Super hot chili- Carolina Reaper-Ghost Chili-Trinidad Scorpion

sort of hoping they will cross pollinate... but it will be moved outside when I feel its ready lol they stay inside but still get sun through the windows and some cfls with the plant at night
20141123_142801.jpg 20141123_142816.jpg Bit of experimenting this year with pruning etc ive got that many for once so I can afford a few mistakes...this isnt really in the superhot class ones a firecracker and the other is inferno
So much better when u sprout your own stuff man I hope you gonna move it from the weed before to late lol...imagine a chilli flavoured reaper bud :)
i had a friend,his roomate kept pinching his sack..we rolled a bud around in a squished habanero and let it dry..
his weed has never been touched since,and the roomate never mentioned that incident.
im 36..yes..5 years ago it was a few plants on the porch..
now,i have a sizeable garden,and we have enough peppers to supply a gourmet pizza shop during the foot ball season(they sell hot wings only on sunday,and use our peppers for the sauce)
youll see!
im 36..yes..5 years ago it was a few plants on the porch..
now,i have a sizeable garden,and we have enough peppers to supply a gourmet pizza shop during the foot ball season(they sell hot wings only on sunday,and use our peppers for the sauce)
youll see!
that's entrepreneurial I like that :)
I cant fucking stop this new addiction. I just ordered 10 moruga scorpion seeds, so hopefully I will have at least one of each of Moruga Scorpion, Infinity, Carolina Reaper, White Bhut Jolokia, Naga Viper, Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. If I can get enough seeds for next year I want to go into small scale commercial production
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