivor, Australia.
  42. Marietta Elliott-Kleerkoper, child survivor, hidden from 1942 till 1945 in the Dutch countryside with Christians, Australia.
  43. Susan Varga, survivor, Australia.
Today, it was announced that the Israeli government had appropriated 988 acres of land surrounding the village of Etzion, where the 3 seminary students that had been killed stayed. This contested area, in the West Banks outside Bethlehem, was called an "expansion" of an already established area, that at present is home to 10 families. Israeli Radio reported this was a punishment for the killings, but the government spokesperson said they had no response The US pays for this, definitely with money, and I believe lives. The radical Muslims fucking hate us, and a very large portion of it, is to do with our support off Zionism. I am sure there are 2 or 3 or so people out there that think I am anti-Semitic. Why would I be? Because when Israelis do something like that, make the largest land grab in 30 years, while I call those fuckers idiots? Well, just might as well call me one then, if that will make you sleep better.
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And I for one, and most all of the rest of us Americans, want just exactly what is happening. Where are the riots to stop picking on HAMAS? We the People are with the Zionists. We play Jihad like a fiddle of death. It is the only tune they hear.

You, being the shrill minority that ignores history, makes you, part of the shrilly ignorant of what is actually happening.

Why not just man up and go fight for ISIL? Oh right, you think this is all about Gaza, and only about the Boohoostinians.

We have plenty of money to fight this Jihad. And it doesn't require your approval or your tears of hate.
Today, it was announced that the Israeli government had appropriated 988 acres of land surrounding the village of Etzion, where the 3 seminary students that had been killed stayed. This contested area, in the West Banks outside Bethlehem, was called an "expansion" of an already established area, that at present is home to 10 families. Israeli Radio reported this was a punishment for the killings, but the government spokesperson said they had no response The US pays for this, definitely with money, and I believe lives. The radical Muslims fucking hate us, and a very large portion of it, is to do with our support off Zionism. I am sure there are 2 or 3 or so people out there that think I am anti-Semitic. Why would I be? Because when Israelis do something like that, make the largest land grab in 30 years, while I call those fuckers idiots? Well, just might as well call me one then, if that will make you sleep better.

I have a question... Isnt all territory inside of Israel disputed?? And if so... So what??
And I for one, and most all of the rest of us Americans, want just exactly what is happening. Where are the riots to stop picking on HAMAS? We the People are with the Zionists. We play Jihad like a fiddle of death. It is the only tune they hear.

You, being the shrill minority that ignores history, makes you, part of the shrilly ignorant of what is actually happening.

Why not just man up and go fight for ISIL? Oh right, you think this is all about Gaza, and only about the Boohoostinians.

We have plenty of money to fight this Jihad. And it doesn't require your approval or your tears of hate.
Shrill is the word of the day I guess, and your mates all think that Reagan and GW and Netanyahu are fucking geniuses right?. Also I don't cry when I'm mad, I scream, at all the fucking idiots like you that defend Israel, no matter what they do. Do I hear anti-Semite knocking on the door? At least you have finally come forward as a true Zionist, good for you, you racist asshole, because you can't get more racist than Zionism. Well, maybe if you were a fucking Nazi.
And I for one, and most all of the rest of us Americans, want just exactly what is happening.

You most certainly couldn't possibly mean this... Look at the poll at the top of the page, then look at the most recent numbers of civilians killed..

If you truly do mean this, then you are a terrorist sympathizer, as Israel's government is carrying out terrorist activities by indiscriminately dropping bombs on Gaza at best, or purposefully targeting civilians at worst.
And I for one, and most all of the rest of us Americans, want just exactly what is happening. Where are the riots to stop picking on HAMAS? We the People are with the Zionists. We play Jihad like a fiddle of death. It is the only tune they hear.

You, being the shrill minority that ignores history, makes you, part of the shrilly ignorant of what is actually happening.

Why not just man up and go fight for ISIL? Oh right, you think this is all about Gaza, and only about the Boohoostinians.

We have plenty of money to fight this Jihad. And it doesn't require your approval or your tears of hate.

Why not man up fight any of the wars you support? Oh that's right little bitches like you let everyone else do the fighting while you protest like a douchebag protected from the realities of the policies you support.
Why not man up fight any of the wars you support? Oh that's right little bitches like you let everyone else do the fighting while you protest like a douchebag protected from the realities of the policies you support.
Walter "Doer" Mitty doesn't actually do anything.

I bet he's actually a garbage man.
Why not man up fight any of the wars you support? Oh that's right little bitches like you let everyone else do the fighting while you protest like a douchebag protected from the realities of the policies you support.

didn't you get kicked out of the australian armed forces when they found out about your holocaust denial activities?
I've never denied the holocaust.

yes you have, it's right in my sig. you said the jews "conflate" (pretty sure you meant inflate) their numbers to garner sympathy to get away with war crimes.

that's the very definition of holocaust denial.

isn't that why you got kicked out of the australian armed forces and could no longer make sandwiches for all the menfolk?
yes you have, it's right in my sig. you said the jews "conflate" (pretty sure you meant inflate) their numbers to garner sympathy to get away with war crimes.

that's the very definition of holocaust denial.

isn't that why you got kicked out of the australian armed forces and could no longer make sandwiches for all the menfolk?
Denying it happened and saying the numbers are slightly fudged are two different things.

I don't care enough to know which one's accurate, mass murder in my book is still mass murder.

Which is occurring in Gaza right now, I think of it as Holocaust 2.0...and Israel has lots of experience in that.