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No its all waste time
I don't think its even possible to get banned from this place. I'm living proof lol you have all been trolled
There is currently a worldwide epidemic of PMMA (paramethoxymethamphetamine) and PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) laced MDMA and pills. It's been showing up all over the world in large quantities. Whether this is caused by impure precursors or intentional adulteration by manufacturers is unknown, and ultimately unimportant. The fact is that it's out there and based on the amount of it and the wide distribution I am assuming this is not from a single source.
Yes this is very true. What bugs me about these NBOMe's is the South African habit of 'acid rapping' as it was called in the 60s. It is like a competition to see who can eat the most, and people go about it all wrong by consecutive doses rather than a fistfull of paper like we did back in the day. Fact is a younger me would probably be a casualty already i really did eat it bynthe handfull a few years ago. Hell this sounds like very bad news, we have a thriving rave culture with thousands of people getting high every weekend. Other thing is how liquid gets made up... lets just say lab precision is not a priority and people take pride in strong bottles. I am going to have to do my homework on this. I am still a total psychedelic fiend, nithing i wont try as long as it fractalizes my head lol, BUT I do want to know exactly what it is, not theoretically. I do think this solves the mystery of the grey acid from last year. That was something else. Thank gods I didnt trust the grey crystalI'm not sure if they do but my guess would be yes based on the structure. Ehrlich reagent is the test kit you want for acid. It reacts with anything with an indole ring so it can be fooled pretty readily but the only psychedelic drug potent enough to go on blotter that would cause a false positive is 5MeO-AMT. If someone is that much of a douche I hope karma rapidly catches up to them.
At sane doses the NBOMes actually sound like a very nice class of chemicals. They've been around long enough and used by enough people that I am actually planning on trying the -B version if I come across some that meets my standards. I have heard of a few freakouts on normal doses but I've seen plenty of people have overwhelming experiences on typical doses of traditional psychedelics. Some people just shouldn't trip. Unfortunately this is usually something they figure out afterwards.
If you want it it will come to you at the right time. Funny how it always works like that. And once is enough, that first time cannot be beat, if i could travel back in time I would have stopped at that first e experience. None ever came close after that, and i will remember that night and morning as long as i live.great read thanks duck! the only time i tried E it was bunk, but that is better then poison! some day i would love to try some real mdma though. its getting tested next time though
ill come see ya ham..bring that good family love..Yeah it is all Chinese, moving through the new African drug trade route, if you go up to a certain central African country or two you can pick up RC's cheap as chips. Israeli travellers hitting the Cape scene with masses of dodgy shit. I used to like them but now all I want to do is kick them out the country. But they bring good business of the legitimate kind too so good luck to that. But the Chinese connection is undeniable. Whatever happened to guys like RaveSafe that used to test our pills and papers and inform us about new stuff hitting our market?! When 2c-b hit here in 2002 as 'nexus' they did a huge campaign informing heads about this new drug. I could get the tabs for what would amount to about ten US cents back then, now they wholesale for around 7 USD and no way it is pure. The original tabs were small and white now they are blue and large. Sucks being a head these days with all these reckless profiteers. All I want is real acid and now it is more rare than pure DMT. Suuuuuuucks.
my bad get in the middle, but I something weird happen to my dog he's MDMA but 2014 fews knows what's are the rolling old molly ,so to finish dog was hype for 2 days looking for something same spot 2 hours then what fk he was looking, nothing that was creapThere is currently a worldwide epidemic of PMMA (paramethoxymethamphetamine) and PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) laced MDMA and pills. It's been showing up all over the world in large quantities. Whether this is caused by impure precursors or intentional adulteration by manufacturers is unknown, and ultimately unimportant. The fact is that it's out there and based on the amount of it and the wide distribution I am assuming this is not from a single source.
PMMA and PMA are very potent neurotoxins that can be fatal from a single dose.
These substances do not react with or alter the results of a common Marquis reagent test. You need a Mandelin reagent to test for PMA/PMMA. They will give a reddish brown result. MDxx will give a dark bluish black/purplish black result as with Marquis reagent.
Please, please use test kits on any pills or molly. The cost of a test kit is insignificant compared to the value of your life. If you have a group you often roll with consider splitting the cost of the test kit to make it even cheaper. There is no reason anyone should die because they wanted to roll.