MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

If you currently hold an MMAR but decide to try product from a MMPR guess what, Health Canada cancels your licence and the Carroll injunction does not apply as far as HC is concerned. Just another bonus round for patients from HC. Who's watching these people? What government department is allowed to not sign letters of communication with Canadian citizens? Why can you not find these people to talk to them, why do they hide? Where is the transparency in that. Who is watching these guys? Take your letters from Health Canada to your local MP and ask them what they think? Why does HC have such poor Quality Control, if any department lost as many security reports and other documents as you have there would be an investigation, how do you lose security papers, sorry it's the RCMP's fault Right! Everyone is held to a higher standard!!! Who's watching these guys? One QA per company what's with that??? Medical device industry is allowed to use part time QA consultants, no one company restriction, Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to us Part time QA consultants, no one company limit, they even have a check box on the Health Canada inspection forms to indicate it. Who's watching these guys??? I expect to be treated fairly by my government, I guess that's a tall order these days, where did it all come off the tracks? I remember when the government was there to serve the people, not abuse them. That folks is a sorry state of affairs and Canada is not the country I expected to see gross abuse of power. Just shaking my head and doing my part to move things forward, after all, oppression is what sows the seeds for rebellion, right John Carroll. Don't believe me ask the 37,000 Canadians Cannabis users turned into criminals by their government. who's watching these guys???
If you currently hold an MMAR but decide to try product from a MMPR guess what, Health Canada cancels your licence and the Carroll injunction does not apply as far as HC is concerned. Just another bonus round for patients from HC. Who's watching these people? What government department is allowed to not sign letters of communication with Canadian citizens? Why can you not find these people to talk to them, why do they hide? Where is the transparency in that. Who is watching these guys? Take your letters from Health Canada to your local MP and ask them what they think? Why does HC have such poor Quality Control, if any department lost as many security reports and other documents as you have there would be an investigation, how do you lose security papers, sorry it's the RCMP's fault Right! Everyone is held to a higher standard!!! Who's watching these guys? One QA per company what's with that??? Medical device industry is allowed to use part time QA consultants, no one company restriction, Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to us Part time QA consultants, no one company limit, they even have a check box on the Health Canada inspection forms to indicate it. Who's watching these guys??? I expect to be treated fairly by my government, I guess that's a tall order these days, where did it all come off the tracks? I remember when the government was there to serve the people, not abuse them. That folks is a sorry state of affairs and Canada is not the country I expected to see gross abuse of power. Just shaking my head and doing my part to move things forward, after all, oppression is what sows the seeds for rebellion, right John Carroll. Don't believe me ask the 37,000 Canadians Cannabis users turned into criminals by their government. who's watching these guys???

"I remember when the government was there to serve the people, not abuse them."
When was this?
If you currently hold an MMAR but decide to try product from a MMPR guess what, Health Canada cancels your licence and the Carroll injunction does not apply as far as HC is concerned. Just another bonus round for patients from HC. Who's watching these people? What government department is allowed to not sign letters of communication with Canadian citizens? Why can you not find these people to talk to them, why do they hide? Where is the transparency in that. Who is watching these guys? Take your letters from Health Canada to your local MP and ask them what they think? Why does HC have such poor Quality Control, if any department lost as many security reports and other documents as you have there would be an investigation, how do you lose security papers, sorry it's the RCMP's fault Right! Everyone is held to a higher standard!!! Who's watching these guys? One QA per company what's with that??? Medical device industry is allowed to use part time QA consultants, no one company restriction, Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to us Part time QA consultants, no one company limit, they even have a check box on the Health Canada inspection forms to indicate it. Who's watching these guys??? I expect to be treated fairly by my government, I guess that's a tall order these days, where did it all come off the tracks? I remember when the government was there to serve the people, not abuse them. That folks is a sorry state of affairs and Canada is not the country I expected to see gross abuse of power. Just shaking my head and doing my part to move things forward, after all, oppression is what sows the seeds for rebellion, right John Carroll. Don't believe me ask the 37,000 Canadians Cannabis users turned into criminals by their government. who's watching these guys???

Who is John Carroll, and what is the injunction about? I take it that you are not talking about the conroy injunction, but I cannot find this online. Thanks.
hmmmm I do believe it's : you used your pink slip mmar to use at an LP yes your atp is cancelled and turned into HC from the LP. or if you carry an atp get your doctor to fill out an LP form (not using your fucking ATP... dummy) and use an LP that way.... your ATP is not cancelled.
:wall: feel compelled to do my civic duty every now and again, got to balance the Karma Truck, lol

Lets just call it what it is irradiation, exposing products to ionizing radiation to preserve, reduce the risk of product borne illness, prevent the spread of pests, and kill moulds, to name a few uses. What does it do to cannabis, what does it do to MEDICAL CANNABIS? The short answer is it alters it, plan and simple. So what does it become than? So it begs the question, if it alters the cannabis why can they do it? Maybe Doctors should be concerned about that too. I just boggles the mind to that that it's OK to alter your medical cannabis this way. Makes me wonder if the companies doing this has ever heard of Root Cause analysis? Resorting to the use of irradiation is admitting to failure, we don't know what we are doing so we will sell our corporate soul Irradiate is the mandate! Lets call it something more user friendly and sell everyone on the benefits of using Cold Pasteurizing. This had to come from marketing because pasteurizing uses heat to reduce the number of viable pathogens so they are unlikely to cause disease . More misdirection and sloppy work. People we can do better and some are doing it the right way and I applaud all of you living up to expectations. By the way what do we need QA/QC, SOP's, inspections, GMP for, if at the end they did not work just irradiate, No Problem. Just shaking my head...... see next post! :peace:
Part 2

So not convinced yet, in the USA you need special permission to use this technology. Not scary enough yet? There are no studies today demonstrating the safety of smoking irradiated cannabis. Treatment of other medicinal plants with irradiation, Digitalis, Ephedra and others have been shown to negatively effect constituent profiles (Samuelsson 1992) and in other plant material to specifically lower terpenoid levels (e.g. cilantro, oranges) (fan and Gates 2001; Fan and Sokarai 2002). So irradiation may similarly negatively affect the general composition and specific terpenoid profile of cannabis. The lesson here, buyer beware, but be educated.
Part 2

So not convinced yet, in the USA you need special permission to use this technology. Not scary enough yet? There are no studies today demonstrating the safety of smoking irradiated cannabis. Treatment of other medicinal plants with irradiation, Digitalis, Ephedra and others have been shown to negatively effect constituent profiles (Samuelsson 1992) and in other plant material to specifically lower terpenoid levels (e.g. cilantro, oranges) (fan and Gates 2001; Fan and Sokarai 2002). So irradiation may similarly negatively affect the general composition and specific terpenoid profile of cannabis. The lesson here, buyer beware, but be educated.

Are you raising the white flag?