
Well-Known Member
Last night the US launched the first air strikes on Islamic State groups inside Syria. It was a joint operation involving Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Syria was informed before the US launched it's attacks on multiple sites inside Syria, with reports of causalities among ISIL militants and civilians. The strikes were welcomed by anti-Assad rebel forces that were not aligned with the Islamic State, not so much by Assad himself. So, what do you think boys and girls? How bad do you think this latest endeavor by the US military in the Middle East turn out? A big clusterfuck, or just a small one? Will it make ISIL run for cover, or will there be suicide bombers in the US? Will it help to drive Assad from power, leaving a vacuum ready to be filled by the rebel group on top? This one is going to be bad I think, worse than anything we have experienced before. ISIL, with it's support by jihadists around the globe it is not going to go away soon, that you can bet on.
I'm more than happy that isil are being attacked their presence in the area has already turned situation into a massive clusterfuck
IS left 2 days ago, the only people getting bombed are part of Assad's people. You don't actually think we are after IS do you? Hell no, Qatar and SA need to put pipelines through Syria, that is WHY we are there. WE CREATED IS so that we could do this. Just like we created Al Qaeda and Osama to be the poster children for illegal warfare.
IS left 2 days ago, the only people getting bombed are part of Assad's people. You don't actually think we are after IS do you? Hell no, Qatar and SA need to put pipelines through Syria, that is WHY we are there. WE CREATED IS so that we could do this. Just like we created Al Qaeda and Osama to be the poster children for illegal warfare.
Did you practice hard to get to be this full of shit?
IS left 2 days ago, the only people getting bombed are part of Assad's people. You don't actually think we are after IS do you? Hell no, Qatar and SA need to put pipelines through Syria, that is WHY we are there. WE CREATED IS so that we could do this. Just like we created Al Qaeda and Osama to be the poster children for illegal warfare.

But, it's not a bad thing, to do that. Illegal warfare is as oxymoronic as actual idiot.
Did you practice hard to get to be this full of shit?
So you REALLY think some splinter group took over half of Iraq, most of Syria all within 2 months time, all by themselves?

Do you think its strange that this will be the 7th Muslim country Obama the Peace Prize winning president has bombed?

What about Al Qaeda? They just sitting on the back burner or what? Didn't we start a war on terror to kill those guys? What happened to them? Instead we are going to bomb their supposed enemies?

Oh my, France and Germany sure quickly dropped out of the Coalition, so did Turkey. Now a "Broad " coalition has begun, LOL 1 fucking country to do it all. That's Broad all right.

So really, our only allies in the region for the bombing of Syria (thats where the bombs are dropping) are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE.
Strange, those are all ARAB nations. very strange. No European country supports it, in fact only those allies which will directly benefit have any interest in this IS at all. No NATO involved at all, just the USA and some puppet saying we have BROAD SUPPORT. What a sick joke on all of us.

One disturbing aspect of this situation is that it will give the rebels not aligned with al Qaeda a tremendous advantage in that they can focus now as a cohesive group against Assad. I don't know now if this is actually the best time to overthrow Assad. It kind of reminds me of Iraq and Saddam Hussein. There is a saying I think that goes something like this, the devil you know is sometimes better than the one you don't know. With Assad gone, Syria is going to be a really scary place. Just ask Israel, which yesterday shot down a Syrian jet that was bombing an al Qaeda position bordering the Golan Heights, which apparently strayed 400 meters into "disputed" air space, ( well it is at least disputed by the UN and Syria ), over the Golan. You would think Israel would thank Syria for the bombing al Qaeda, because I wouldn't want them sitting on my border. Strange world.
So you REALLY think some splinter group took over half of Iraq, most of Syria all within 2 months time, all by themselves?

Do you think its strange that this will be the 7th Muslim country Obama the Peace Prize winning president has bombed?

What about Al Qaeda? They just sitting on the back burner or what? Didn't we start a war on terror to kill those guys? What happened to them? Instead we are going to bomb their supposed enemies?

Oh my, France and Germany sure quickly dropped out of the Coalition, so did Turkey. Now a "Broad " coalition has begun, LOL 1 fucking country to do it all. That's Broad all right.

So really, our only allies in the region for the bombing of Syria (thats where the bombs are dropping) are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE.
Strange, those are all ARAB nations. very strange. No European country supports it, in fact only those allies which will directly benefit have any interest in this IS at all. No NATO involved at all, just the USA and some puppet saying we have BROAD SUPPORT. What a sick joke on all of us.

