A moment of sanity and common sense

there are more americans involved in voter fraud than murdered by guns

lol, what a pile of horse shit.

gun deaths in the united states last year alone: 32,163

cases of voter fraud since 2000: 633

you always like to pull numbers out of your ass, smart guy?

don't try to make accusations of not staying on topic when i was parroting your logic verbatim, new beenthere.
Buck, Democrats usually win the Hispanic vote if you measure win by 50% + 1.

But Obama's elections are outliers beyond decades long averages.

They vote in lower percentages than whites though, so you're going to have to need all of them to participate, which is a stretch.

Until then, I have enough faith in texas to keep enough of them confused about when where to vote for the next few election cycles to keep America for Americas.
If those on the left in Texas can get out there and bus or drive people to the polls as they have done in the past then I guess they better get out there and get these "disenfranchised" citizens to the DPS to get some I.D.!
If you are voting by mail, you do not have to submit a photo ID. ;)
Polls have shown that the vast majority of those that have no I.D. don't vote anyway.
You gonna pay for the cost of the ID's?
Supreme Court Allows Texas to Enforce New Voter ID Law for November Election

Imagine that, you get to vote as soon as you show you are who you claim to be.

Time for the flaccid liberal bleating about discrimination and poll taxes. UB can drag out his dead horse and beat it for us à la Sean Hannity style. Apparently, the progs want european socialism and healthcare, but not their voting requirements.

Been quite a few Republican Politicians that have come out and said Voter ID is about supressing Democratic votes.
But you keep pretending it's about something else. I say pretending becuase you know exactly what Voter ID laws were intended to do.
If your party had ideas everyone could embrace they wouldnt have to worry about the mechanics of voting.
Dude, the voter I.D.'s in Texas are PAID for by the state!
The birth certificates, attendant documentation, transportation and inconvenience of stopping whatever you are doing and getting to a DMV that has reduced hours?

Election Identification Certificate (EIC)
Texas voters must show a photo ID to vote in elections in Texas, unless you are exempt (see “Exemptions” below).
If you do not have any of the following acceptable forms of ID, beginning June 26, 2013, you may apply for an Election Identification Certificate (EIC) at no charge. However, if you already have any of the following forms of ID, you are not eligible for an EIC:
  • Texas driver license—unexpired or expired no longer than 60 days at the time of voting
  • Texas personal identification card—unexpired or expired no longer than 60 days at the time of voting
  • Texas concealed handgun license—unexpired or expired no longer than 60 days at the time of voting
  • U.S. passport book or card—unexpired or expired no longer than 60 days at the time of voting
  • U.S. Military identification with photo—unexpired or expired no longer than 60 days at the time of voting
  • U.S. Citizenship Certificate or Certificate of Naturalization with photo
Texans may also obtain an EIC at:
If you are voting by mail, you do not have to submit a photo ID.
If you have a documented disability, you may apply at your county voter registrar for a permanent exemption from the photo ID requirement. If approved, you will not need a photo ID to vote.
For more information on the types of exemptions available, please visit your county voter registrar or the Texas Secretary of State.
How to Apply
To apply for an EIC, visit a driver license office and complete an Application for Texas Election Certificate (DL-14C) (PDF) | Application for Texas Election Certificate (Spanish) (DL-14CS) (PDF) .
To qualify for an EIC, you must:
  • Bring documentation to the office to verify your U.S. Citizenship
  • Bring documentation to the office to verify your Identity
  • Be eligible to vote in Texas (Bring your valid voter registration card to the office, or submit a voter registration application through the Texas Department of Public Safety at the office)
  • Be a Texas resident
  • Be 17 years and 10 months or older
The information on the documents, such as name and date of birth, must all match. If the name is different on each document, then the individual must provide documents that verify a legal name change. If other information on the document is different, speak with a Customer Service Representative for assistance.
If you are using a name other than what is on your birth certificate, (example: married name), you will be required to show legal documentation of name change. Documents must be original or certified copy. No photocopies can be accepted.
Acceptable documents:
  1. Marriage license
  2. Divorce decree
  3. Court ordered name change
Fingerprints are not taken and warrant checks are not conducted on persons applying for an EIC.
Expiration and Use
An EIC is valid for six years. There is no expiration date for certificates issued to citizens 70 years of age or older.
Election Identification Certificates may only be used to vote and do not replace a Texas driver license or ID card. In addition, an EIC will not be accepted to verify identity when applying for a Texas driver license or ID card.
Statutory Authority
The Texas Election Code 63.001(b) requires a photo ID in order to vote in Texas. The Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 521A and 37 Texas Administration Code, Sections 15.181-185, authorizes DPS to issue Election Identification Certificates.
Unfortunately this is the blow back in Federated Self Rule of the Fed not guarding the border and not allowing Texas to guard it either.
Been quite a few Republican Politicians that have come out and said Voter ID is about supressing Democratic votes.
But you keep pretending it's about something else. I say pretending becuase you know exactly what Voter ID laws were intended to do.
If your party had ideas everyone could embrace they wouldnt have to worry about the mechanics of voting.

