Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

That's how science works, see, if something were to come along and change the scientific consensus, I'd change my opinion along with it, because I realize I'm not smarter than the collective of tens of thousands of people with advanced scientific degrees who study the shit day in day out
So now it's "tens of thousands of people with advanced scientific degrees"? You are so full of bullshit
How many have said it's a hoax? How many have even disagreed with the consensus?

You think 'no stance' means no

I think 'no stance' means... no stance
Yet you keep pretending those who said co2 is a insignificant greenhouse gas are verifying AGW.
I have no need to concern myself with my health or with the climate. They are both perfectly normal. Unlike that penis you keep sending me pictures of.
I do find it amusing that you have no idea what my health is yet you insist on mocking me for it. Then you call ME delusional. You have make shit up to try to make yourself look better. You fail, son.
Except people without insecurities don't get flustered by projection unless it's true

See how you keep calling my dick small? I'm more than satisfied with what I've got, not even a twitch in the feathers

Post a pic of your mass for all to see with a note that says 'sheskank 11/1/14' to prove it, or you could just ask nice to stop referencing your girth

A prediction is a statement of what may or may not happen in the future.
An estimate is a rough calculation.

I predict you'll be kicking and screaming til your scientifically illiterate ass croaks

What's funny to me is why you think anyone needs your opinions anyway? Environmental protection is getting better, first world nations are all in unanimous agreement to cut carbon emissions and every single national science institute on earth and the worlds overwhelming majority of scientists are all in agreement about climate change and how to fix it. The plan is well underway, it's been going on for decades and it'll continue to go on and get better in the future. In short, nobody needs or wants your opinion.

You're like the guy sitting in the meeting advocating tobacco doesn't cause lung cancer, when every other expert next to you says it does

Your grasp on the overwhelming odds against your position are hilarious to me!

You're not going to win this, there are so many more important people than you already miles and miles ahead of your bullshit it would take hundreds of lifetimes for you to catch up.

Keep arguing for the 'missing link'
Except people without insecurities don't get flustered by projection unless it's true

See how you keep calling my dick small? I'm more than satisfied with what I've got, not even a twitch in the feathers

Post a pic of your mass for all to see with a note that says 'sheskank 11/1/14' to prove it, or you could just ask nice to stop referencing your girth

I predict you'll be kicking and screaming til your scientifically illiterate ass croaks

What's funny to me is why you think anyone needs your opinions anyway? Environmental protection is getting better, first world nations are all in unanimous agreement to cut carbon emissions and every single national science institute on earth and the worlds overwhelming majority of scientists are all in agreement about climate change and how to fix it. The plan is well underway, it's been going on for decades and it'll continue to go on and get better in the future. In short, nobody needs or wants your opinion.

You're like the guy sitting in the meeting advocating tobacco doesn't cause lung cancer, when every other expert next to you says it does

Your grasp on the overwhelming odds against your position are hilarious to me!

You're not going to win this, there are so many more important people than you already miles and miles ahead of your bullshit it would take hundreds of lifetimes for you to catch up.

Keep arguing for the 'missing link'

Oh sweetheart, you are far from flustering me.

If you insist on claiming I am fat I think it is YOU who needs to supply the proof. Otherwise you are just making shit up. You are the one making the claim, you are the one required to prove it.

I keep calling your dick small because you keep sending me pictures of it. Please stop messaging me.
That's why every single thing about it is transparent, huh...

Must be why the worlds majority of climate experts accept ACC...

CONSPIRACZY!!!! COVERUP!@@@@ 9/11!!!!!!


FYI, nobody who says that is "well respected" in the scientific community :)

Turns out the "worlds majority of climate experts" are nearly all basket weaving major students who answered the question "Is co2 a greenhouse gas?" with a "yes". So not "experts". ACC? What happened to AGW? Oh yeah, no warming, so you now call it "climate change". Isn't that changing the changing the rules after the game is played? Lowest score wins now?
None of those says that those storms were caused by global warming pad, no correlation, no causation, nada. Every decade will be worse than the last due to population growth and construction, even if the storms get less severe.
Just for amusement, let's revisit the stupidity of the self proclaimed intellect.

