New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

I haven't stated any position about the case based on eyewitnesses for MB or the officer, where did you get that? I think it is a sad state of affairs when unarmed young people are dying at the hands of police. Do I think race has something to do with it, in many cases yes.
I never said you stated any position, i just posed the question.
Thanks for answering honestly.
I haven't stated any position about the case based on eyewitnesses for MB or the officer, where did you get that? I think it is a sad state of affairs when unarmed young people are dying at the hands of police. Do I think race has something to do with it, in many cases yes.
He attacked an Officer. Tried to take his weapon.
He played a stupid game and he won a stupid prize.
As to Race I have been in outspoken opposition to racism on this board to the chagrin of many. There is no racism in this case except that displayed by racists taking up both sides of the issue.
He attacked an Officer. Tried to take his weapon.
He played a stupid game and he won a stupid prize.
As to Race I have been in outspoken opposition to racism on this board to the chagrin of many. There is no racism in this case except that displayed by racists taking up both sides of the issue.
tried to take his weapon is the story from the police. Why no fingerprints on gun. I guess Brown had no finger prints due to him always smoking blunts and stuff :roll:
He attacked an Officer. Tried to take his weapon.
He played a stupid game and he won a stupid prize.
As to Race I have been in outspoken opposition to racism on this board to the chagrin of many. There is no racism in this case except that displayed by racists taking up both sides of the issue.
So fucking what, he assaulted an officer, tried to take his gun? what the fuck was it doing out in the first place to stop someone for jay walking? Sound Like the cop wanted to play the game of tough guy with a black teen who was jay walking, and initially lost, until the officer got butt hurt and let his emotions get the better of him and MB. Would the same outcome of happened if he saw a elderly white lady was crossing the street, would the officers first contact with her be different than that of MB? If you answer yes to that Q's that you cannot deny the fact that race and prejudice played a part in the events. Just last night I watched a cop drive right on by a jay walker, the cop even had to tap the brakes, but alas the person jaywalking was a white male in a suit so he just kept on driving. I wondered if the cop would have stopped if he would have happened to be a transient or questionable looking.
What was this officer gonna gain stopping MB that day?
So fucking what, he assaulted an officer, tried to take his gun? what the fuck was it doing out in the first place to stop someone for jay walking? Sound Like the cop wanted to play the game of tough guy with a black teen who was jay walking, and initially lost, until the officer got butt hurt and let his emotions get the better of him and MB. Would the same outcome of happened if he saw a elderly white lady was crossing the street, would the officers first contact with her be different than that of MB? If you answer yes to that Q's that you cannot deny the fact that race and prejudice played a part in the events. Just last night I watched a cop drive right on by a jay walker, the cop even had to tap the brakes, but alas the person jaywalking was a white male in a suit so he just kept on driving. I wondered if the cop would have stopped if he would have happened to be a transient or questionable looking.
What was this officer gonna gain stopping MB that day?

Good luck to you in life
So fucking what, he assaulted an officer, tried to take his gun? what the fuck was it doing out in the first place to stop someone for jay walking? Sound Like the cop wanted to play the game of tough guy with a black teen who was jay walking, and initially lost, until the officer got butt hurt and let his emotions get the better of him and MB. Would the same outcome of happened if he saw a elderly white lady was crossing the street, would the officers first contact with her be different than that of MB? If you answer yes to that Q's that you cannot deny the fact that race and prejudice played a part in the events. Just last night I watched a cop drive right on by a jay walker, the cop even had to tap the brakes, but alas the person jaywalking was a white male in a suit so he just kept on driving. I wondered if the cop would have stopped if he would have happened to be a transient or questionable looking.
What was this officer gonna gain stopping MB that day?

Would the same outcome of happened if he saw a elderly black lady crossing the street, would the officers first contact with her be different than that of MB? If you answer yes to that Q, then you cannot claim that race and prejudice played a part in the events.

Would the same outcome of happened if he saw a elderly black lady crossing the street, would the officers first contact with her be different than that of MB? If you answer yes to that Q, then you cannot claim that race and prejudice played a part in the events.

