giving defoliation during flower a try

Well nearly all consumer products have some marketing ploy going on but it's not that comparable to the scammabis industry.

yeh you're right about that, while tomato foods are a marketing ploy
the cannabis food/additive industry is a marketing ploy on overdrive with some added lies thrown into the mix about huge yield increases etc
some of these bottles of stuff cost a fortune
this stuff cost £105 for 500ml

and they also claim in can increase yield by 50%

this one is £135 for 500g

not sure if its fair to totally blame those making this shit
if there are idiots willing to buy it
pretty much like all the pointless things in the world

Of course.
So like I said I have a bottle if "pure flowers" which at $23 for a liter is pretty cheap and I've had it for a year or so. I thought I had seen the name mentioned in this thread but perhaps not. Wondering if it is a good thing to use. Here is the blurb about it. "Pure Flowers 0-30-20 liquid was scientifically formulated with cutting edge phosphite technology. Pure Flowers 0-30-20 has the highest nutrient levels ever achieved in a completely solubilized liquid. The unique molecular structure of a phosphite is easily absorbed through the roots and leaves ensuring the crop instantly uptakes potassium and phosphorus. The ultimate flowering supplement will maximize your crops yield and boost the crops immune system." Snake oil?
So like I said I have a bottle if "pure flowers" which at $23 for a liter is pretty cheap and I've had it for a year or so. I thought I had seen the name mentioned in this thread but perhaps not. Wondering if it is a good thing to use. Here is the blurb about it. "Pure Flowers 0-30-20 liquid was scientifically formulated with cutting edge phosphite technology. Pure Flowers 0-30-20 has the highest nutrient levels ever achieved in a completely solubilized liquid. The unique molecular structure of a phosphite is easily absorbed through the roots and leaves ensuring the crop instantly uptakes potassium and phosphorus. The ultimate flowering supplement will maximize your crops yield and boost the crops immune system." Snake oil?
  1. Phosphite
    Chemical Compound
  2. A phosphite in inorganic chemistry is a salt of phosphorous acid, H₃PO₃ and following the IUPAC naming recommendations the phosphite ion would be PO₃3− a salt of P(OH)₃. Wikipedia
  1. Phosphite
    Chemical Compound
  2. A phosphite in inorganic chemistry is a salt of phosphorous acid, H₃PO₃ and following the IUPAC naming recommendations the phosphite ion would be PO₃3− a salt of P(OH)₃. Wikipedia
Well wtf does that mean lol. Jeez chuck I was hoping for a yay or nay lol. But i just opened it and remembered its the stuff that made my pot taste like shit!!! So nope not usin it lol. God who to trust anymore lol.
So like I said I have a bottle if "pure flowers" which at $23 for a liter is pretty cheap and I've had it for a year or so. I thought I had seen the name mentioned in this thread but perhaps not. Wondering if it is a good thing to use. Here is the blurb about it. "Pure Flowers 0-30-20 liquid was scientifically formulated with cutting edge phosphite technology. Pure Flowers 0-30-20 has the highest nutrient levels ever achieved in a completely solubilized liquid. The unique molecular structure of a phosphite is easily absorbed through the roots and leaves ensuring the crop instantly uptakes potassium and phosphorus. The ultimate flowering supplement will maximize your crops yield and boost the crops immune system." Snake oil?

Pure bullshit
So... what they're saying is they tried to get as much monopotassium phosphate into a bottle of water as they could, and that's what they ended up with.

Same chemical, different bottle. What does it say under "drived from"? Monopotassium phosphate?

So like I said I have a bottle if "pure flowers" which at $23 for a liter is pretty cheap and I've had it for a year or so. I thought I had seen the name mentioned in this thread but perhaps not. Wondering if it is a good thing to use. Here is the blurb about it. "Pure Flowers 0-30-20 liquid was scientifically formulated with cutting edge phosphite technology. Pure Flowers 0-30-20 has the highest nutrient levels ever achieved in a completely solubilized liquid. The unique molecular structure of a phosphite is easily absorbed through the roots and leaves ensuring the crop instantly uptakes potassium and phosphorus. The ultimate flowering supplement will maximize your crops yield and boost the crops immune system." Snake oil?
I got 5 pounds of the stuff in 2012 for 20 bucks and I'm still not even close to finishing it.

