United States is starting and is going to dominate Global Oil production.

This will drive prices DOWN.

So you idiots with your puppet master theory, to drive prices UP, just need a string trim.

It's all in your mind. The USA has the power to keep the oil prices moving downward. This means the little tin-pots including Esselle, Putin and any other shit heads that think they can re-arm the Cold War, are out of luck.
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No way will the US dominate oil production. Fracked wells rarely produce for more than 18 months tops. Once they get to the point of diminishing returns, they pack up and leave town. Ive seen it several times over my life.
The USA will dominate the the reduction oil prices and demand, based on the reduction of demand in the USA for oil. We will be natural gas economy.
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They will dominate the the reduction oil prices and demand, based on the reduction of demand in the USA for oil. We will be natural gas economy.

Hopefully. I hope we use the mountains of nat gas we have.

Oil doesn't always follow supply and demand rules though. OPEC is an evil entity. It's the most manipulated market in the world. Gonna suck when it goes on a mixed currency.
The USA will dominate the the reduction oil prices and demand, based on the reduction of demand in the USA for oil. We will be natural gas economy.
Oil Prices are set not by supply and demand, but traders on the futures markets. There are several players in the market that have infinity +1 in cash on hand to make the market move in any direction they want.

A Nat Gas country eh? Maybe in the distant future, but I don't see Gasoline and Diesel being replaced any time soon. Not in my lifetime anyway, and if I live to the average age of my family, that's another 40 years.
Oil Prices are set not by supply and demand, but traders on the futures markets. There are several players in the market that have infinity +1 in cash on hand to make the market move in any direction they want.

A Nat Gas country eh? Maybe in the distant future, but I don't see Gasoline and Diesel being replaced any time soon. Not in my lifetime anyway, and if I live to the average age of my family, that's another 40 years.

I like the way you said it better. I dropped the evil OPEC card.
china , india , australia have said fk it were using fossil fuel and the first 2 represent what ? a 1/3rd of world population , russia will get rich supplying china with oil and gas for the next 60-80-100yrs

were in a love hate relationship with most of the world , just ask your average frenchy what they think about americans and the U.S., not to mention china .
You folks noticing anyone with their head cut off?
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Police say the man who beheaded a woman with a knife at an Oklahoma food processing plant had tried to convert several employees there to Islam.

The man had just been fired from his job at the plant yesterday when the attack took place. Police say he had beheaded the woman and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official who is also a reserve sheriff’s deputy.

Police are waiting until the man is conscious before arresting him. They’ve asked the FBI to help investigate.

The attack comes in the wake of a series of videotaped beheadings by the Islamic State militant group.

Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
The problem is government involvement. In the past if the family had millions of dollars they could be free to spend that keeping a loved one alive for 3 more months. And that was certainly their right if everyone wanted it that way. However, now that government is involved all of the taxpayers are on the hook so there will be burecrats hired to say no to procedures and treatments because it is correct, we simply cannot afford to care for everyone with the highest quality care through the end of their lives.

So, instead of the family making the decision for a loved one it is someone who has never met your family nor cares about them. They only care about rules and the bottom line fiscally.

I am sadded by how dehumanizing the government is making healthcare.
Write out a contract requiring you to make a sizable "donation" every month to the right parties and they'll keep you "alive" forever.
china , india , australia have said fk it were using fossil fuel and the first 2 represent what ? a 1/3rd of world population , russia will get rich supplying china with oil and gas for the next 60-80-100yrs

were in a love hate relationship with most of the world , just ask your average frenchy what they think about americans and the U.S., not to mention china .

Very good points. The French, my ancestry, are truly strange. They surround us with Nuke Sub patrols. They refuse to join NATO.

IAC, what is also in the mix is quality of oil. Some crude is sweet and some, like Venezuela's, does not have a lot of gasoline in it. It is more a lubricant grade, with lots of sulfur.


Also at play, is our many moves we can make. We can, with a stroke of self rule, run all cars on wood alcohol. We could spend all kinds of money to shift subsidies and structure relief for the oil refiners, re-purpose jobs, etc.

We could wind down, off shore pumping and bring in home equipment to compress the natural gas that is piped to many homes.

We can promote the use of fuel cells that run on this same natural gas and load balance our aging power grid.

This is the real power in self rule. We do SO, run the power market in this world and everyone knows it. The world is quite well aware, we are a crazy bunch of selfish sovereigns and capable of anything.

That's why France keeps a careful eye on us.
blowing up facebook right now, so you know it's solid truth. Facebook might be the only mode of communication more accurate than chain emails.

Thought it summed it up well anyway, so I'll share.
Clear as mud
Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle East? Let me explain.
We support the Iraqi government in the fight against Islamic State. We don't like IS, but IS is supported by Saudi Arabia, whom we do like.
We don't like President Assad in Syria. We support the fight against him, but not IS, which is also fighting against him.
We don't like Iran, but Iran supports the Iraqi government against IS. So, some of our friends support our enemies and some of our enemies are our friends, and some of our enemies are fighting against our other enemies, whom we want to lose, but we don't want our enemies who are fighting our enemies to win.
If the people we want to defeat are defeated, they might be replaced by people we like even less. And all this was started by us invading a country to drive out terrorists who weren't actually there until we went in to drive them out. Do you understand now?
Aubrey Bailey, Fleet, Hants.
We are certain ISIL is a direct result of the Wahhabi Movement began in 1700s.
And though some will say, this is just a small kookery of Islam, that is just not true.

And the fact is they hide in Islam and are not directly denounced by Muslims if they know what's good for them.

These are not just a few terrorists. This is an attempt at a civilization based on barbarism.
One of the more detailed estimates of religious population in the Persian Gulf is by Mehrdad Izady who estimates, "using cultural and not confessional criteria", only than 4.56 million Wahhabis in the Persian Gulf region, about 4 million from Saudi Arabia, (mostly the Najd), and the rest coming overwhelmingly from the Emirates and Qatar.[21] Most Sunni Qataris are Wahhabis (46.87% of all Qataris)[21] and 44.8% of Emiratis are Wahhabis,[21] 5.7% of Bahrainis are Wahhabis, and 2.17% of Kuwaitis are Wahhabis.[21]