The Republicans don't speak for me and a few trying to garner favor with the MSM doesn't mean shit. Less than shit. I know why I want voter ID laws, I couldn't care less what the Republicans want or think, fuck them.

At least you and UB are predictable, fulfilling my prediction that the same liberal dead horses would be drug out for another beating. We get it, everyone that wants secure borders and voter ID laws couldn't possibly have those views based on common sense, it MUST be racism. It's like listening to a retarded broken record when you guys post.
The Republicans don't speak for me and a few trying to garner favor with the MSM doesn't mean shit. Less than shit. I know why I want voter ID laws, I couldn't care less what the Republicans want or think, fuck them.
Yes you dont want democrats to vote

At least you and UB are predictable, fulfilling my prediction that the same liberal dead horses would be drug out for another beating. We get it, everyone that wants secure borders and voter ID laws couldn't possibly have those views based on common sense, it MUST be racism. It's like listening to a retarded broken record when you guys post.
Secure Borders? I never hear you ever talk about the worlds longest unsecured border to our north. Oh those be white people living up there

We are predictable in regards to you because you are so predictable. Want to stop being accused of being a racist? Stop defending them
Been quite a few Republican Politicians that have come out and said Voter ID is about supressing Democratic votes.
But you keep pretending it's about something else. I say pretending becuase you know exactly what Voter ID laws were intended to do.
If your party had ideas everyone could embrace they wouldnt have to worry about the mechanics of voting.

I don't know that it's about "suppressing" Democrat votes, I do know it is about making it more difficult for Dems to cheat by registering non-citizens for national elections (you can deny it but we all know they do it). The Dems have a huge base of non-citizen aliens that are not allowed to vote by law in national elections but vote anyway because there is no burden of proof of citizenship. They are registered easily by the motor voter method (initiated by Dems just for this sole purpose). We all know these legal and illegal non-citizen alien voters vote 90% Democrat. That is an unfair advantage simply because it is constitutionally illegal!

Here's what www,usa.gov says about the requirements to register to vote;

To be eligible to vote, you must be a U.S. citizen. In most states, you must be 18 years old to vote, but some states do allow 17 year olds to vote. States also have their own residency requirements to vote. For additional information about state-specific requirements and voter eligibility, contact your state election office.

From the "Washington Times";
"Beyond requiring applicants to sign a pledge on voter-registration forms affirming that they are U.S. citizens, there is no way to prevent the nation’s estimated 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens from casting ballots in November, area elections officials said."

From the Heritage Foundation;

In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens.

Illegal voting by immigrants in America is nothing new. Almost as long as there have been elections, there have been Tammany Halls trying to game the ballot box. Well into the 20th century, the political machines asserted their ascendancy on Election Day, stealing elections in the boroughs of New York and the wards of Chicago. Quite regularly, Irish immigrants were lined up and counted in canvasses long before the term "citizen" ever applied to them-and today it is little different. Yet in the debates over what to do about the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens estimated to be in the United States, there has been virtually no discussion of how to ensure that they (and millions of legal aliens) do not register and vote in elections.

3% is enough to change an election, Dems know this and they will whine and complain about voter I.D. laws because of it.
If you are a border State and the Fed wills that you get ridden off with illegal voting, something must be done.
I don't know that it's about "suppressing" Democrat votes, I do know it is about making it more difficult for Dems to cheat by registering non-citizens for national elections (you can deny it but we all know they do it). The Dems have a huge base of non-citizen aliens that are not allowed to vote by law in national elections but vote anyway because there is no burden of proof of citizenship. They are registered easily by the motor voter method (initiated by Dems just for this sole purpose). We all know these legal and illegal non-citizen alien voters vote 90% Democrat. That is an unfair advantage simply because it is constitutionally illegal!