It comes repackaged in a large ziplock bag from cropking.
Alot of the "pk boosters" are bullshit i only carry 4-5 at my store for that reason and wont put any online either i dont care who wants to buy them i wont sell people shit thats doesnt work. I never seen that particular booster but looks ridiculous like the MOAB which is powdered form at like 0-52-34. I think its funny when people say it works and they go buy some shit and add it and come back a week later like oh my god that shit is amazing i see such a difference, i think they just dont know wtf works to be honest lol. Its almost like a placebo effect in prescription drug studies. Only product ive seen works thats really good is atami bloombastic.

Its also important when using those whacky pk booster to make sure your reducing your base nutrients to see how ur plants react. That high ass p-k send some plants into haywire and burn shit to the ground quickly. This is especially important if the bloom foods are already high in p-k in their bases. Kind of defeats the purpose but thats why those bloom boosters are bullshit.

I like to run Atami bloombastic 0-15-16 if youre running GH 3 part or botanicare. You can really see difference in a few days of flower development when you add this stuff during peak flowering. You can literally see a 2nd wave of growth start forming and added calyx's. I think it is a very clean product nice green very fruity sweet smell. Truly how good phosphate enhancer should smell not chemically like these other bs pk enhancers. Almost a molasses like consistency, but i find doesnt clog pumps and really breaks down nicely in nutrient mix, very water soluable. This once again is my opinion dont wanna get chewed out about it i am just giving my honest opinion from using the product myself. And results from people i have recommended it too.

If running advanced or canna i think their bloom enhancers and pk boosters are perfect ratios for their bases and really do provide great results.

Another thing people should really look into is the importance of substituting additional calcium when running pk boosters and is absolutely necessary when using co2 and your in high yielding, high feeding situations primarily in hydroponics, coco and coco/sphagnum blends. I find that even expert growers forget how hard it is for plants to uptake calcium and translocate it to where it needs to go into the plant. Calcium and silicon are two primary elements required by plants to build structure and cell walls. It also aids in bud site development and root tips growth. Adding additional calcium at these times very important and almost always over looked; i like to run 10 ml/gallon in my nutrient mixes sometimes more on heavy feeders like chem d strains and phenos.

Whenever you increase temperature during co2 supplementing or f tou just run higher temps in general adding additional co2 is critical. People find that adding more during esrly flowering really makes a difference and when using boosters during peak flowering can be very beneficial. Its also great because alot of cal mag products contain decent amount of nitrogen and can really keep everything nice and green esp. To those who think pk boosting causes yellowing and leaf drop its primarily because youre not feeding enough cal mag and nitrogen levels also havent been increased enough. All these elements coincide and work together in allocating micro and macro nutrients. Maintaining proper levels and balanced levels is overlooked which leads to yellowing and bud sites not forming properly. Lack of calcium cause many of same problems as does excess Nitrogen for you plant leading to weakened stems and brittle leaves. This leads to PM problems and opens door for plant diseases and bacterial infections giving them a place to enter cell structure of the plant.

* ive got some great tips on PM. Common misconceptions about causes and how to treat it and a sure fire way to eradicate the shit fromy our grow rooms and plants forever. Private message me if u want some help or info for future. Maybe if enough people ask i put up a message or blog sbout it. All i wanna do is help others same as people did for me.*

Furthermore, this is also why using humic and fulvic acids is important in carrying and transporting these macro and micro mutrients throughout the plant. I know someone gonna tell me im full of shit and whatever but this is for those individuals who want to learn more about how to properly use pk booster and bloom enhancers. Making sure u r adding adequate levels of each including additional calcium is vitally important! Good luck and happy harvesting to all. Cheers
Just wanna apologize for turning thread into a bunch of arguing that was never my intent. I actually had the opportunity to have a few great convos with some members about what went wrong, i know im a new member and everyone is used to getting advice from certain people. If u dont wanna listen to what i have to say i just dont appreciate people telling me im an idiot p, or liar or pos. Because ive been doing this for a long time. Ive helped many people, many people have helped me and at end of the day all i want is for people to have great results and bountiful harvest full of premium flowers.

Although I am a salesman by trade. I am by no means on here trying to push products on anyone im never gonna see anyone of u guys st my store to buy shit anyways so really doesnt mean anything to me st end of day what u guys use for products. With that said i really feel in my experience that products i have spoke about are great products i would never intend to tarnish my name or my business giving out informstion or recommendstions to products that were BS. If i did that i would go out of business. With that said, many nutrient lines are all great and are all beneficial depending on what medium you sre growing in and all have upsides and downsides. I just wish people were more open to listening then just bashing and callin names becsuse they dont agree sbout certain shit. We can all agree to disagree.

