giving defoliation during flower a try

So you're saying you're a legend in your own mind.

You parrot right from the RIU newbie play book.
Why because i dont like larf and dyna-gro? Im experimenting with new techniques all the time.....................BURN THE WITCH!!!
And no, im not old enough or experienced enough to have such narcissistic opinions of my growing ability. I wouldnt go telling everybody that every technique they try that doesnt run parallel to my own is doing it wrong. There is no legend status to my ability to grow, only to make sweet love, to hot there im legendary ;)

Ha, youll love this one Ben. Tonight i went to a friends house to discover that his plants were not only infested with mites, but also powdery mildew. Hes a first time grower and took over some crappy plants that were going to be garbage if he didnt take them. So being in the financial situation hes in he decided to try and salvage some smoke off them. The plants are in mid flower and theres problems every where on the leaves........I told him right away, you need to defoliate these things or theyll be useless at harvest. Every badly affected part (lots) needs to come off.
Then i reccomended a pesticide good for flowering plants with mites and told him to spray just the leaves with baking soda and water to change the ph of the leaf to resist the PM. Some leaves might make it through this.
In this situation Ben, do you think defoliation was a good idea or do you think he should have tried and combat the problem before taking any leaves off?
So here's my dilema re taking off lower branches. The strain I have going now which is supposedly a pure afgani strain has lower branches that are as tall as the main branch. If I would have taken them off I fear I would have missed out in these bud sites. This has been the case with a few strains. Why would it be a good thing to remove these?
Bro canna started in 1990.. Thats almost 30 years dip shit sorry 25 years old whatever stop lying go to canna site it even tells u incorporation date there.. Why do u think u know everything ur an idiot now i know for sure
How do the lower branches get as tall as the top? Heavy topping and pruning? Idk guess u shudnt remove them in such case.. If they sre getting same light i would just remove under off shoots.. This is all the assumptions that ur using a scrog or trellis, sea of green style grow? If not shaving underbrush etc isnt somethig that "needs" to be done anyways.
So because Canna said it, it must be so. Ever heard of aka Marihemp or was that a time when you was still messin' in your britches?
For starts, you conveniently parsed their marketing hype:

Forward with care

Based on 22 year's experience with growing and intense collaboration with other pioneers, Canna has assembled an enormous reservoir of knowledge that cannot be matched in the green market or even beyond. This rare combination of professional knowledge and enthusiasm has, in the course of seven years, led to a series of very high quality products.
They entered the cannabis market about 2000 when I was modding the only cannabis forum on the internet at the time - aka Like I said, their first snake oil product (which WILL kill your plants) was CO2 tabs. The dufus of a sales guy was relentless, never acknowledging my position that CO2 at the root zone will suffocate the roots. The only thing he was interested in was making money.

Those slimeballs would shoot your grandmother if they thought they could rob her of one of her heirlooms.

Stupid is as stupid buys.

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So here's my dilema re taking off lower branches. The strain I have going now which is supposedly a pure afgani strain has lower branches that are as tall as the main branch. If I would have taken them off I fear I would have missed out in these bud sites. This has been the case with a few strains. Why would it be a good thing to remove these?
I wouldnt. I run every strain untouched for the first run. I have an AK plant that gets so branchy the bottom ones always end up on the ground because i cant contain them. I get rid of those bottom ones. They dont even come close to the light and are more problems than they are worth. You know the branches that form but are small and spindely and dont ever make it away from the trunk? Usually about three inches long with one popcorn nug on the end...gone.
Its a plant by plant situation. Look at the plant after an untouched run and ask yourself, "waterdawg, where am i wasting energy on this plant and how can i prune it to make it my bitch instead of the other way around?" Thats what i do....well i start with "ninjabowler...."
I know the menorah type plants your talking about and for something like that id just clean out the center popcorns that are stuck to the trunk and any larf that isnt forming into a compact nug or branches that didnt form properly and are just sucking energy like on tomato plants. Its simple botany as Ben says....should i leave my AK branches on the floor Ben? Why yes ninja, yes indeed, theres no need to prune that plant, keep all those leaves on there.
So because Canna said it, it must be so. Ever heard of aka Marihemp or was that a time when you was still messin' in your britches?
Damn those book learnin things huh ben? Thats what all those snake oil manufactures do right? Make up lies to spoon feed to newbs like me huh?
Canna started in 1979 ur w fuckin liar. They only came to US in past 20 yesrs its a dutch basd company u stupid fuck im not even gonna say anything else about when they started call support number ask em for yourself.. Ur the only know it all who doesnt know anything and u prove it in every post u make sounding dumber and dumber and dumber its laughable
When u grow organic microbes and bene's serve vital importance in developing root growth and mass, they break down dead material and help facilitate nutrient uptake

However in DWC and hydroponics the only need for microbes and bene's is to stop the bad bacteria causing pythium and root rot to feed on them and make sure u have a clean water supply.. So in comparison yes growing hydroponicslly the need for bene and microbes isnt as necessary but still advisable

When growing organic it is essential! Go look it up there are plenty of articles in botany, scientific journals and plenty of scholarly articles on them

Growing organic u need them but u proly dont even know what they need because u tell people they dont need to use silicates either.. Which originally other research proved u didnt either until recently they discovered that it is one of the essential elemnts and builiding blocks for plant growth and has now been added to the essential element list go look it up.. All the shit u tell people is based on 40 year old information that is outdated thats the bottom line

This rare combination of professional knowledge and enthusiasm has, in the course of seven years, led to a series of very high quality products.

White coats, beakers, professional knowledge and enthusiasm LOL I'm in, where do I throw ALL my money?!
White coats, beakers, professional knowledge and enthusiasm LOL where do I throw ALL my money?!
Are you making fun of educated people doing science right now? Chalk up another point for your side of the debate i point awarded to the no prune side for making fun of scientists.
For starts, you conveniently parsed their marketing hype:

Forward with care

Based on 22 year's experience with growing and intense collaboration with other pioneers, Canna has assembled an enormous reservoir of knowledge that cannot be matched in the green market or even beyond. This rare combination of professional knowledge and enthusiasm has, in the course of seven years, led to a series of very high quality products.
They entered the cannabis market about 2000 when I was modding the only cannabis forum on the internet at the time - aka Like I said, their first snake oil product (which WILL kill your plants) was CO2 tabs. The dufus of a sales guy was relentless, never acknowledging my position that CO2 at the root zone will suffocate the roots. The only thing he was interested in was making money.

Those slimeballs would shoot your grandmother if they thought they could rob her of one of her heirlooms.

Stupid is as stupid buys.


Woah UB!! quick question about the c02, we don't need it right? My neighbor is trying to get me into the c02 world and im heistant I don't think I need it.
Woah UB!! quick question about the c02, we don't need it right? My neighbor is trying to get me into the c02 world and im heistant I don't think I need it.
Snake oil. Unless you like plants that you can hear growing as they twist and stretch tward the light. I dont see why though. Youve got all the time in the world son....
Are you making fun of educated people doing science right now? Chalk up another point for your side of the debate i point awarded to the no prune side for making fun of scientists.
Its no wonder these guys follow Ben around. Eesh, where do they find these guys?