giving defoliation during flower a try

this guy seems like a bit of a fruit... but I agree with a lot he says.

Of course you would, duh. Peas in a pod.

He's what I'd call a true scholar, a bonafide scientist. Masters level at least. :dunce:

germing in paper towels is great for people that don't want to waste rapid rooters, pots, soil, whatever, on seeds that don't pop.

Bullshit. If it doesn't pop, which is a rarity, then you reuse the rooter, pot, soil. I guess there are some dummies that would throw the soil out, for whatever reason beats the hell outta me. After all, these are the same folks who do paper towels rather than sowing a seed like some of us normal folks do if for nothing else eliminating an un-needed step.

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What separates the men from the boyz is their background, their experiences and education. You only find a hoard of myths and misguided paradigms in general cannabis forums like RIU. Smart and experienced growers know better. It's a class of growers who have migrated to private forums like Riddle as an aside.

The separation of ideas and prescribed school of thought is quite radical when you compare the "normal" world of horticulture with "wrong is right and right is wrong" cannabis forums. By "normal" I'm talking farmers, educators on the college level, greenhouse managers, vineyard and fruit orchard managers, nurserymen raising thousands of stock to sell to the Home Depots of the world. They don't embrace stupid practices found in cannabis forums - using a wet paper towel to germinate a seed, broad based defoliating (not talking pruning for the sake of wood and crop management). They don't complicate or confuse botanical practices and they're not in it to sell snake oils to an ignorant and young target group.

I'm beginning to think this group psychology is a weak attempt to defy and turn against what is perceived as Authority on a botanical basis. Look at the Politics section, it's full of anti-authority types, cop haters, wacked out contrarians and such. Just a thought.....

I like the horticultural authorities like Texas AgriLife and the farm extension agents. They seek the truth and are non-partisan.

Uncle Ben
"Keep it weird".

What separates the men from the boyz is their background, their experiences and education. You only find a hoard of myths and misguided paradigms in general cannabis forums like RIU. Smart and experienced growers know better. It's a class of growers who have migrated to private forums like Riddle as an aside.

The separation of ideas and prescribed school of thought is quite radical when you compare the "normal" world of horticulture with "wrong is right and right is wrong" cannabis forums. By "normal" I'm talking farmers, educators on the college level, greenhouse managers, vineyard and fruit orchard managers, nurserymen raising thousands of stock to sell to the Home Depots of the world. They don't embrace stupid practices found in cannabis forums - using a wet paper towel to germinate a seed, broad based defoliating (not talking pruning for the sake of wood and crop management). They don't complicate or confuse botanical practices and they're not in it to sell snake oils to an ignorant and young target group.

I'm beginning to think this group psychology is a weak attempt to defy and turn against what is perceived as Authority on a botanical basis. Look at the Politics section, it's full of anti-authority types, cop haters, wacked out contrarians and such. Just a thought.....

Uncle Ben
Yet here you are lol? A crusading myth buster I guess. Like said earlier, really who cares, pull leaves, dont pull leaves, life continues lol.
I gotta say one thing about Riddle, he posts a good link lol. To bad he got pissed at me when I asked a few questions regarding his methods, I think we could have been buddies :bigjoint:
I read a thread a while back similar to this one, hence my signature. I took the advice that was giving to the OP by unlce ben and Ive been using a balanced food throughout the grow and an organic soil mix that Dannyboy gave me. My yields actually increased a good amount and I had way less Nutrient problems throughout the grow. As far as defoliation goes, I think its a mental disorder. :bigjoint:
No hates, just the facts.

At the Riddle site we have a thread called - 'Myth Busters - you can't handle the truth'

Lot's of good info and discussions.

How would you suggest hydro growers start seeds ?
what is wrong with germinating seeds in a paper towel, lots of folk do this here at RIU
Personally i use rockwool for seeds, would using paper towels make any difference ?
Ever grow plant outside in a shaded area vs on the side of a field with southern exposure?
Guess what light/shading plays a big factor in bud growth/ density. No secret here. If not we'd all be growing with 150 watt hps or in the middle of the woods.
Having an indica dominant plant where fans cover almost all the supporting colas will shade underneath, outside or inside.
See how its darker under the canopy, and lighter above? That's called shade, aka less light.