For every good product there are 10 shitty ones, ive tried many ive failed many times and ive also done phenomenal on many runs. Pushing the limits of what the standard is, thats my goal. I just wish everyone could get along so we can come together to find out what really works and help one another out. Taking time to argue just sidetrracks us from whats important AND that is getting good results and producing premium pot while enjoying what we obviously all LOVE to do! BOL
What is your problem? Seriously. I came on here to spread love and help people out what is your issue, you spend all this time like everyone else talkin shit why cant we just focus on growing premium flowers and helping each other out. Taking all this energy and put it into something productive besides arguing about non-sense its childish as hell. Im sorry i got wrapped up into the drama that was never my intent. Read the post and feel free to respond with something positive or keep it moving. Thank you
Do I need to invite you to the East Coast and give you a tour of my facility and store for you to come and see that I know what im talking about I dont understand what makes you think youre way is the only way to do things. Im rather confused when i have done nothing but provide good solid informstion for people to read and maybe learn something. I have alot of experience as im sure you do as well. Im not here telling you that everything you say is bs and a lie am I? No im not. So please cut the childish antics and bs out I dont need it. Im too old to continue the highschool drama
Idk how to start threads but for anyone viewing this looking for snother hreat product who uses organics or like soil amendments or compost teas check out Insect Frass! Super cheap since i see noone likes spending money on high priced foods
For those growing organics and looking for an edge on the competition I wanna make a short write up about something I came across the past year that I have been working with that has produced phenomenal results and has greatly improved resin production in developing flowers.. This product is called Insect Frass

Insect Frass can be used as a top dressing or brewed in an organic tea like meal worm castings and serves great function in your grows.. Insect Frass is derived from beatles like your basic guanos and worm castings and is an importsnt source of Chitins (kite - in). In works like this, using insect frass in your garden triggers an auto response in your plants that it is being infested with bugs. Well what happens when bugs attack your crop? Cannabis in response to such infestations begin stressing and in turn create resins that coat the flowers to protect them from being eaten. By supplementing insect frass into your containers you sre triggering that same reaction i your plants without the negative impact of an actual "bug attack". The benfit of using insect frass is producin chitosan which is not harmful to your crops like fungicids or pesticides and is a natural way of enhancing susceptibility to molds specifically powder mildew (PM) and grey molds. It also aids in fighting off root eating bugs like nematodes and can vastly improve resistance to pathogens.

Insect Frass is an awesome product and very inexpensive and i highly recommend people go and check it out i believe you can get free samples if you ask your local hydro shop or from the company for those interested in discovering its beneficial properties it can provide to your plants and your grows. Happy harvesting everyone and keep the flowers flourishing!
Holy crap! Thats a lot if info lol. So nay on the pure flowers! When I remembered it was that product that caused the smell i threw it away. Honestly I have three things on the shelf now, well 4 if you count PH up that last a year lol. Like I said hydro shops here (limited to two) have left a bad taste in my mouth. Tried to sell shit that was useless and did at first cause I tend to jump in without research. I use HG 2 part aqua flakes and actually comparing different ones now ( hopefully cheaper cause no one likes to spend money) to find a good one. I foiler spray with epsom and add a microbe tea every couple of days (not sure if it works but not killing them lol) and yes I even pull off the odd leaf lol. This grow has so far been the best compared to the tray next to it where I'm using a veg and flower nute. Budding is behind by a week or so using these products. I used a couple of boosters but didnt seem to do much could have been me though lol.
that's total bullshit, at the end of the day, they could do the same thing with dyna gro or jacks and you would lose your ass. no other way you can coat it sweet heart.
Really need to keep a straight face when reading this dribble. I've smoked guys bud that follow this train of thought. And I don't get high and its harsh. Then when they smoke mine they fall out.
I love canna esp biocanna organics shit is the best. Only thing i supplement is the pk 13/14 i make my own pk boost w humboldt honey es 0-10-0 and techna flora soluable seaweed 1-1-16 i got the recipe from kyle kushman shit works wonders and all organic but i run it whole time and i start boost week or so before bloom at 1/2 strength fire everything up works amazing
In the bio line you don't use pk 13/14. You use BioBoost.