I bought the 3'x1.7'x5' LHH tent (~$80 and perfect for a single lady[indica]); it seems to do a good job at preventing light leaking but I did notice some "pin" holes throughout the framework of the tent. Luckily, they included the secondary light-wall that covers the backsides of the zipping areas.
About the socks. I started having high temperature issues a few days ago, mainly due to the additional DiY COBs that I put in last week and the week prior. For your visual understanding, I had one of the upper, larger socks filled with ducting for venting. The other was just open, jutting outside the tent. Everything else, I've had closed off in hopes of eliminating possible light leakage. As you can tell, there wasn't a whole lot of air flow coming into the tent. I eventually raised the inline fan to level with the light fixtures, as well as opening both socks and screen/vent on the backside in order to lower temperatures. Luckily there is ~1inch of space between the backside of the tent and the wall, so light exposure should remain non-existent.
My advice for you Yoda, and anyone else with similar issues (given available space), is to place ducting in the empty socks, with "x" amount of length hanging out in pursuit of eliminating light leakage while ensuring fresh, cool air circulates throughout your tent.
Besides that, how's the ole' BS V2 performing? I think I might sell mine here within a few months .. .