New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

I "bing'd" (cop shoots man no warning) but I won't watch them.
Got several prospects - let me know if any fit the bill.
I've not followed the case closely enough to determine that for myself, I was agreeing that most everything I've seen is leo always tells you to get down/knees etc...
I've never seen where a person was commanded to "walk towards me" unless that person was facing away from the officer.
I've not followed the case closely enough to determine that for myself, I was agreeing that most everything I've seen is leo always tells you to get down/knees etc...
I've never seen where a person was commanded to "walk towards me" unless that person was facing away from the officer.
You mean
"walk backwards with your hands on your head"?
That's only done when there are two cops and is rare
If your interactions with cops has been good then great for you but if you've experienced as many out of control cops as i have you might take the blinders off & see how bad our cops have got in the last 50 yrs , ive seen a massive change in how cops treat citizens ,they are not good people end of story.

Ive traveled outside the USA quite a bit & find it amazing where other countries police interact so differently with citizens compared to the US .

You've no idea what cops were like 50 years ago. 50 years ago the cops could do whatever the fuck they wanted with you. No dash cams, no gps on cellphones, no gps on the cop car, etc. If you were traveling down an empty road there'd be no witnesses (which was more common back then due to smaller population). Getting murdered by a police officer was very much a reality 50 years ago, and it was way closer to the definition of murder.

Police officers enforce law. That is their job. I hate that drugs are illegal too, but thats due to bullshit laws. Cops aren't allowed to choose which laws to enforce. You can hate all you want, but that won't make you right.

Other countries have better police? BAHAHAHAHAAHA.... what fucking country did you go to that you think you have such a worldly understanding of law enforcement?
I had several interactions with Costa Rican authorities and I found them to be amazingly polite and helpful - even when we were struggling through a language barrier.

No shit.
I had several interactions with Costa Rican authorities and I found them to be amazingly polite and helpful - even when we were struggling through a language barrier.

No shit.
While a friend and I were in San Jose CR, he got pickpocketed and the police tracked us down a couple of hours later and returned his wallet, only $20 was missing and I don't think it was the cops who took it.

Love that place
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Everything is racist.
Dude, dont hate when Im just looking out for you.

The liberals are cranky today, their goon (read: retard) squad will be around to administer forced gay sex and abortions on you if you dont cut the R talk.

EDIT: Point proven one post above, I tried dude...I tried.
Police officers enforce law. That is their job.
Not trying to be a dick here, but like you I once thought police were here to serve and protect too, but their actual job is to investigate crimes, collect evidence and arrest suspects. They have no duty to protect anyone or prevent a crime from happening. Oftentimes their mere proximity can be a deterrent, but they don't prevent crimes. They don't enforce laws either, they just cite or haul in anyone who breaks them.

You ever notice when police go on a sting that they don't prevent the crime? They purposely let it happen in order to collect evidence so they can make an arrest.
Dude, dont hate when Im just looking out for you.

The liberals are cranky today, their goon (read: retard) squad will be around to administer forced gay sex and abortions on you if you dont cut the R talk.

EDIT: Point proven one post above, I tried dude...I tried.
No worries mate.
And no hating.....