my disaster drawer

......thanks master Guod...

...transcriptions for these vids... juas... dreamming again...:fire::fire::fire:


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Montaje Regulador Velocidad (Tensión) para 3 Ventiladores

...I prefer fans with 4 wires for PWM way...

...and off course... ...Masters said... ...42 SDS ...43 SDS ...46 SDS ...47 SDS ...48 SDS ...49 GUOD ...50 SDS

mmm...pc fans for heatshinks or control box... ...pc fans controlers with temperature sensors... ...heyyy pc PSU... ...for fans... ...for arduino... maybe for drivers?... ;):lol:...:fire::fire::fire: or webcams.... ...or...


mmm... evo3.... mmm talking to myself...

mmmm finished product and tested?

or prototype product?...

...I often think that people buy it proptotypes as finished and tested products...and at what prices

...people ....consumer or beta testers?...

its only my opinion...
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...for SDS... ...Master...

Épisode 3 - Station Stardust :

...jejeje riu members on future...

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...grrr... old pc.... give me bad notices... ...but... i continue more slow...

...i learn a bit of excel... ...for understand better the "calc" soft of openofice..

...a spreadsheet for help led with heatshinks... spanish... ...sorry...

...Calculador Termico para LEDs 00.ods...

...its ok?...

... and one for me... ...or two...

...darkness in the beginning...




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...Master SDS... ...on the biotechnology way... ...i read some old info...

....but some info on bad hands?... mmmm:evil:

...other very interesting info... vitro culture at home...!!!

...Genetic keep in the fridge... pag 35
...i see more info in others numbers of soft secrets... but i dont remember in what number... sorry..

...cloning mj in agar... ...or...ón-en-Agar?highlight=agar first readings were a years ago... but...non-cooperation also the info that it was published and had free passage to be paid... ...made me to desist in this ways...
...have also been banned many of those involved (i included:fire:)... ...their nicks are in red color...

pd... my last spreadsheet its ok or not?... still waiting the last of your...

...but I feel I'm talking to myself again...:? (masters on vacation time)...

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...thanks Epicfail... ...thanks Churchhaze...

...master MrFlux...
. I'm not even sure if the temperature of the earosol particles reach a high enough temperature to fully decarboxylate the cannabinoid acids. If anyone knows more about this I would love to hear.
View attachment 3206628

...for decarboxilate... some info on my thread cannabinoids... and more info to read on Skunk Pharm Research...

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...any DIY stencil for applying a thermal past for COBs?...

...autonomous sensors for temperature of heatsink?... or temp and humidity... for air or soil...

...blower fan for heatsink stevesleds way but for COBs?... ...cooltube way?...

...talking alone again?....

...nobody answer?...


....its for my bad english?... ...or why?...

...houston .... comunication problems... i can send but not receive...

...y por lo que veo hasta sds me ignora... ...vaya palo... ...en mi mente ya oigo la vieja cancion...


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...for talking alone... ...or talking to myself... ...i prefer my home...

...time to go home... ...arrived some money... ...i can start some litle proyects...

...thanks to all...

...this thread its not finished... ...but for my its closed...

...y como siempre Muchas Gracias al/l@s Autor/@s...

...Besos para Ellas, Abrazos para Ellos y Saludos a todos los demas...


pd ...thanks Positivity...
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Thanks for all the good links salmone. I keep meaning to go through them but never enough time

No DIY stencil for cobs unfortunately. For my builds I'm quite satisfied with using included spatula. But stencil would be very nice.

Steves blower tube design is nice and efficient looking. Just a few mods it could be ideal, would need a bigger base plate and inner fins to cool enough I'd think. Or just run softly

I like the LCD screen current voltage readouts, arduino, attachments. Very cool stuff. But in the end, what is most necessary. I do need to at least "play" with arduino a little. Need a new computer first..

Good luck on your small project. Your big dreams and small project may collide. :P
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...Brother Positivity... "small projects" leave small my "old big dreams"...

ouu yeahhh... ...maybe i open a blog private for talking to my self...

...para quitarme el mono de postear en foros...;)

...maybe my bitacora notes...

...good luck on your proyects too brother...

...i got new and diferents dreams... ...for my pov a bit home...

...DIY alone... ...with no help... canary island... ...jejeje... ...some things dont change...

...i love it...

...for you Pos...

...y como siempre Muchas Gracias al/l@s Autor/@s...