Yes I do think that contact would have been different with a elderly black lady also, his first contact for a jay walking infraction should be the same for everyone, no matter the race, age, gender, sexuality, whatever. Yes I can claim prejudice played a part then, see how that works, when you treat someone different based on your own assumptions of difference, that's prejudice, do you even know the point you were trying to make? You made my point for me, thank you. Talk about making something about race, aren't you one of those that gets mad a bucky for the same thing?
Yes I do think that contact would have been different with a elderly black lady also, his first contact for a jay walking infraction should be the same for everyone, no matter the race, age, gender, sexuality, whatever. Yes I can claim prejudice played a part then, see how that works, when you treat someone different based on your own assumptions of difference, that's prejudice, do you even know the point you were trying to make? You made my point for me, thank you. Talk about making something about race, aren't you one of those that gets mad a bucky for the same thing?

This is not about race on my end, it's about truth and perception.

So, would you personally feel just as safe walking alone down the street in East LA as you would walking down the street in the majority white suburbs?
Have a happy life letting the police continue to do what they do. I guess until it happens to you, you will never get it.
I know my rights, i assert them always in dealing with the Police
And If you tried to take My gun from me you would also end up with several bullet holes I dont care if you are unarmed, stoned or white
You're dead
East LA? How bout east Palo Alto? how bout some parts of San jose where I got my herb from the homeys? How bout Martinez? used to go there to bar hop and pick up herb, was involved in one of the scariest bar fights I ever been in there. Did I go back yes, I do not let the actions of individuals sway my decisions to walk somewhere. My first house I bought was in the hood, my next door neighbor got robbed at gunpoint in his driveway getting out of his car by 4 black men, had one of the gun men in my front yard, he was gone by time I got my gun. Did I think my neighbor on the corner was involved because he was black? No. Did I not go down to that end of the street cause he was black? No. Was I scared of my black neighbor after this or felt any different toward him after this incident? No, mainly cause I'm not ignorant and stupid enough to lump people into mass groups of stereotypes based on skin color. Are you? I think a lot of the white police officers of the south do.
You bring up East LA, why is it we don't hear of unarmed teens dying in the rough streets of LA? Are the threat of unarmed black teens more of a threat to police than the armed teen gang members of LA? LAPD doesn't seem so quick to shoot unarmed people nowadays. Do you think that changed because of the Rodney King beatings? Do you think police policy will change in ferguson after this? If so, would you not agree it is fair to say there was a problem before?
East LA? How bout east Palo Alto? how bout some parts of San jose where I got my herb from the homeys? How bout Martinez? used to go there to bar hop and pick up herb, was involved in one of the scariest bar fights I ever been in there. Did I go back yes, I do not let the actions of individuals sway my decisions to walk somewhere. My first house I bought was in the hood, my next door neighbor got robbed at gunpoint in his driveway getting out of his car by 4 black men, had one of the gun men in my front yard, he was gone by time I got my gun. Did I think my neighbor on the corner was involved because he was black? No. Did I not go down to that end of the street cause he was black? No. Was I scared of my black neighbor after this or felt any different toward him after this incident? No, mainly cause I'm not ignorant and stupid enough to lump people into mass groups of stereotypes based on skin color. Are you? I think a lot of the white police officers of the south do.
You bring up East LA, why is it we don't hear of unarmed teens dying in the rough streets of LA? Are the threat of unarmed black teens more of a threat to police than the armed teen gang members of LA? LAPD doesn't seem so quick to shoot unarmed people nowadays. Do you think that changed because of the Rodney King beatings? Do you think police policy will change in ferguson after this? If so, would you not agree it is fair to say there was a problem before?

The kid was trying to get armed and punched out the Officer on the way to that goal. He also came at the officer after trying to get his gun.
What do you think his intent was? irrelevant. The Officer very rightly feared for his life and stopped the threat.
Game over. Darwin wins again
I know my rights, i assert them always in dealing with the Police
And If you tried to take My gun from me you would also end up with several bullet holes I dont care if you are unarmed, stoned or white
You're dead
I remember you taking a difference stance on the TM case? Maybe I'm wrong, I smoke a lot of herb. If a citizen with a gun, not a police officer, decided to get out of his car and take matters into his own hands the same way the officer did, vigilante style, would you defend him also and think he was within his rights? Shooting a unarmed person? Especially when a confrontation probably could have been avoided altogether, and should have?
I remember you taking a difference stance on the TM case? Maybe I'm wrong, I smoke a lot of herb. If a citizen with a gun, not a police officer, decided to get out of his car and take matters into his own hands the same way the officer did, vigilante style, would you defend him also and think he was within his rights? Shooting a unarmed person? Especially when a confrontation probably could have been avoided altogether, and should have?

