no i think your full of shit and that you just pulled this "2 months time" out of your arseSo you REALLY think some splinter group took over half of Iraq, most of Syria all within 2 months time, all by themselves?
IS left 2 days ago
the only people getting bombed are part of Assad's people
So that's what you think.
I see it as self rule.
I wrote that the al Qaeda base that was bombed by that Syrian jet was located on the Syrian side of that fantasy border that separates Israel and Syria, not in Israel. Oh by the way, seeing that every nation in the area is involved seemingly in this conflict, where is our staunch ally Israel doing during all of this. Oh that's right, shooting down a Syrian jet, with a missile that cost the US taxpayer over a million dollars by the way, that was bombing our mutual enemy, al Qaeda. Must make sense to some stupid asshole.
There you go again, mixing the plural and the singular. There is no "we" freedom. Only a you (singular) and I freedom.
Self rule by you (plural) is oxymoronic. Do(er) carry on though.
no i think your full of shit and that you just pulled this "2 months time" out of your arse
lets have a look at your previous post
really? you have conclusive proof that IS in its entirety left syria 2 days ago? WOW i mean WOW thats amazing intelligence your toting there. you must have their exact numbers, their currant location hell i wouldnt be suprised if you had a full list of names with contact numbers for you to be able to make such a sweeping statement........
somebody better tell the russians about this because putin was fucking clear that syria was their ally and he wouldnt sit back if america his assads army..
where do you see a "we"? you remember when IS took over their first Iraqi City? Tikrit, June 11, 2014. The last position they overtook in Iraq was Raqqa air base on August 28. How many days are between June 11 and August 28? Is that pretty close to 2 months?
ha ha ha ha you're such a toolI don't need proof that IS left Syria 2 days ago, just common fucking sense,
Iraqi City in Hands of Al-Qaida-Linked Militants
January 04, 2014 5:12 PM
Rebels and Iraqi police in the volatile Anbar province say the Iraqi government has lost control of the city of Fallujah to al-Qaida militants after days of fighting.
The al-Qaida-linked Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which is active in both countries, has pushed police out of the city center.
As I said full of shit
ha ha ha ha you're such a tool
Having lost control and having the city under occupation aren't the same thing, but 8 months isn't very long now is it? My point is that ISIS did in a very short time what took the entire US military to do in a couple of years.
10,000 people in ISIS. How many in the US armed forces?
Do you think ISIS will ever be beaten, or will they be like Al Qaeda, growing larger day by day?
You better worry, ISIS is coming to your town with box cutters.
Even if it were for the children? I'm pretty sure it would be OK then, right? It's for the children.Man I hope not. I would hate for another humanitarian country to drop bombs on my town, or your town, or any town in this country for that matter.
So ISIS is in Syria, but they are fighting against the Syrian Government. But then Obama has this to say:
"Once again, it must be clear to anyone who would plot against America and try to do Americans harm that we will not tolerate safe havens for terrorists who threaten our people,"
So Syria is a safe haven for ISIS now? Although the Syrian government and ISIS are enemies?
Also, why no UN involvement? why no NATO nations to help? Why do the majority of countries in this world not want any part of this exercise?
Why are the only countries helping us the ones that have the most to gain by control over Syria?
well.... yeah, of courseEven if it were for the children? I'm pretty sure it would be OK then, right? It's for the children.
So ISIS is in Syria, but they are fighting against the Syrian Government. But then Obama has this to say:
"Once again, it must be clear to anyone who would plot against America and try to do Americans harm that we will not tolerate safe havens for terrorists who threaten our people,"
So Syria is a safe haven for ISIS now? Although the Syrian government and ISIS are enemies?
Also, why no UN involvement? why no NATO nations to help? Why do the majority of countries in this world not want any part of this exercise?
Why are the only countries helping us the ones that have the most to gain by control over Syria?
When do the death panels start? Liberals want anyone over 75 to be at the mercy of nature, no medical help for anyone over 75.
I told you my source you nitwit, the Guardian and I even gave you the dates to look up you stupid fuck. I did not deny that the warplane strayed into the supposed Israeli airspace, and I say supposed because they are the only ones that consider it Israeli, no one else does. According to the UN, and the rest of the civilized world, which we all know doesn't mean shit to Israel, the Golan Heights is not a part of Israel That is why the UN is there, to keep the Syrians from taking it back because they don't recognize the "annexation", a euphemism that Begin cooked up in 1981. My god, how the Israelites love using that word whenever they steal land. The jet which was flying at 17,000 feet was, according to the IDF, a 1/2 a mile past the UN buffer zone when it was shot down. A little quick on the draw, in my opinion.
As far as being a "Jew Hater", you got me there. Your Jewish right?