when the us goes broke israel will be fresh out of friends . theyve been kicked out of every country theve taken residence in since the greeks . and the reason can be explained in one word , " usury " in fact american leaders thru the years have warned against the jews . george washington , lincoln , u.s.grant ect. ect.
Iraqi City in Hands of Al-Qaida-Linked Militants

January 04, 2014 5:12 PM

Rebels and Iraqi police in the volatile Anbar province say the Iraqi government has lost control of the city of Fallujah to al-Qaida militants after days of fighting.

The al-Qaida-linked Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which is active in both countries, has pushed police out of the city center.

As I said full of shit
ha ha ha ha you're such a tool

You're a dumbass. Iraqi military was in control until they deserted, left their positions and literally went home.

I'm going to link to wiki, because i'm lazy and you're stupid.–14)
So ISIS is in Syria, but they are fighting against the Syrian Government. But then Obama has this to say:

"Once again, it must be clear to anyone who would plot against America and try to do Americans harm that we will not tolerate safe havens for terrorists who threaten our people,"

So Syria is a safe haven for ISIS now? Although the Syrian government and ISIS are enemies?

Also, why no UN involvement? why no NATO nations to help? Why do the majority of countries in this world not want any part of this exercise?

Why are the only countries helping us the ones that have the most to gain by control over Syria?

Obama said in reference to ISIS and i quote;

[The United States has] not yet detected specific plotting against our homeland.
Yep, all about a pipeline. It is so apparent it is a slap in the face to pretend otherwise.
we are bombing the 1's thats trying to take out assad , i mean wtf , obamer hates the assad regime and has said as much . i thought the enemy of our enemy is our friend , unless there is a differant motive .
Last night the US launched the first air strikes on Islamic State groups inside Syria. It was a joint operation involving Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Syria was informed before the US launched it's attacks on multiple sites inside Syria, with reports of causalities among ISIL militants and civilians. The strikes were welcomed by anti-Assad rebel forces that were not aligned with the Islamic State, not so much by Assad himself. So, what do you think boys and girls? How bad do you think this latest endeavor by the US military in the Middle East turn out? A big clusterfuck, or just a small one? Will it make ISIL run for cover, or will there be suicide bombers in the US? Will it help to drive Assad from power, leaving a vacuum ready to be filled by the rebel group on top? This one is going to be bad I think, worse than anything we have experienced before. ISIL, with it's support by jihadists around the globe it is not going to go away soon, that you can bet on.
Why didn't they bomb when the buildings were full of jihadists?
we are bombing the 1's thats trying to take out assad , i mean wtf , obamer hates the assad regime and has said as much . i thought the enemy of our enemy is our friend , unless there is a differant motive .
Amazing how they all holed up in Syria though isn't it? Seems kind of dumb to stay where you know they will be dropping the bombs, unless of course you are really dropping your bombs on Assad assets, of course "By accident". Then you can kill whomever you want and just CLAIM they are ISIS. Children, women, old people, all just ISIS assets in hiding, all prepping to invade the USA and kill us because they hate our freedom.
Amazing how they all holed up in Syria though isn't it? Seems kind of dumb to stay where you know they will be dropping the bombs, unless of course you are really dropping your bombs on Assad assets, of course "By accident". Then you can kill whomever you want and just CLAIM they are ISIS. Children, women, old people, all just ISIS assets in hiding, all prepping to invade the USA and kill us because they hate our freedom.
karma is a bitch .
Amazing how they all holed up in Syria though isn't it? Seems kind of dumb to stay where you know they will be dropping the bombs, unless of course you are really dropping your bombs on Assad assets, of course "By accident". Then you can kill whomever you want and just CLAIM they are ISIS. Children, women, old people, all just ISIS assets in hiding, all prepping to invade the USA and kill us because they hate our freedom.

It's being openly reported the US has targeted Syrian oil fields.

This is probably the same network that smuggled embargoed Iraqi oil at the height of the war.