Cannabis isn't that sensitive of a plant where removing 2 or 3 fans to completely light up the bottom is going to hurt it in someway.
Think of all the new leaves and bud sites that are getting that much more light instead of 2 or 3 fans.
The benefits of loosing 2 or 3 leaves shading nearly half the plant outweighs the loss of a few fans.

Believing that taking every leave off is magically going to give you big harvest is a joke yes, but opening the rest of the plant to light by removing a couple fans I haven't seen as being detrimental but actually beneficial.

If your going to argue shade doesn't matter then go grow under trees where its completely shaded , see how it turns out.
How would you suggest hydro growers start seeds ?
what is wrong with germinating seeds in a paper towel, lots of folk do this here at RIU
Personally i use rockwool for seeds, would using paper towels make any difference ?
I never seen anything wrong with the paper towel method either, I do NFT, not soil and its way faster and it was even taught to us to germinate this way in biology at School!
I think people get mixed up with necessary indoor pruning and defoliation which leads to a lot of running around in circles.
Germinating in a paper towel is the fastest way in my experience.
12-24 hours to see tap root. another 12 to pop out of soil once planted.
So in 24-36 hours , I have gone from seed to seedling.
Paper towel germinating is for me the most successful way to germ. But I can only speak for myself!! There's the problem right there re UB, if he doesn't agree with a method its just wrong and your an uninformed newb imbecile led astray by this forum, one that he seems to follow with zeal, instead of spending all of his time with the growing elite at Riddlers site. UB I'm sure lots of your methods are sound and produce great results. Others produce great results as well by taking the road less traveled. Is it right to say that that is the wrong way? No, its just the different way, so lighten up a bit and perhaps the advice you so patiently contribute will be taken more seriously and not just the rantings of an old, cranky farmer lol. Even you when starting out probably (hopefully lol) tried many teqniuques before finding what works for you. Are others not allowed to try things on there own without being attacked for being gullible and stupid? Even Riddler has some pretty far fetched ideals that he tries lol. Boiling the roots??? Ok sure lol. I have to keep reminding myself that most of these discussions are about soil and not hydro, i think hydro is a whole different beast with the many required nutes there for the taking, making it easier to manipulate things to the plants advantage.
Even Riddler has some pretty far fetched ideals that he tries lol.
"Happy plants don't smell"... and the CBN related discussion showed Riddle actually fits quite well at RIU. Same standard pattern I encounter nearly daily here. Same shit everywhere... there are no cannabis discussion forums, just online grow clubs, some better moderated than others, some private (which does have its advantages).

Boiling the roots??
I've actually been thinking of doing that. They just smell so good, sweet veggies, that I want to eat them.
"(Experienced Growers Only)"


Wish I was one of THOSE "experienced growers". :bigjoint:

Are you blind? His plants look like shit. He's just another retard that doesn't understand nor care about botany.

>> "The idea is shade removal, NOT budsite removal. Allow them to releaf for a week or so and remove again when they look leafy. "

So....I'm supposed to pull them off only to stunt them as they regenerate new leaves?

>> "I'm on the side that believe there is absolutely nothing stressful about defoliation or bending branches."

For starts, it stunts them. :dunce:

>> "Honestly, there is no way to achieve nearly a pound of buds from a 2-3 foot tall plant indoors, except using defoliation."

Glad my plants can't read!

What a dumb ass.....

Uncle Ben
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Germinating in a paper towel is the fastest way in my experience.
12-24 hours to see tap root. another 12 to pop out of soil once planted.
So in 24-36 hours , I have gone from seed to seedling.

Totally false. For starts, the cot leaves will not pop the soil until the radicle is at least 4" long. Do the experiment.

There is no difference between the length of time it takes to hydrate a seed and bring it out of dormancy whether it's in a wet paper towel or soil. When it's in soil it gets off to a better start as a seedling...and that's the issue. A monkey can germinate a seed. It's what comes after that's the issue.

Oh, and based on your false claims of the 24 hour drill, what is the rush or is this another case of chest beating without anything to back it up?

You can try but you can't push plants. Folks do it all the time around here and fail.
