why are some strains clone only

To add, anybody can get cut. You either got to have good friends, money, or a good cut to trade.

Network. You get one of the three things I mentioned, you can get it.

Just out of curiosity, what state are you in?
itd be better if i could find the button on here for sending a private message. or is that the thing that says start conversation? im new lol.
Yo thanks Sativied post is 2008 but still .......Relevant ...lol
the post was made in 2008? i wanted to ask the very same question this evening so i have to agree.... still relevant. i just searched my question instead of asking what i was sure someone else asked. i didnt want to be redundant.
the post was made in 2008? i wanted to ask the very same question this evening so i have to agree.... still relevant. i just searched my question instead of asking what i was sure someone else asked. i didnt want to be redundant.
Thats cool...look for those books I mentioned The Cannabis Breeder Bible ...is OK but has caused a stir since its release but the bible is Clarkes Marijuana Botany,
in my blog: some place: https://www.rollitup.org/Journal/Entry/de-leaf-or-not.28321/ .....as an example
most elite cuts are held tightly so douche bags don't pollinate it and destroy the genetics, which happens all the time. look at what most "breeders" pass off as their work. usually 1-2 reasons you can't thumb them...your a new face in a big crowd or your a douche.
because some growers like to keep them,and not share,because they have tiny ding-dings,and are compensating for this with like-sized growers and their undieing admiration for such a douchey action in the cannabis community...
it makes douches cool.if you needed a cut of anything i have,why would i with hold medicine from you?..unless...
i was douchey mc.massingil..
Sorry but this really had me LMFAO. "douchey mc massingil" :bigjoint:

To answer this question look at it this way. A clone only would need to do everything you want it to do.
clone easily, vigorous growth, stretch for weight, produce, smell, bag appeal and be potent azz chit. And covered in crystals.

As Azgrow said above, "there's a ton of clone only's but few i would consider true elite's..."
Would like to hear of a few more examples he knew of back then and today what he would considered a true elite.
deathstar should be on that list . only smoke i put that high of regaurds to so far. i dont know the name of the one i consider the best of any weed i ever seen, smoked, or smelled. dude called it "hoosier bud" but im positive thats not its real name. yu cld smell it from fifty yards or more in someones pocket. and thimk there was a real skunk around. and the buds were like memory foam. mushy. but hard to break up. had to cut it with siscors to get it fine enuff to roll and smoke. 80 an eight. shit was impissible to hide. and impossible to find ever again.
Sorry but this really had me LMFAO. "douchey mc massingil" :bigjoint:

To answer this question look at it this way. A clone only would need to do everything you want it to do.
clone easily, vigorous growth, stretch for weight, produce, smell, bag appeal and be potent azz chit. And covered in crystals.

Very few clone only strains I've grown "have it all" ... Maybe gg4 falls in that category but most if not all strains have room for improvement.
Yo thanks Sativied post is 2008 but still .......Relevant ...lol
:roll: If it wasn't relevant in some way it wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) be in this forum... that goes for all threads that are being bumped. Besides that there are less old threads about exactly the same topic. Your stupid argument is irrelevant.

Besides that that 2008 reply was obviously specifically in reply to kgp who referred specifically to the OP....

Above all, thanks to all the absurd nonsense you reply the thread is nuked and should be treated as you requested that old germination thread should be. You might as well post dick pics...
the truth is that to create 'that one' the pheno it has been bred forward and back(reversed) so many times that the entire strain has become so unstable that the breeder cannot guarantee its survival for the next one generation, usually due to forcing the parents with heavy hormones beyond any sensible threshold
see the book The Cannabis Breeder Bible or Marijuana Botany, for more

to grow cannabis for the thc is one thing but you got to get that thc, you need a plant thats got to last 6 months or more and endure all that goes with being a plant, for this reason I avoid clones, as in most cases you are buying other growers fuck ups

What does bred forwards and backwards even mean, I've never read any breeder or book use that kind of language...Or got to get a plant to last 6 months, what!? Do you mean flower that long?
Or got to get a plant to last 6 months, what!? Do you mean flower that long?
He read in the book that mature plants vegged for months rather than weeks have proven to result in more potent results. That is correct. His conclusion however that that is somehow relevant to this topic or a requirement for breeding is just pure stupidity. Typical example of why a little knowledge can be dangerous in the wrong hands. The reason some clones are strain only is because potato and money.
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He read in the book that mature plants vegged for months rather than weeks have proven to result in more potent results. That is correct. His conclusion however that that is somehow relevant to this topic or a requirement for breeding is just pure stupidity. Typical example of why a little knowledge can be dangerous in the wrong hands. The reason some clones are strain only is because potato and money.
Indeed I have once read a book, my experience comes from first hand knowledge gained from some 40 plus years, of canna growing, my reply, to the OP ..
..why are they clone only? I still stand by, my initial post ..that in attempt for breeders to squeeze every drop of THC out of a plant, they resort to 'dirty' tricks ..that many growers are paying good money for now and getting appalling results, typical of the dirty tricks of attempting to resurrect the damaged tulip business of post world war 2 in Holland,
one would rarely if ever see a plant with worlled phyllotaxy, brittle stems, and even triplates, albinos...or the latest ..of extreme hermes
Fairly obvious that Sativied, has a lot to learn, and not would be surprised if he was dutch himself, ...STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES ..lol

