White Lesbian Sues Sperm Bank After Giving Birth to Black Baby

your continued personal attacks directed against me for simply holding a different opinion.

i don't think it's the fact that she holds a different position than you, i think it's the fact that you are insuulting her, her parents, and any other gay friends she has by calling them bad parents by simple virtue of their homosexuality.

calling homosexual people "defective" is probably pretty insulting too, i imagine.

Is that what mods are supposed to do?

i've always felt that the mods are supposed to ban anyone who insults all of our gay members as "defective" and bad parents, but lucky for your bigoted, homophobic ass they don't seem to feel the same way.
And yet you authored this thread:


I will ask again, because the FIRST time I did, the post mysteriously disappeared.

Is it not possible that your history of anxiety and depression clouds your judgement?

Certainly that possibility must exist, and it may also be the cause for your continued personal attacks directed against me for simply holding a different opinion.

Is that what mods are supposed to do?

It wasn't just her different opinion, you were very offensive in the way you argued. She must have rung a bell if you would try so hard to discredit her.

My guess is that the repression you foster in your household is probably going to reverberate for generations simply because you can't accept your kids for who they are.
add another to the list!


Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal?

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
Just like those ex-homo's in South Park who found Jesus, totally not homosexual..

men are freaked over homoerotica which just makes them more homophobic..it's just something about their butthole.
Thank God for small favors. My Euro buddies thank you too.They got enough problems... just like we do.LOL

Besides being on the brink of bankruptcy and massive socialism because of liberal policies, Euro is now 40% Muslim.

Coming to a Euro town near you - ISIS.
i don't think it's the fact that she holds a different position than you, i think it's the fact that you are insuulting her, her parents, and any other gay friends she has by calling them bad parents by simple virtue of their homosexuality.

What's wrong with that? It's the truth. Any one with a college degree in Sociology and/or Psychology and real world experience in the field of study knows it.

To grow up as a normal, healthy, well adjusted human being, one that is a contributor to the good of society, a child must have good parental role models in the household who provide behavior limits and boundaries. Those virtues are learned from Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
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Mythology. Your source is a mythology book. Funny thing is, the clergymen of this mythological fable are some of the biggest perverts in history.
Another interesting point to consider is that there is only ONE individual participating in this thread, to my knowledge, that admits to having been raised by a gay "couple", and this same individual admits to having issues with depression and anxiety.


Surely it's possible.

However, statistically speaking, that would mean that 100% of participating members raised by gay "couples" in this thread have experienced mental health problems.

I would argue that this is more than likely a typical outcome for those raised by gay "couples", as the absence of a parent, be it male or female, has been associated with many issues occurring in single parent homes. Two "moms" or "dads" won't address the issue because statistics show that kids need a mom AND a dad to have the best chances of success.

The last thing ANY kid needs is to be placed in a home that will set him up for failure FROM THE BEGINNING. Be that home a single parent home, or a "gay" home, BOTH increase the chances that the kid will have issues, and BOTH should be avoided whenever possible, for the sake of the kid.

Hell, statistics alone prove that fact, but we have had a living example here on this thread show the potential consequences of being raised by a gay "couple".
Another interesting point to consider is that there is only ONE individual participating in this thread, to my knowledge, that admits to having been raised by a gay "couple", and this same individual admits to having issues with depression and anxiety.


Surely it's possible.

However, statistically speaking, that would mean that 100% of participating members raised by gay "couples" in this thread have experienced mental health problems.

I would argue that this is more than likely a typical outcome for those raised by gay "couples", as the absence of a parent, be it male or female, has been associated with many issues occurring in single parent homes. Two "moms" or "dads" won't address the issue because statistics show that kids need a mom AND a dad to have the best chances of success.

The last thing ANY kid needs is to be placed in a home that will set him up for failure FROM THE BEGINNING. Be that home a single parent home, or a "gay" home, BOTH increase the chances that the kid will have issues, and BOTH should be avoided whenever possible, for the sake of the kid.

Hell, statistics alone prove that fact, but we have had a living example here on this thread show the potential consequences of being raised by a gay "couple".

I was raised by a straight couple, I have issues with depression and anxiety..

Perhaps that should tell you something
I would argue that this is more than likely a typical outcome for those raised by gay "couples", as the absence of a parent, be it male or female, has been associated with many issues occurring in single parent homes. Two "moms" or "dads" won't address the issue because statistics show that kids need a mom AND a dad to have the best chances of success.

are you fucking idiots still ignoring the studies that ginja and alecthegardener posted in order to cling to your delusional and bigoted homophobia?

i don't think conservatives pride themselves on conserving their own ignorance in the face of readily available facts, but that is exactly what you and uncle benis are doing in this thread.