Share a Joke :)


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Please share some jokes with us...i'll start off with one of my favourites but it works better with your mates, so if your at a bar with friends say Jack, John & Tom (u wanna take the piss out of Tom) here goes;

They all die in a car crash. Jack wakes up in a sealed room with only a bed...the wall opens up & an old ugly woman enters after which a powerful voice begins to say: "Jack, for all the sins you committed you will spend eternity in this room with her!" Jack collapses in grief!

John wakes up in a similar room, wall opens & another old, ugly person walks in before the same voice repeats: "John, for all the sins you committed you will spend eternity in this room with her!" Jack collapses in grief!

Tom finally wakes up in a sealed room, wall opens & Scarlett Johansson enters after which the same powerful voice say's: "Scarlett, for all the sins you committed you will spend eternity in this room with him" Poor Scarlett collapses in eternal grief.

Hope you liked it :lol:


Well-Known Member
A stoner just bought some good shit. After smoking some he thinks "best hide the rest of the stash...ok behind the TV", so he walks to the TV then thinks for a good minute "hang on, if the cops come to the door they'll ask me (have you got weed?) i'll say no, then they might ask (what about behind the TV?) & then im fucked!". So better under the bed, he walks up to his bed then thinks again for a minute "hang on, if the cops come & ask (u got any weed on the premises?), ill say no then (& behind the TV?) ill say no but then they might ask (what about under the bed?) & then im fucked!". So he walks up to a drawer in the bathroom but then thinks again for a minute "hang on, if the cops come to the door & ask (any weed in the house?), ill say no & if they ask (behind the TV?) ill just say no again, if they suspect its under the bed then again I can easily just say no...but what if they ask about the bathroom?" he thinks a bit longer..."Oh shit, where did I hide that stash?" :lol:


Well-Known Member
Q-Whats the difference between potheads & politicians?
A-Politicians dont inhale, they just suck!

Q-What do ye call a pothead that doesnt inhale?
A-a Mr. President!


Well-Known Member
Q: Why did the Hedgehog cross the road?
A: To see his flat mate!

Q: Why did the orange use suntan lotion?
A: It started to peel!