my experience comes from first hand knowledge gained from some 40 plus years, of canna growing, my reply, to the OP ..
..why are they clone only? I still stand by, my initial post ..that in attempt for breeders to squeeze every drop of THC out of a plant, they resort to 'dirty' tricks ...

I never really knew if you were an actual troll or just a total crazy fuck. Thanks for making that obvious. 40 years experience growing cannabis... :lol: you're not fooling anyone with that but yourself. You don't only just re-post stupid forum nonsense (defoliation and flushing....) but add some absurdness based on random out-of-context quotes you grab from a book or the web.

The reason they are clone only is because there is a lack of actual breeding, it has nothing to do with breeders trying to squeeze out every drop of THC, it has a lot to do with people not breeding at all yet trying to squeeze out every bit of money from ignorant people who follow hypes. The whole reason it exists as clone only is because it's a pheno that is different from its siblings, a clone-only is by default from an unstable strain. Clone-only means it's not bred you fucktard... it means a breeder would have to actually breed to recreate that same pheno in seed form, for example like I described in my first post here: http://rollitup.org/t/backcrossing-your-own-variety.840329/ Not that any of that will make sense to you...

FYI, you can click my avatar and see my location :wall: Another one of your great arguments :roll:
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I never really knew if you were an actual troll or just a total crazy fuck. Thanks for making that obvious. 40 years experience growing cannabis... :lol: you're not fooling anyone with that but yourself. You don't only just re-post stupid forum nonsense (defoliation and flushing....) but add some absurdness based on random out-of-context quotes you grab from a book or the web.

The reason they are clone only is because there is a lack of actual breeding, it has nothing to do with breeders trying to squeeze out every drop of THC, it has a lot to do with people not breeding at all yet trying to squeeze out every bit of money from ignorant people who follow hypes. The whole reason it exists as clone only is because it's a pheno that is different from its siblings, a clone-only is by default from an unstable strain. Clone-only means it's not bred you fucktard... it means a breeder would have to actually breed to recreate that same pheno in seed form, for example like I described in my first post here: http://rollitup.org/t/backcrossing-your-own-variety.840329/ Not that any of that will make sense to you...

FYI, you can click my avatar and see my location :wall: Another one of your great arguments :roll:
this dude is a troll, he loves to argue and try to prove peole wrong he must have a little man complex or is a arogant ass, maybe was picked on alot when he was a kid who knows but everytime i read his post there always nagtive or trying to outsmart somebody, total jerk off
this dude is a troll, he loves to argue and try to prove peole wrong he must have a little man complex or is a arogant ass, maybe was picked on alot when he was a kid who knows but everytime i read his post there always nagtive or trying to outsmart somebody, total jerk off
More relevant arguments :clap: It's called ad hominem... since you took on the job to inform the public, perhaps you should add you are a defoliator who recently got butthurt from the asshat-ostrich picture... too much truth for ya?

As I mentioned in the other thread, I only troll trolls and people who insist on making the mj grow community even dumber. I don't care about your judgement and the person you imagine me to be, but calling me a troll while I'm refuting vostok's nonsense is just fucking retarded.
Plenty of old guys have played guitar for 40 years, doesn't make them jimi Hendricks or mean they can play worth shit.... The same applies to growing, just because you've done something for a long time doesn't make you an expert or prove you're even good at growing.
Careful, being bluntly honest like that makes people butt hurt...

I've made a similar comparison a couple of times, many growers are like factory workers, they can operate a machine for decades and still be clueless about its inner workings. If it breaks down, someone needs to come and fix it. In this case it's a very simple machine that pretty much operates itself. He does not have 40 years experience which is probably easy to see by going through his posts (didn't he just recently get a mentor... ) but I've always assumed most people realize not to take bold red text too seriously so that's more time and energy than feel is needed to put in this particular troll.

@bigworm6969 if I remember correctly I got quite a bit of rep and comments from you on the first grows I posted here. y u mad bro? After a while trying to have normal discussions at trollitup I figured if you can't beat them, join them. I treat people like they act, and people who post stupid nonsense, give bad advice, repeat debunked cliches, and can't have an actual debate with valid arguments and without all the classic fallacies tend to act like little bitches when you prove them wrong, hence I treat them as such. You're welcome to join the club, it makes no difference to me.