...Besos para Ellas, Abrazos para Ellos y Saludos a todos los demas...


pd ...thanks again Positivity...
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I followed some of your arduino links trying to figure out the PWM for pc fans, Its harder than I though because of the frequency. I managed to get it to work by changing the frequency of D3 with code i found/stole from a few sites.

I can control a few fans with this but only 1 channel, and i dont understand the code at all. I need two individual channels @ 25khz but I'm not sure if this is possible, I know pin 3 and 11 share the same clock but pin 11 wont change the speed at all. do you (or anyone else) know how this is done? here is the code some far, it will change speeds with a pot on A0 and PWM control on D3 and output to serial.

const int analogInPin = A0; // Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached to
const int FanControlPin = 3; // Digital pin that the PWM fan is attached to, it must be pin 3 for
// 25khz frequency for pc fans

int PotValue = 0; // value read from the pot
int outputValue = 0; // value output to the PWM (analog out)

void setup() {
// initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:

// this is to change the pwm frequency of pin 3 to around 25khz for PC FANS
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
TCCR2A = _BV(COM2A0) | _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM21) | _BV(WGM20);
TCCR2B = _BV(WGM22) | _BV(CS21);
OCR2A = 79;
OCR2B = 39;

void loop() {
// read the analog in value:
PotValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
// map it to the range of the analog out:
outputValue = map(PotValue, 0, 1023, 24, 79); // change value of fan speed
// from 0-255 to 24-79 (0-100%)
// change the analog out value:
analogWrite(FanControlPin, outputValue);

// print the results to the serial monitor:
Serial.print("sensor = " );
Serial.print("\t output = ");

// wait 2 milliseconds before the next loop
// for the analog-to-digital converter to settle
// after the last reading:
...dear brother epicfail...

...this thread its not finished... ...but for my its closed...

...dear brother... wanted better answer than mine....

...I am the last in class....:dunce: ...and my english is too bad....:oops::oops:

...maybe the masters give you the answer you need... ...masters now dont talk to me... ...i dont know why...

...i prefer for pwm fans ... pc fans with 4 wires.. ...and pc fan controllers with sensors... ...with pc ups....

...independent sistem for fans... i see pc fan controllers with 8 channels...

...its more easy to obtain in my island... ...pc fans on arduino way maybe next year... my actual proyect i prefer the pc way... ...more doable in my island.. and more fast...

...sorry for my non answer epicfail... ...on arduino way... i only be a reader... or newbee or rookie... pido kits arduinos(los que yo quiero)... tardaran meses en llegar aki... correos en españa ...fatal... ...imaginate en canarias... juas... ...y las mensajerias en canarias...bufff...

...amen de que nunca he comprado en ebay o similar... ...y aqui con las nuevas tasas economicas del pp... tendre que hacer un pequeño curso con alguien de esta isla que tenga experiencia en compras por internet en estos nuevos tiempos...

...y si no encuentras respuestas... decaigas... ...los diyers nos sabemos buscar la vida...

...y como siempre Muchas Gracias al/l@s Autor/@s...

...Besos para Ellas, Abrazos para Ellos y Saludos a todos los demas...


pd ...and thanks again Epicfail... ...for all you support...:hug:...and good luck on your proyects too brother...
...and please you can call me 99...
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...this thread its not finished... ...but now for my its open...

well, i reopen this thread because the life put me again on box nº0 (cero budget again)
i started an thread in a cannabis canary forum

(another site for talking alone but in this case i talk in spanish)

I want to ask permission to the diyers with cree cxa or bridgelux vero for talk about in my thread an put links to your threads or photos or vids etc in my thread and the same way to diyers with monochromatic LEDs

I would like to be able to link your posts or thread or diy videos (or others vids)

so please @stardustsailor, @guod, @Positivity, @MR FLuX, @Supra, @epicfail, @Psuagro, @hyroot, @captainmorgan, @Bueno Time, @greengenes, @EtC, an others i dont remember the name (if you do diy, you're on the list) and a big pardon for i dont remember your names) i try edit this post and put more names

@FranJan and @PetFlora are welcome too ;)

so please please give me your opinions and permission to my petitions :confused:

I know many of you dont have videos of your stuff, i would like a vids of your diys or an short or large description of yours tents or indoors, yeah i know i demmand too much of you, but its not a obligation its only my best wishes for an lonely thread where im talking alone

and big big thanks to Greengenes for break the ice with your permision to repost your diy video

thanks too to Positivity for an pic i use for explain solder led

thank you all riu especials diy people


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