5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition


Well-Known Member
Holy shit!!!! this is gonna be a tough win...............excellent work growers:clap: a couple 15g+ contestants in this one; yowza:shock:
I came into this trying to get a bit more than @tkowitha123 did last time and make it through the 30+ dropouts, and I realized early on that, that's not "all its gonna take"! Seems everyone who's made it this far brought their "A" game! All we have to do now is sort out the " A+'s" from the "A-'s".... Please don't take that personally anyone! This comp has raised the bar to the next level for #6, I'd almost be sad to take firstys and have to sit the next one out!
So how many grows do you guys have under your belts??? Who's been growing the longest of all of you?:confused: Last competition I had only been successfully growing for about a year... and I won the damn thing :hump:.. I will say I'm really looking forward to the next comp can't wait to show my skills again, especially since I got a new job a couple months ago...The Local grow store :mrgreen::lol:...Watch out for me next round I'll be using the force to my advantage as well
I have too many ghosts of growing past to remember how many! THIS will be my FIRST try at hydro, and my first stable cross that has, or rather seems to have turned out to be some pretty fuckin' killer smoke! When I went down south (the contiguous 48 states) over the summer I brought a few nugs from a "Grouch" (maternal genetics for my entry) to a test center in Colorado, it tested @ 23.8 thc! I was so happy when I got home to AK and found that letter in my mailbox!
I am almost 30, and have been growing with my family since my early teens, its a way of life here in Alaska... Seemingly it will continue to be a way of life up here as well. Currently I build cabinets for the small guys, and act as an "onsite advisor". Cabinets are typically around $150 (base model, unpainted) ready to drop seeds or clones into..... With ballot measure 2 passing up here (Recreational use laws) my business has been taking off... Blah, blah, blah.... enough of that BS....

Have a picture instead!
She's starting to fox-tail! I am not disappointed! She needs to get some breathing room to those inner buds, I doubt bud rot will be any sort of problem, RH being near 15% in the HPS side of my closet; but still, she's not gonna be able to put on any more weight otherwise! In other news, she busted through her slushie cup lid (did I already say something about this?) I had to move her into a net pot that fits inside the cup.... What a pain in the ass repacking clay pebbles around the roots! And just so no gets all booty hurt, it is still remaining in pieces of the original slushie lid, and the original (Still unwashed from walmart) skylanders party cup. If anything this is gonna hurt me, the roots are all constricted in the net pot and because they're cup shaped, they're not gonna go out of the net pot. Still white pistils, still has some clear trichomes.... I'm tired of saying this every week, but still a couple weeks yet!


Well-Known Member
pic with scale. No flash. It looked horrible with flash unless I zoomed in. Weird... 2nd pic with flash zoomed in.



for some reason the blue light on the scale screen won't light up anymore.

edit :

smells grapey / skunky. Haven't smoked yet
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Well-Known Member
haha...sure...all my updates were full of how frosty my snow was...or how i pretended my kola was a penis and i sucked it off....;)

Nah i cant choose a winner....so looking at enviromentz and guff now...i might even abstain...no doubt somebody will get upset


Well-Known Member
Ohhh yea thats right its monday and its my turn for a glamour shot update :bigjoint: I'm going to flush the shit out of her and should be chopping in a week, week and a half at the most....
IMG_0365.JPG IMG_0364.JPG IMG_0363.JPG (lowest nugs)

Up close and personal annnd all up in my business up close and very personal lol
IMG_0362.JPG IMG_0361.JPG