Dire, warning Islam is changing England forever!

Muslims can take any appearance
you cant assess stupidity by appearance
you only fear stupidity
making peace with a jihadist gets you chopped up

this system needs work Doer

if you can't make early identification of the threat
how will you stop them from hacking you up ?
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At last you admit your fear

if you see a Muslim (suspected Jihadist) coming towards you, do you experience flight or fight ?

I'd let Mr. Smith and Wesson do the talking. Since your country took away your right to self protection, good luck. You're gonna need it.
I'd let Mr. Smith and Wesson do the talking. Since your country took away your right to self protection, good luck. You're gonna need it.

when is the end gonna be nigh, can we put a time frame on this ?

this is almost like asking a Jehovah witness the date of Armageddon
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Our Governor, Rick Perry, has some pretty tough words for Britain regarding Islam creeping in a meeting with London's RUSI!

Speaking on the dangers of radical Islam, Governor Perry chose not to follow the form of U.S. President Barack Obama or UK Prime Minister David Cameron by insisting that Islamic terrorists are “not Muslim,” a convenient dodge recently described as a “reassuring assertion, and one that almost everyone, including the vast majority of Muslims, would desperately like to believe”, but ultimately “wishful thinking.”

Instead, Perry asserted the moralistic strength of Western culture, and that of ISIS a “falsehood”: “Their twisted version of Islam amounts to a creed of human cruelty – pure sadism, and nothing more.”

He pulled no punches when describing in graphic detail the ISIS advance: “The enslavement, the beheadings, the crucifixions, the mass executions, the forced conversions. And all of this, of course, by men who tell themselves they are doing God’s work on this earth.” Criticising those who assert “quite plainly, that the Middle East is ultimately no concern of ours” Perry opposed moral relativism in the face of the barbarity of the Islamic State: “we have every right to judge, and every reason to act.”


You go Rick!
“The enslavement, the beheadings, the crucifixions, the mass executions, the forced conversions. And all of this, of course, by men who tell themselves they are doing God’s work on this earth.”

was rick perry describing the settlement of texas and the american west?

because that is the exact story of texas and the american west.
Muslims can take any appearance
you cant assess stupidity by appearance
you only fear stupidity
making peace with a jihadist gets you chopped up

this system needs work Doer

if you can't make early identification of the threat
how will you stop them from hacking you up ?

Fusilier Drummer Lee Rigby had a chance to make an early identification? He had been peaceful to Jihad.

Guy trying to defend brother is attacked by jihadists

Rape epidemic in Norway by Muslim immigrants

If you just open your eyes if is happening in the USA
This is a stoning incident in Dearborn, MI
Good luck learning to troll. I doubt you will ever get it.

Good luck learning to get over your prejudice
Raised in a small hillbilly town its no wonder you fear whites/non Christians

Fusilier Drummer Lee Rigby had a chance to make an early identification? He had been peaceful to Jihad.

while running some errands today i spotted some suspicious activity, a group of suspected Muslims appear to be disguising themselves as sikhs

blue bags could be full of explosives, this is close to a government building, they could be on a reconnaissance mission
notice the two at the end who are not wearing headdress .. very suspicious

Doer/Uncle ben would the sight of these non white people sicken you ?
Would you feel threatened to walk past them ?