Didn't you watch Assad on 60 minutes. Don't you know he turned friend at the last minute, and signed the Chem Wep Treaty.

How does it feel to think we can hate? That is a luxury of the weak minded or the gung ho grunt.

Hate is not not a tactic. And we can see from your post why the govt does not tell you what it is doing.

doer you are a symbol of hate you your rants are childish the fact is i think you hate white america
The 'puppet masters' want to see greater returns on their investments in fossil fuels..... In other words they want the 'war' so that they can raise the price of oil.....again. Look at the price of a barrel of oil prior to the first war in Iraq and then after and the windfall realized by the 'shareholders'.
The 'puppet masters' want to see greater returns on their investments in fossil fuels..... In other words they want the 'war' so that they can raise the price of oil.....again. Look at the price of a barrel of oil prior to the first war in Iraq and then after and the windfall realized by the 'shareholders'.
humans have been waging war since b4 recorded history , its what we do , its what we will continue to do untill we go the way of the dinosaur . so to blame some and not all for their part is disingenuous .
The 'puppet masters' want to see greater returns on their investments in fossil fuels..... In other words they want the 'war' so that they can raise the price of oil.....again. Look at the price of a barrel of oil prior to the first war in Iraq and then after and the windfall realized by the 'shareholders'.

Economic announcement today.
"Crude oil hits 26 month low, US dollar at risk of a reversal"

Of course, speculators (who are actually the ones who set the price) make money going down, and make money going up.

The big winners of war are the defense contractors, not the oil companies. Wouldn't surprise me though if they had somehow joined forces.

Our president has made a speech that we are not aware of a threat ISIS poses to the US or if any attacks on US soil are imminent. Then in his best Bush imitation, drops the "evil", poll numbers go up in support of the war and voila, we are at war dropping bombs FOR the people we wanted to drop bombs AGAINST this time last year.

The same people who were supporting "dropping strategic bombs" against Assad are now supporting "dropping strategic bombs" for Assad. It's amazing.
when the us goes broke israel will be fresh out of friends . theyve been kicked out of every country theve taken residence in since the greeks . and the reason can be explained in one word , " usury " in fact american leaders thru the years have warned against the jews . george washington , lincoln , u.s.grant ect. ect.

We should just kill them all huh?
Meanwhile the rabid right see nothing noteworthy about a Heads of State Security Council meeting Chaired by Mr Obama

It was unanimous for his support

Hoo hum.
The 'puppet masters' want to see greater returns on their investments in fossil fuels..... In other words they want the 'war' so that they can raise the price of oil.....again. Look at the price of a barrel of oil prior to the first war in Iraq and then after and the windfall realized by the 'shareholders'.

Except we drive down the oil price so Russia and Venezuela May profit less
The 'puppet masters' want to see greater returns on their investments in fossil fuels..... In other words they want the 'war' so that they can raise the price of oil.....again. Look at the price of a barrel of oil prior to the first war in Iraq and then after and the windfall realized by the 'shareholders'.
United States is starting and is going to dominate Global Oil production.