giving defoliation during flower a try

Basic botany lol. Dude I own a 350 acre farm with 27 green houses and one of largest nurseries in mass family owned since 1937. I think I have a lot more experience growing plants and vegetables than you ever will brah. I'm a commercial grower who supplies most of New England with everything but roses and specialty flowers. There ain't a fuckin store in mass garden/Home Depot/lowes/franks u name it, anywhere who doesn't buy from us. But nice try brah.
I think we should give him an award for being the most verbose motherfucker on RIU.

I mean really, every time I look there's a new paragraph or page that he typed up, talking about a bunch of products and whatnot.

Just shut the fuck up already.
I think we should give him an award for being the most verbose motherfucker on RIU.

I mean really, every time I look there's a new paragraph or page that he typed up, talking about a bunch of products and whatnot.

Just shut the fuck up already.
I'm wondering how he has the time to be on here typing all that drivel. With owning the largest farm, the greatest hydro shop, the loudest pot and he types "brah" that finished it for me.. Huh brah??
Im a licensed caregiver doesnt matter. Im not here advertising for my store never said the name or anything and i actually cant do that. I signed contract agreements with hydrofarm and sunlightsupply that i cant mention anything about cannabis and if they find out i could lose my account. And no thats not mine i dont do classes thats a good idea though thanks might look into that.
Cant get poundsmoff of they dont have genetics to do that just quality same as girl scout cookies they produce fire bud but shit yields esp for length of flowering.

Im not the one sayin inget ridiculous yields.. Canna claiming 3+ a light he the one bs everyone
Im a licensed caregiver doesnt matter. Im not here advertising for my store never said the name or anything and i actually cant do that. I signed contract agreements with hydrofarm and sunlightsupply that i cant mention anything about cannabis and if they find out i could lose my account. And no thats not mine i dont do classes thats a good idea though thanks might look into that.

Offer yours for 59minutes.

More than a pound of bud per plant and learn how in 59minutes. That's got a nice ring to it...
Im not on here threatening anyone, what would it matter where my nursery is or information on it, im a license caregiver so doesnt matter to me what anyone knows. The state knows where my facility is i had to register and get licensed for it lol
I know whose store that is those guys are idiots over there. Lol u should see what they recomend ppl they will push gh 3 part and fox farm on u all day lol. I steal alot of his customers there store sucks he knows me