Here's what www,usa.gov says about the requirements to register to vote;

To be eligible to vote, you must be a U.S. citizen. In most states, you must be 18 years old to vote, but some states do allow 17 year olds to vote. States also have their own residency requirements to vote. For additional information about state-specific requirements and voter eligibility, contact your state election office.

From the "Washington Times";
"Beyond requiring applicants to sign a pledge on voter-registration forms affirming that they are U.S. citizens, there is no way to prevent the nation’s estimated 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens from casting ballots in November, area elections officials said."

From the Heritage Foundation;

In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens.

Illegal voting by immigrants in America is nothing new. Almost as long as there have been elections, there have been Tammany Halls trying to game the ballot box. Well into the 20th century, the political machines asserted their ascendancy on Election Day, stealing elections in the boroughs of New York and the wards of Chicago. Quite regularly, Irish immigrants were lined up and counted in canvasses long before the term "citizen" ever applied to them-and today it is little different. Yet in the debates over what to do about the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens estimated to be in the United States, there has been virtually no discussion of how to ensure that they (and millions of legal aliens) do not register and vote in elections.

3% is enough to change an election, Dems know this and they will whine and complain about voter I.D. laws because of it.
You can cloak racism in valid points and logical reasoning, but you simply have racism when that is all boiled down.

How dare you spew that racist malarkey here.
Yes Dan, it's true, when you talk about legal or illegal aliens you must be talking about those of the "brown" persuasion, hence you are racist. At least that's how it is viewed by the Myopic and narrow minded and intolerant left. You see,The DEMs not being tolerant of opposing views and ideas that stray from their core indoctrination, they have to conclude that there is racism or theocracy at the root of the idea because that is what they have been taught by their leaders, though they can't really prove it with logic or common sense.
We are predictable in regards to you because you are so predictable. Want to stop being accused of being a racist? Stop defending them

I couldn't care less who you two halfwits call racist. You and your ilk have run so wild with your accusations that they're meaningless at this point. No one even pays attention to you any more. You've marginalized yourselves on that subject.

As to not wanting Democrats to vote, prove it.

As to the borders, I want secure borders everywhere. The skin color of the illegal aliens is meaningless to me. The reason people focus on the southern border is because 15-25 million (the real numbers) foreigners haven't crossed the Northern border, but they have at the Southern border. Again, common sense...prioritization.
The Republicans don't speak for me and a few trying to garner favor with the MSM doesn't mean shit. Less than shit. I know why I want voter ID laws, I couldn't care less what the Republicans want or think, fuck them.

At least you and UB are predictable, fulfilling my prediction that the same liberal dead horses would be drug out for another beating. We get it, everyone that wants secure borders and voter ID laws couldn't possibly have those views based on common sense, it MUST be racism. It's like listening to a retarded broken record when you guys post.

the guy who has NEVER spoke out against the racists on this forum, but who has OFTEN spoke out against those condemning racism, is preemptively trying to excuse himself as totally not racist.

not telling at all.
I couldn't care less who you two halfwits call racist. You and your ilk have run so wild with your accusations that they're meaningless at this point.

that's some retarded logic yiou're peddling there, racist.

"if everything is racist, then nothing is racist" is the line of shit you are trying to sell.

sadly for you, it's false.

i call out racism when i see it. you excuse racism, defend the racists, and speak out against those condemning the racism.

only one type of person does that.

and you also advocate openly racist positions.

No one even pays attention to you any more. You've marginalized yourselves on that subject.

says the moron who called scientific polling a liberal conspiracy and predicted a 14 point romney win.

As to not wanting Democrats to vote, prove it.

you support voter ID.

that was easy.
the Myopic and narrow minded and intolerant left.

nope, that describes republicans.

hence why they are openly admitting to trying to suppress the vote rather than win on the merit of their intolerant, narrow minded, myopic, exclusionary, old, unwelcome ideas.
I don't know that it's about "suppressing" Democrat votes

that's because you are an idiot.

republicans have already openly admitted to it on several occassions.

your willful ignorance can not change reality.

Dems cheat by registering non-citizens for national elections (you can deny it but we all know they do it).

nice accusation, now all you need is the least bit of evidence for it, dumbass.

got any?
Ah yes, UB resorts to name calling, typical lefty.
Here you go for your evidence UB. Though really, with your attitude I shouldn't, you should research this stuff on your own.