MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

Guidelines have been made, whether people choose to use them is another issue. You make it sound as if NO measures have been taken or made which is incorrect.

Instead of calming their fears, the guidelines instituted by the Treasury Department in February are making many paranoid—causing almost as many banks to stop supporting marijuana businesses as those who have opted to.

I was born in the morning, but it wasn't this morning.
Banks can be reluctant all they want. The framework is there. If they choose to be assholes about it, that's another story

That argument doesn't change the situation at all.
Banks are hesitant to get involved, therefore they are not getting involved.
Therefore, all money is being store at government offices or in safes inside warehouses.
look man that has to be the states because it seems Canadian Banks have no issue, as they take Credit cards and email deposits all the time ... kinda need a bank for that. So I think you are talking the states..... there was a show on tv about that

FFS even the CC's take Credit cards
look man that has to be the states because it seems Canadian Banks have no issue, as they take Credit cards and email deposits all the time ... kinda need a bank for that. So I think you are talking the states..... there was a show on tv about that

FFS even the CC's take Credit cards

Yes. You missed part of the conversation.
This is a conversation about Colorado :)
Hey all ,
just caught up in the clusterfu,,, of HC...Hippy crack ( we first nicknamed pollen hash) just kidding ..what a gong show we originally got into this with the mmar .When there was less than 500 mmar licences because of a number of our friends being challenged individuals Quads ,parapalegics and a few with epilepsy . We are trying to get a foot hold into this industry our corporation is actually comprised of some of our good friends as above. We feel that this industry was created by us for us and are trying very hard to comply with HC and get our is not for the faint of heart that is for sure. On our ___ revocation letter the list gets smaller. Question for the woodsman once you have complied with the checklist for pre-reception approval ...where does that put us on the playing field into security screening or more letters?...thanks

Once you get past their initial screening, and satisfy all their questions about your app, you will be placed into the security clearance phase. Currently I have been waiting 15 weeks to clear security clearance.

Now I know why there are an endless number of folks who would risk it buy a franchise. I see it all the time. People starting businesses that are destined to fail. and I'm right more than I'm wrong too. It never ceases to amaze me at how many people jump into business that seem to have little sense of what will work and what won't. Oh well not my dime. It would just scare me at this point in time to start something that the target audience is telling you they don't want. And with no guarantee of legalization what an insane risk it must be. Unless they plan on feeding the black market.
What will these approved guys do if it doesn't sell..throw it out ....ya right. Maybe that's the plan ( and it better be ) just move it to the BM where it does actually sell well.
Oh well go ahead and buy your Mr Sub or Quiznos or Coffee Time...get ready for hard work...and very little living.
Being in business should mean more than just existing.
Well what is the old saying opinions are like assholes everyone has one hehehe...Thieving dude ass you said very hard work and risk takers. Every one is entitled to their opinions but thieving lp's really?...We are the innovators to this industry its all about us and our medicine we just want to be part of it and are working our asses of to get there so chill hippy peace out!
Well what is the old saying opinions are like assholes everyone has one hehehe...Thieving dude ass you said very hard work and risk takers. Every one is entitled to their opinions but thieving lp's really?...We are the innovators to this industry its all about us and our medicine we just want to be part of it and are working our asses of to get there so chill hippy peace out!
WRONG!!! This is about PATIENTS and THEIR MEDICINE!!! This is where you LP's lose keep forgetting WHY you may exist! You're here to try and make a buck off of a group of people that as hippy says just aren't interested in buying what your selling.
Well what is the old saying opinions are like assholes everyone has one hehehe...Thieving dude ass you said very hard work and risk takers. Every one is entitled to their opinions but thieving lp's really?...We are the innovators to this industry its all about us and our medicine we just want to be part of it and are working our asses of to get there so chill hippy peace out!
Grow all you can....I don't need greed bag. Got any business sense.
We are patients , if u read the above , trying to produce quality medicine for ourselves as well as other peoples medicine. We have the sister to Charlottes web 17%cbd 5% thc. We can only supply 2,000 patients a yr with our proposed 20,000 square foot facility and we will have no problems doing that ...Real medicine for real people!
1.5 yrs from were you are now,6- 8 months in security checks, keep going, this wont be easy and you might not make it, any houses near your site? denyed, zoning? denied lol better be perfect lol