You CAN cheat a hair follicle test

thanks for the response. Worm dick seems to think I'm always responding to him or his fellow trolls for whatever reason

Yeah I've read the same- that tnink, dark hair is the hardest to "clean" using the "macujo method" which you pretty much described already

Although I JUST passed my own test from samples taken Tuesday, I'm thinking that tomorrow I might treat my hair one more time before contacting the lady at work for my employment test. Yeah it may just be paranoia on my part, but I want to ensure without a doubt that any hair that might've grown within 2.5-3 days won't cause my to fail this test

pinworm doesn't seem to understand the concept of sacrifice in order to get ahead. He's made himself sound like quite the entitled brat, cognitively dissonant of why one would go through all this trouble when I've already stated I'm 2/2 using my hair detox methods

somebody is incredibly jealous and obviously doing nothinnnggg with their life
Am I spellink passive aggressive correctly?
thanks for the response. Worm dick seems to think I'm always responding to him or his fellow trolls for whatever reason

Yeah I've read the same- that tnink, dark hair is the hardest to "clean" using the "macujo method" which you pretty much described already

Although I JUST passed my own test from samples taken Tuesday, I'm thinking that tomorrow I might treat my hair one more time before contacting the lady at work for my employment test. Yeah it may just be paranoia on my part, but I want to ensure without a doubt that any hair that might've grown within 2.5-3 days won't cause my to fail this test

pinworm doesn't seem to understand the concept of sacrifice in order to get ahead. He's made himself sound like quite the entitled brat, cognitively dissonant of why one would go through all this trouble when I've already stated I'm 2/2 using my hair detox methods

somebody is incredibly jealous and obviously doing nothinnnggg with their life
10,000+ posts in a year. I mean I like rollitup, but I try to do more than sit in front of my computer all day. Doesn't sound like he understands the concept of employment. It all worked out for me though, I ended up getting a job with similar pay and a fraction of the work. I spent years selling, but got tired of constantly looking over my shoulder for rippers and police. It is always an option if I get desperate for money, but I am doing ok at the moment. What I grow now is just for me and my close friends. I hope everything works out for you on your job.
I already gave some insight on this matter I even posted a fucking picture and your too busy having a sword fight with pin to give it an actual look? You don't have a 120k job.

By the way k means thousand.....
the details are $19/hour to start (until i get my CDL, i got my permit last week)

$65/day per diem, 1.2% job bonuses, free flights, free housing/food

new guys can expect to make $120,000 a year (with no living expenses) yes you heard right
I buy shampoo for 40 dollars wash my head they cut my air for hair follicle and I pass never had a problem. Better then this and that and this day this that day that blah blah worked for my child custody battle. Ut I did quit after hiring my attorney and had like 3 month to get clean. My sis smoked while prego and dss drug tested her she at hospital and failed she smoked after that a week later had court judge ordered hair follicle she.smoked right her hair and she passed w same hair wash I used
reason is simple: those who grow weed couldn't dream of earning this kinda of dough

you really are on this site every waking second of your life aren't you pinworm? good gawd what a loser
120 k is great congratulations.. But a 20 X 20 outdoor space filled with 24 monsters can earn you much more tax free mind you, in one summer ..more space more plants more money... that's not counting the winter greenhouse grows!! I hope your not in charge of making any decisions! ! Because you suck hairy dick!
120 is really not that impressive I guess it depends on your age, and skills, and area.. it's above average and a comfortable amount in most places

But to say 120 is dreamland for a grower is flat out ludicrous .

tell that to people in nor cal and colorado and washington blowning up 100+ light legit ops. really 120 is pittance.
even home growers all over the US can make 120 fairly easily, in the illegal states, that can be done quite easily with a small 4~8 lighter.