9 out of 10 of the most costly storms in the US since records began all happened within the same decade (2002-2012)

Do you think that's a coincidence?

NOAA predicts active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season
Era of high activity for Atlantic hurricanes continues
May 23, 2013

In its 2013 Atlantic hurricane season outlook issued today, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Centeris forecasting an active or extremely active season this year.

The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season was the first since 1994 with no major hurricanes,[nb 1] and the first since 1968 with no storms of at least Category 2 intensity on the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale.

A "recent decades" trend and one year of measurements is hardly enough data to make any kind of rational conclusion

See how dumb you sound when you post shit like this?

That's why I consistently tell you you don't understand how science works

I'm going to start keeping a glossary for you retards

You don't know what prediction means

A prediction is an estimate, you simple minded fuck, not a statement of fact

Goddamn you're an idiot..

A prediction is a statement of what may or may not happen in the future.
An estimate is a rough calculation.

Please continue confirming you're an unread loudmouth progressive living with mommy.
None of those says that those storms were caused by global warming pad, no correlation, no causation, nada. Every decade will be worse than the last due to population growth and construction, even if the storms get less severe.

Look at the frequency of the hurricanes

On average there are 2-3x's more from 00-10 than in 1850-60. Not only that the strength of the storms increases as well. Tropical storms are off the charts. If you look at the wiki page those numbers came from, the trend continues like that from 1850 to now, consistent with the industrial revolution and ACC
Look at the frequency of the hurricanes

On average there are 2-3x's more from 00-10 than in 1850-60. Not only that the strength of the storms increases as well. Tropical storms are off the charts. If you look at the wiki page those numbers came from, the trend continues like that from 1850 to now, consistent with the industrial revolution and ACC

"off the charts."

How come Hansen's predictions only match Scenario C (which if I remember correctly involved needing a 90%+ drop in CO2 output)?
That video of the monkeys is hilarious.
And yet, it is a good reflection of human psychology, as far as fundamental economics is concerned. It is a primal function that we measure our receipts against those of others.
My crop is better than your crop, etc.
Whatever the physiological root, it is probably the source of our general, competitive natures in markets.

But then I am left asking the question, why does Hansen get the grape when Salby gets the cucumber, if not the shaft? I read critiques of his work, but note that they make mistakes in their assumptions, too. Especially with linear regressions and dynamics.

Now THIS is a useful site (I got it from Roy Spencer. :lol: )

So, are the natural dynamics of the carbon-cycle greater than our efforts to enforce our will upon it?
Look what one can make with the data...
9 models, averaged to one

CO2 Sinks.png

What does it mean?
The plants are trying to kill us! Now here's the weird part. Note that data is for GtC, not get that, they say "multiply by 3.664" (the molecular mass scalar).
That right there causes me to pause in contemplation over what the data is actually saying. However, that comes down to the individual model constructions.

I suppose a next step would be to overlay the above data with GISStemp, or some reasonable facsimile, to see what kind of short-term correlations there are (if any).
Look at the frequency of the hurricanes

On average there are 2-3x's more from 00-10 than in 1850-60. Not only that the strength of the storms increases as well. Tropical storms are off the charts. If you look at the wiki page those numbers came from, the trend continues like that from 1850 to now, consistent with the industrial revolution and ACC
Again, correlation is not causation. You could just as well say that the weather is actually being caused by a shift in the earth's magnetic field
How come Hansen's predictions only match Scenario C (which if I remember correctly involved needing a 90%+ drop in CO2 output)?

they more closely match scenario B, which is closest to our CO2 output levels.

unless, of course, you are reading beenthere's uncited, unattributed, falsified graph.

it wouldn't be the first time you idiots got duped by someone purposely falsifying hansen's work out of anal anguish.