Can't have them doing that anymore, we have an alternative to their "makeshift pipelines"
You didn't, spew boy. You are one mess up dude.

post #10, bleach hole said:
Just ask Israel, which yesterday shot down a Syrian jet that was bombing an al Qaeda position bordering the Golan Heights, which apparently strayed 400 meters into "disputed" air space, ( well it is at least disputed by the UN and Syria ), over the Golan. You would think Israel would thank Syria for the bombing al Qaeda, because I wouldn't want them sitting on my border.

Now the chlorine swabbed bung, say he did, he did, he did too give a reference.

I am what I am, is what I am, Gestapo.
It came to me last night before I fell asleep after bleaching my asshole ( why would anyone do that, it stings), that you didn't get my analogy. When I said I was a Jew hater, I didn't mean the entire cult, I meant just you. Why are you so defensive about being Jewish by the way, and NEED to call people Jew Haters? It does get tiring.
Defensive about being Jewish, now am I? Taking you personally?

You wish.
Had a smarmy reply about Holdren to back you up but taking a serious angle instead. This may be thread worthy, but it will somehow cause accusations of racism here.

It's only recently (historical wise) that caring for the elderly has fallen to the community instead of the family. Moving in with parents is becoming more common out of necessity, but parents moving in with children later in life isn't considered like it used to be. Because of costs for end of life care, we are going to have revisit the way we do things. Spending millions to keep someone alive 3 more months in the ICU is a luxury we may no longer have. Putting mom in the nursing home because you don't want to interrupt your busy life may not be an option for many in the future.

It's a purely emotional issue, and personally I'd wave a rubber chicken around the room and sacrifice a goat if I thought it would extend my time with a loved one. Logically I know better.

Going to be a tough reality when we face it. Who makes the call? Why are you saving his grandma and not mine? Emotions are something we are not good at overcoming.

Eventually we will have to pay the piper, medicare can't operate status quo for infinity.

The problem is government involvement. In the past if the family had millions of dollars they could be free to spend that keeping a loved one alive for 3 more months. And that was certainly their right if everyone wanted it that way. However, now that government is involved all of the taxpayers are on the hook so there will be burecrats hired to say no to procedures and treatments because it is correct, we simply cannot afford to care for everyone with the highest quality care through the end of their lives.

So, instead of the family making the decision for a loved one it is someone who has never met your family nor cares about them. They only care about rules and the bottom line fiscally.

I am sadded by how dehumanizing the government is making healthcare.
The problem is government involvement. In the past if the family had millions of dollars they could be free to spend that keeping a loved one alive for 3 more months. And that was certainly their right if everyone wanted it that way. However, now that government is involved all of the taxpayers are on the hook so there will be burecrats hired to say no to procedures and treatments because it is correct, we simply cannot afford to care for everyone with the highest quality care through the end of their lives.

So, instead of the family making the decision for a loved one it is someone who has never met your family nor cares about them. They only care about rules and the bottom line fiscally.

I am sadded by how dehumanizing the government is making healthcare.

No. If you have the millions you can still spend them.

Those of us that got real sick and lived, know we are on our own, and self insured, in part or in whole, for some or for all....since we want to live.
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we are bombing the 1's thats trying to take out assad , i mean wtf , obamer hates the assad regime and has said as much . i thought the enemy of our enemy is our friend , unless there is a differant motive .

Didn't you watch Assad on 60 minutes. Don't you know he turned friend at the last minute, and signed the Chem Wep Treaty.

How does it feel to think we can hate? That is a luxury of the weak minded or the gung ho grunt.

Hate is not not a tactic. And we can see from your post why the govt does not tell you what it is doing.

No. If you have the millions you can still spend them.

Those of us that got real sick and lived, know we are on our own, and self insured in part or in whole for some or for all....since we want to live.

So, Obamacare was invented to protect the rich millionaires that didnt want to spend their money on healthcare?? That clears things up ;]

So, the person who has had millions of tax dollars spent on them (you know.. the one that DIED!!!) now has the millions still to spend... Huh??