Getting Pretty Tired of the Men Bashing

I welcome you to post anything that confirms your bullshit. No, seriously, go get some of my quotes over the 8 years I've been a member of this forum, remember to include my previous handle 'Padawanbater' without the '2', too.

I'd be happy to defend myself, even though we both know this and many others is a testament to your projection because you can't beat me with ideas and dialogue, so you simply resort to attempting to tarnish my reputation.

So go get em, fuckwit, I'll wait right here..

common knowledge is common knowledge and you are not worth my time. Those of us who have been here a while know who's who in the zoo.

you wait RIGHT here
Really? Those are the thoughts of a raper. Most people would not see "any acknowledgement" as saying "you're welcome to come in", but a raper, yeah, that is exactly how they see it.

Most others would see it for what it is, "get lost".

"Hey Beautiful"

"Hey, thanks!"

"Hey mami, so what's your number? Can I give you mine? What are you doin' later? Where you goin'?...."

It's pretty clear to anyone reading along you're a retard not familiar with the social aspects of living in America, let alone a crowded city. I've lived in Los Angeles my entire life, the game is completely apparent and even though this video highlights it, you're still completely fuckin' clueless.

You're now pegged below mentally retarded
common knowledge is common knowledge and you are not worth my time. Those of us who have been here a while know who's who in the zoo.
you wait RIGHT here

My posts speak for themselves, dipshit

You can call me a rapist all you want, doesn't change the fact you support men who can't control themselves while looking at a hot chick wearing scantily clad clothing

Keep blaming the victim
"Hey Beautiful"

"Hey, thanks!"

"Hey mami, so what's your number? Can I give you mine? What are you doin' later? Where you goin'?...."

It's pretty clear to anyone reading along you're a retard not familiar with the social aspects of living in America, let alone a crowded city. I've lived in Los Angeles my entire life, the game is completely apparent and even though this video highlights it, you're still completely fuckin' clueless.

You're now pegged below mentally retarded

That you see life like that clearly says you are a predator. No need to go look up any of your countless posts and threads proving the same.
My posts speak for themselves, dipshit

You can call me a rapist all you want, doesn't change the fact you support men who can't control themselves while looking at a hot chick wearing scantily clad clothing

Keep blaming the victim

Now YOU are calling her dress "Scantilly clad"???? What do you want? Women in burkas?

I never said shit about HER attire. Personally, I wouldn;t walk her on a leash, but you....
That you see life like that clearly says you are a predator. No need to go look up any of your countless posts and threads proving the same.


My portrayal as one of the people you support as evidenced by this thread via satire is exactly how I view women..

LMFAO!! Again, your retarded post puts your indefensible position in true light. You yourself knows your position is bullshit

Why not go grab some quotes of me supporting rape, rape culture, rape policies, in fact anything rape related? It seems weird I'm welcoming you to go get some shit you say makes me clearly out to be a rapist, but your reply is "everybody knows you are"... I mean, if everyone knew I was, why would it be only you and your two cronies sucking your e-dick who spout the same bullshit? Why would I have entered into a thread dismissing your "blame the victim" bullshit? Seems kinda weird to me..

So again, stop spitting nonsense and go get the quotes, go get the threads where I support rape, lets see for ourselves.

What's the problem?
Hmm.. wonder why nobody is posting anything showing me to support rape, like this entire thread shows Clayton does..

That is interesting..
First of all, I seriously doubt that women come on to you, but I'll play along.

You hate it when women come on to you? Because you can only get it up when you are the predator???
Why are you hating on me? Can't have a mature conversation? I guess that's the beauty of the internet eh? We all get to post our opinions and it doesn't really matter. And really, you've never had some chick coming on to you that you just thought go a-fucking-way? Hmmph
one time when i was 16 some chick came up to me at a party and just started making out with me.

that was the first time i ever gave cunnilingus.
First of all, I seriously doubt that women come on to you, but I'll play along.

You hate it when women come on to you? Because you can only get it up when you are the predator???

Again, what is wrong with your brain?

I hate it when annoying ass women who won't take no for an answer come onto me, just like a woman who had a man who wouldn't take no for an answer would, as depicted by the 5 minute walk alongside douche in the clip

You welcome that shit? No wonder you hold such retarded views