Zimmerman wasnt a cop
Zimmerman has a history of racism
Zimmerman was told not to follow
Zimmerman disregarded his own neighborhood watch rules in carrying a gun
Martin wasnt breaking any laws walking on the sidewalk and didnt match the description of any perpetrators currently being sought
The only credible witness to The shooting is dead
A cop is not a vigilante, he is a protector of our society we employ to help make our society a better place.
Unlike the Paulheads thinking a society without enforcement is anarchy.
The kid was trying to get armed and punched out the Officer on the way to that goal. He also came at the officer after trying to get his gun.
What do you think his intent was? irrelevant. The Officer very rightly feared for his life and stopped the threat.
Game over. Darwin wins again
Fucking pussy ass cop if he is gonna let some kid hop through his window and get his gun on the far side of him. To much pride to call for backup right, hes just a kid? how the fuk do you put yourself in the position to get bum rushed by a suspect huh. Stupid fuk who shouldn't be police, wish MB would got that gun and killed that honke ass cop with his own gun.
Zimmerman wasnt a cop
Zimmerman has a history of racism
Zimmerman was told not to follow
Zimmerman disregarded his own neighborhood watch rules in carrying a gun
The only credible witness to The shooting is dead
A cop is not a vigilante, he is a protector of our society we employ to help make our society a better place.
Unlike the Paulheads thinking a society without enforcement is anarchy.
You must have not ever taken a CCW class. There is no difference between them and you, they just get paid by the state. You are free to police yourself, upholding the same laws they do. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you would realize that MB did not have to die.
You must have not ever taken a CCW class. There is no difference between them and you, they just get paid by the state. You are free to police yourself, upholding the same laws they do. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you would realize that MB did not have to die.
Did they teach you in CCW class that if someone tries to take your gun that you cant shoot them when they come back for a second attempt?
East LA? How bout east Palo Alto? how bout some parts of San jose where I got my herb from the homeys? How bout Martinez? used to go there to bar hop and pick up herb, was involved in one of the scariest bar fights I ever been in there. Did I go back yes, I do not let the actions of individuals sway my decisions to walk somewhere. My first house I bought was in the hood, my next door neighbor got robbed at gunpoint in his driveway getting out of his car by 4 black men, had one of the gun men in my front yard, he was gone by time I got my gun. Did I think my neighbor on the corner was involved because he was black? No. Did I not go down to that end of the street cause he was black? No. Was I scared of my black neighbor after this or felt any different toward him after this incident? No, mainly cause I'm not ignorant and stupid enough to lump people into mass groups of stereotypes based on skin color. Are you? I think a lot of the white police officers of the south do.
You bring up East LA, why is it we don't hear of unarmed teens dying in the rough streets of LA? Are the threat of unarmed black teens more of a threat to police than the armed teen gang members of LA? LAPD doesn't seem so quick to shoot unarmed people nowadays. Do you think that changed because of the Rodney King beatings? Do you think police policy will change in ferguson after this? If so, would you not agree it is fair to say there was a problem before?

With all due respect hazy, you dodged my question.
So I'll present it in couple of different ways.

Do you think thugs, black, brown or white pose more of a threat to police and the general public than everyday people?

Would it be more a dangerous risk to walk a family through the streets of E Palo Alto than say, Walnut Creek?
Did they teach you in CCW class that if someone tries to take your gun that you cant shoot them when they come back for a second attempt?
The first thing they taught me is to try and avoid situations where you have to use your gun altogether. Sad when private citizens with guns are taught to have more discretion than the police force. Second attempt? they also taught me to make sure you get him the first time, If it was me and I really felt my life threatened, there wouldn't have been a pause between firings, I would have not stopped shooting until he was dead the first time and he would not lay more than five feet from me. That is being scared for your life.
The first thing they taught me is to try and avoid situations where you have to use your gun altogether. Sad when private citizens with guns are taught to have more discretion than the police force. Second attempt? they also taught me to make sure you get him the first time, If it was me and I really felt my life threatened, there wouldn't have been a pause between firings, I would have not stopped shooting until he was dead the first time and he would not lay more than five feet from me. That is being scared for your life.
Witnesses state Brown tried to rush the cop, cop opened fire when Brown was 7m away.

That's self defence, bro.