I must have missed something, please name the 7 Muslim countries that Obama, himself, was responsible for bombing. Also, France has bombed ISIL positions on the Syrian border in Iraq, and Great Britain and Germany are supplying weapons to Iraq and the Kurds., to also fight ISIL. No the Germans, French and GB have not bombed Syria, and never intended to. So what is your point? That the US is going it alone against ISIL. I don't think so. Besides, the games have just begun.
One disturbing aspect of this situation is that it will give the rebels not aligned with al Qaeda a tremendous advantage in that they can focus now as a cohesive group against Assad. I don't know now if this is actually the best time to overthrow Assad. It kind of reminds me of Iraq and Saddam Hussein. There is a saying I think that goes something like this, the devil you know is sometimes better than the one you don't know. With Assad gone, Syria is going to be a really scary place. Just ask Israel, which yesterday shot down a Syrian jet that was bombing an al Qaeda position bordering the Golan Heights, which apparently strayed 400 meters into "disputed" air space, ( well it is at least disputed by the UN and Syria ), over the Golan. You would think Israel would thank Syria for the bombing al Qaeda, because I wouldn't want them sitting on my border. Strange world.
Why should we overthrow Assad though? Why should the USA take sides in a civil war?
Money, power and resources. Humanitarian efforts are nothing more than a pretense.
So you REALLY think some splinter group took over half of Iraq, most of Syria all within 2 months time, all by themselves?

Do you think its strange that this will be the 7th Muslim country Obama the Peace Prize winning president has bombed?

What about Al Qaeda? They just sitting on the back burner or what? Didn't we start a war on terror to kill those guys? What happened to them? Instead we are going to bomb their supposed enemies?

Oh my, France and Germany sure quickly dropped out of the Coalition, so did Turkey. Now a "Broad " coalition has begun, LOL 1 fucking country to do it all. That's Broad all right.

So really, our only allies in the region for the bombing of Syria (thats where the bombs are dropping) are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE.
Strange, those are all ARAB nations. very strange. No European country supports it, in fact only those allies which will directly benefit have any interest in this IS at all. No NATO involved at all, just the USA and some puppet saying we have BROAD SUPPORT. What a sick joke on all of us.


Jeeeze, I was just talking to Lady Sky about this today.

Did it ever occur to you that is exactly the genius of all this? We have Sunni flying warplanes against Sunni Jihad, for the first time ever. No NATO> That's good. France? Go get 'em.

Obviously we can't tell everyone what is about to happen. You are just a partisan. Arab Words? BOMBS is what.

And this is all you have to say, a sick joke? Put down the mirror?
Jeeeze, I was just talking to Lady Sky about this today.

Did it ever occur to you that is exactly the genius of all this? We have Sunni flying warplanes against Sunni Jihad, for the first time ever. No NATO> That's good. France? Go get 'em.

Obviously we can't tell everyone what is about to happen. You are just a partisan. Arab Words? BOMBS is what.

And this is all you have to say, a sick joke? Put down the mirror?
Wow its genius to spend Millions "helping" other countries become our slaves. Are you proud of that or what?
One disturbing aspect of this situation is that it will give the rebels not aligned with al Qaeda a tremendous advantage in that they can focus now as a cohesive group against Assad. I don't know now if this is actually the best time to overthrow Assad. It kind of reminds me of Iraq and Saddam Hussein. There is a saying I think that goes something like this, the devil you know is sometimes better than the one you don't know. With Assad gone, Syria is going to be a really scary place. Just ask Israel, which yesterday shot down a Syrian jet that was bombing an al Qaeda position bordering the Golan Heights, which apparently strayed 400 meters into "disputed" air space, ( well it is at least disputed by the UN and Syria ), over the Golan. You would think Israel would thank Syria for the bombing al Qaeda, because I wouldn't want them sitting on my border. Strange world.

Before Allah, where do you get this stuff, Jim? Bombing Al Q, inside Israel?

Military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said the aircraft shot down was a Russian-made Sukhoi-24 and that both the pilot and co-pilot ejected into Syria.

The plane penetrated roughly a kilometer (more than half a mile)into Israeli airspace, he said.


A Syrian fighter jet is in flames Tuesday after being hit by the Israeli military over the Golan Heights.

Syrian state TV also reported that Israeli forces had shot down a Syrian warplane.
Even RT is not spouting that bombing Al Q stuff. It is strange if you buy into HAMAS lies.

At least the pilots are OK.
Please let Saddam Hussian out of that CIA prison ...He'll sort all this out ..
hanged what u mean hanged ...
oh ...thats the middle east screwed then?
bottom line is never trust an Arab
Before Allah, where do you get this stuff, Jim? Bombing Al Q, inside Israel?

Military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said the aircraft shot down was a Russian-made Sukhoi-24 and that both the pilot and co-pilot ejected into Syria.

The plane penetrated roughly a kilometer (more than half a mile)into Israeli airspace, he said.


A Syrian fighter jet is in flames Tuesday after being hit by the Israeli military over the Golan Heights.

Syrian state TV also reported that Israeli forces had shot down a Syrian warplane.
Even RT is not spouting that bombing Al Q stuff. It is strange if you buy into HAMAS lies.

At least the pilots are OK.
I wrote that the al Qaeda base that was bombed by that Syrian jet was located on the Syrian side of that fantasy border that separates Israel and Syria, not in Israel. Oh by the way, seeing that every nation in the area is involved seemingly in this conflict, where is our staunch ally Israel doing during all of this. Oh that's right, shooting down a Syrian jet, with a missile that cost the US taxpayer over a million dollars by the way, that was bombing our mutual enemy, al Qaeda. Must make sense to some stupid asshole.