New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

Exactly, i think its safe to assume the kid started with the cop and not other way around.

Issue is when kid ran the cop shot him. If kid was truely running away then life is not in danger and cop should be on trial.

All honesty though, you DO NOT try to attack cop in HIS car. Shouldnt ask for anything different. I hope some new evidence comes up that kid was running towards cop only because that guy sharpton really is showing his ignorance and convicting him according to all "witness" stories. He deserves to be put on blast about what an ignorant dick he is... to think the president works side by side with him is rediculous. Makes me think president after his term will just sayhis polls are cause racism.
Autopsy showed No entry wounds in the back.
Well then Uncle Buck is a higher ranking Reichsmarshell than you.
I think I have posted twice in the 4 years I have been there. I hardly ever go there. I just want to see what the "real" supremacists are saying. BTW they come here because it is part of their outreach effort.
Let's admit it tho, their "proliferation" here is largely overstated by our resident walrus fucking drunk-tard.
No. YOu're mixing up Buck (and me) pointing out bigoted and racist statements by some members. With pointing out the Stormfronters. We actually had an invasion of them last year. They mostly banned out. But there are a couple around
don;t forget the multiple eyewitnesses who didn't know him at all but who told the exact same story.
Throwing your arms up in the air is a subconcious defensive move many gun shot recipients do.
I'm sure he put his hands up in the air.
Doesn't mean he was surrendering
I did it when the car glass broke and I got shot. I didn't surrender. I put the car in gear and took off.
BTW new cars suck. They won't go into gear from park if the engine revs are too high
don;t forget the multiple eyewitnesses who didn't know him at all but who told the exact same story.

Well then the cop must have drove up and grabbed Michael Brown by the shirt and attempted to shoot him twice while he was pulling the 6'4 250# black man through the window of his squad car. Then, Michael managed to struggle free and attempt to run away in fear of his life. At which point the cop shot him 5 times somehow in the chest although obviously his back would be turned. Cops must be using racist smart bullets now.

Cause why would a black man go crazy like that right?? I mean just because it seems stupid, the cop must be a murderer...

You should work on a comedy routine.