New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

Jodie's not on the grand jury you dipshit, you asked for a link about the gran jury witnesses backing up the officers account of events, i provided one.

just to make things clear, the editors note is irrelevant to the GJ witnesses.
You're impossible bro.
you provided nothing but heresay.
The editor note shows just how false information is being put out or leaked on this case...but I understand you're one of those who falls for anything. I say a public jury trial is needed to sort this shit out.
You can't even tell what witness said what on the grand jury, but yet some UNKNOWN SOURCE have you believe that it all backs up the officer case. Most intelligent people would ask the most important question. WHO IS THIS UNKNOWN SOURCE.
you provided nothing but heresay.
The editor note shows just how false information is being put out or leaked on this case...but I understand you're one of those who falls for anything. I say a public jury trial is needed to sort this shit out.
You can't even tell what witness said what on the grand jury, but yet some UNKNOWN SOURCE have you believe that it all backs up the officer case. Most intelligent people would ask the most important question. WHO IS THIS UNKNOWN SOURCE.

Yeah and I'm sure you were one of those swearing Trayvon was an innocent kid.
He was told there was a grand jury leak where witnesses tesified in favor of the officer, then he whines about no link, I provide him the link and he screams hearsay. LOL
He was told there was a grand jury leak where witnesses tesified in favor of the officer, then he whines about no link, I provide him the link and he screams hearsay. LOL
You provided a link with no source. What type of fool are you ? One that falls for anything.
The source is the Washington Post, do you honestly think the grand jury witnesses are going to go public with their testimony, what the hell do you think a leak is, you dip shit
Tell me exactly what leak supports only the cops story. Please be exact.
Tell me exactly what leak supports only the cops story. Please be exact.
The one that claims he went for the cops gun through the window of the car, got shot, fled some distance, turned around, began to approach the cop again with arms out by his sides and he was shot at a massive distance of 7m.

7 fucking metres.

You're clownshoes.
I gotta say you're all getting riled up over nothing. As I see it there are three possibilities.

1. It was a good shoot and a young man is dead from his own stupidity.
2. It was a straight up murder by a bad cop, who was pissed about being attacked.
3. It was a questionable shoot by a cop that was overcome by fear.

The question I can't seem to avoid, is who gives a fuck? All three scenarios have happened countless times before and after this incident and will likely happen many more times in the future. Nothing will come from this, regardless of how it plays out. Nothing.

I got my fill of this stupid shit on the TM/GZ thread. There's far more interesting issues to debate that actually affect me and mine.
I gotta say you're all getting riled up over nothing. As I see it there are three possibilities.

1. It was a good shoot and a young man is dead from his own stupidity.
2. It was a straight up murder by a bad cop, who was pissed about being attacked.
3. It was a questionable shoot by a cop that was overcome by fear.

The question I can't seem to avoid, is who gives a fuck? All three scenarios have happened countless times before and after this incident and will likely happen many more times in the future. Nothing will come from this, regardless of how it plays out. Nothing.

I got my fill of this stupid shit on the TM/GZ thread. There's far more interesting issues to debate that actually affect me and mine.
The dude tried to take the pigs gun, got shot, moved away , returned and was shot 7m from the cop.

Shoot was clean as fuck.
What I hope comes out of this.

Uniform cameras become the norm, tazers are taught to be the first option to bring down someone.

I won't comment on who did what because it's so muddled.