Well-Known Member
I HATE it when I can;t walk down the street without women oogling my fancy threads

I like you Pada!
Dumb as shit, your analogy makes it worse for your case
Men's attraction towards women is nowhere near a lions compulsion towards food, and like I said, if it is to any man, that man shouldn't be in society
You are completely grasping and equating human intelligence to that of a lion
Pretty telling what goes on inside your mind..
This was a pretty popular post on Reddit a few days ago, one of the replies put it in perspective really well. Even though most of the compliments are seemingly positive and could be construed as that in most other contexts, a woman walking down the street isn't one of them.. Just like you wouldn't pull the same shit on someone working who is required to be nice to you.. Any positive feedback "Oh, thank you.." "thanks, I appreciate it" or anything else that might seem like a normal reply to a complement is often times misconstrued as a welcome to continue. This is especially intimidating coming from a sex that can overpower you more than 99% of the time..
I try to look at it in that way because I've had chicks come onto me and not take no for an answer.. it's irritating as fuck. Now throw in the fact that in most cases, they're MUCH stronger than you, saying no can bring about many different scenarios.. From the male perspective, I have the luxury of saying "fuck off" if I want, and that's pretty much it.. Females don't, and saying "fuck off" can light some people up and make them violent. I'd be terrified if I didn't have that option available to me and some chick followed me to my car or some creepy shit like that..
I tell my sisters the same shit all the time
Thanks for your support @WHATFG![]()
It's not over (clearly) but as I've said in other threads: If you're gonna take a risk, you should be ready to deal w/ the concequeces. Not about fair, it's about what it IS.
it's unwanted advances and requests for something I may not want to part with.Because sex for pleasure is the same thing as change for survival...
Wtf is wrong with your brain?
I like you Pada!
I think those pimps ARE trying to survive. They ARE lions. Lions of the street, MF. You just don;t get that because you live in a fantasy world.
Seems to me like you're the one living in fantasyland, compadre..
Here in the real world, women should have the right to dress any which way they please according to the law, and they deserve the right to protection from people like you who feel they have a right to do whatever they want so long as something tickles their fancy
Don't like the law, you're welcome to try to change it. Maybe we need a more puritanical dress code for women so people like you don't get so overpowered with testosterone you simply can't help yourselves and assault innocent females then call yourself the victim for them dressing that way and provoking you. Soon enough we'll have our women dressing in burkas and full body robes just so your biological senses aren't triggered by accident and you end up raping someone...
THAT'S how YOU see life. Very telling that you see things as a man overpowering a woman 99% of the time. You look for the really weak girls, eh? Very telling indeed.
PS your suckpuppet is obvious
Ok here's proof it's a suck puppet! He LIKES PADA! Oh and Pada please don't agree with me I may have to start arguing for the other team.
That's them putting their foot in the door, any acknowledgement is you saying "you're welcome to come in", which is why she doesn't say anythingEven though the guys following along side the woman making comments the whole time is creepy...
.... a woman who doesn't even acknowledge your presence is a bit creepy, too.
I know right?! Some real chick somewhere might actually think sticking up for womens rights not to be harassed by idiots who can't control themselves is a good idea!
What kinda anti-women uncle-tom are you, c2g?
That's them putting their foot in the door, any acknowledgement is you saying "you're welcome to come in", which is why she doesn't say anything
Says the raper. Saaaay, how many women have you objectified here by posting countless pics and gifs of scantily clad women. You have also spoken out against the things you are saying now. Your hypocrisy know no bounds.
I know right?! Some real chick somewhere might actually think sticking up for womens rights not to be harassed by idiots who can't control themselves is a good idea!
What kinda anti-women uncle-tom are you, c2g?