

Well-Known Member
Democracy is not meant to be any harder than forming a Tribe, and Democracy is not just meant for Governments. There is supposed to be Democracy inside Religious bodies as well as within Political parties themselves.

The voting body or city was known as the "Polis", and the Center of the Polis was the Agora. In some places the Agora had elaborate temple structures in order to maintain different functions that the groups did there, but when they first started they were usually as simple as an area marked by Stones as a border. The People would gather at the Agora and cast their votes.

As the Agora was used more and more, and functions were decided, structures would be built along the edges of the Agora, but the center was usually left as a wide open space for people to gather. the buildings they usually built were Court Houses and Town Halls and stuff. Extended Porticoes were sometimes used so that functionality of the space was not lost in bad weather. Sometimes Porticoes were built pretty much as their own structures, with a line of rooms at the back, which could be used as offices. Statues dedicated to different groups would be kept at these places, so that they could all gather in their individual groups or together.

The Polis itself was a larger reflection of the Agora. It would start off as a region of land which a group of people claimed as their own, with Borders such as rivers, mountains, etc. and slowly through the democratic process, groups were formed and projects were started, until farms were growing and cities were booming.

Leagues and Hegemonies operated like the modern United States or EU, or United Nations, in order to get things done between different nations and work together in times of war.

Eventually the Polis itself became Warlike and only eligible military members could vote, this eventually evolved into what is known as the Police, Policia, or the Polis. During Hellenistic times the Polis became a battle between Rich Oligarchs, and poor but armed citizens.

Today we can see most of the Polis and Agoras purpose being utilized in Universities, but not in too many other places.

Archive keeping is an important part of Government and Democracy. If people do not have information from past generations, then they can not make decisions for the future, at least not without running in to problems that would have been avoided if they had information about previous generations.

In Ancient Greece the most well kept archives were Law, lists of Public Representatives and the Winners of Sporting events. This is not much different from now, except now there is also the occasional story about someone who saves some animals, or starts a homeless shelter, or has an event, etc. But just like today, other records were kept by more specialized groups. For example, Temples were often a place where you could find archives, since the priests and worshipers would deposit anything important there. It would kind of be like if a church started a library, and asked all their members to donate any books they could that were written about Bible history or written by Historical Priests. Over like 100 years, that Church might actually have a pretty cool collection of stuff, even to non-Christians, it would be kind of like a Musaeum/Library of History.

I personally think that more "Temples" should be made, and more Archives should be kept. Even if it just happens in people's houses, there should be people collecting things like: Books written by people in their town, Books written by people in their family, Books written by Historical Figures, Books written in certain time periods, etc.

Most Theater, both Plays and Movies, are based on Greek and Roman Plays. Almost every Combination of Good guy and bad guy in almost any environment was already written about in ancient Greece, a lot of people just change the characters and settings to fit modern or even future events, and then make modern movies. For example. the Movie "Prometheus" is just Greek storytelling in Space. Even when it is not on purpose, most movies copy the story-line of existing Greek dynamics. So for an example, I think it would be cool if people who liked movies collected the plays that started the movies they liked, then found other movies based on those plays and put them all together. How awesome would it be to see the progression of a story all the way from ancient Greek telling to modern Movie "Magic".

Another cool example would be for someone who is interested in the modern Military of America, they could collect books written by people in service, then they could go through all the tactics that were used and the stuff that the people went through, and see if they can find other generals through history who used similar tactics, or Books by people who were under generals who used similar tactics, and then if there is ever a military mind that sees that collection in the future, it could effect the way he does things. Since he may learn something about the humanity behind all the tactics.

I am pretty sure you could also start with the books written by the last few modern American presidents, then after reading their books branch off into other areas that you notice while reading their books, and then keep copies of Obama's executive orders and any things the next few presidents do, and eventually you would have an archive that could definitely be useful to voters.

I have talked to people about the idea of Towns, and it seems like a lot of people think it is some sort of magic Craft to start a town. So here are some classifications and Political possibilities that most people don't usually think about.

Tribe: Tribes are the societies that exist outside of states. The State is equal to the Greek Polis, with its own sovereignty, and ability to join other states in a Union, League, etc. The people come together at the Agora (Capitol Hill in America) to make decisions, this is the state. Tribes are much more loosely governed. Tribes can be a collection of families, or a collection of religious groups, etc. and usually have some form of leader, either chosen based on the Tribes specialty (the best Hunter, or the best Warrior, or the Best Artisan, or the Oldest, etc).

A Club is a collection of 2 or more people that have come together for some common purpose. A Community is similar, except that is is a looser organization, and usually they just have the same values, not necessarily the same or even similar goals.

A Gang is any group of friends or a family unit that has a leader. For example, if there is a military family who all look up to 1 Grandpa figure who first joined the Military and started a tradition, that is a form of Gang. It is not an Organized Crime Gang, but it is a form of Gang.

Townships are the most basic form of Town. In America there are 2 forms of Townships, a Survey Township and a Civil Township. A Survey Township is just a unit of land that has been measured properly by a Surveyor, a Civil township operates like a County, in some states they are treated like a regular "Incorporation" type town. Civil Townships exist in 20 of the 50 states.

The overall name for Towns, Townships, Villages, Cities, Counties, etc is Municipal Corporation. To establish a town, you need a Town Charter. A Town Charter would be created by/in a State or County Legislature, and the people of that County would Vote for the new Town to be formed. A Town could also Vote to Split.

Villages are smaller than towns, and are not necessarily Incorporated. Depending on the State, a Village can just be a town that has formed with its own Government Body, but a smaller population than a town.

A Town is incorporated and follows State laws to form.

City is really just a big town in most places.

Counties are Administrative divisions designated by a state.

Common Law is how we get Laws from Court cases. 2 Modern Examples are:
1. The Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare
2. The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Case

When the United State Supreme Court makes a ruling, it becomes "The Law of the Land" for all of the United States. This is common law. The reason it exists is this, for example: If you bring a Wolf to town, and no one has ever had a Wolf as a pet there, people might freak out. So the Police might get called, and they might give you a ticket, which establishes a Court Date. Then you have to go to Court, and argue your case, and whatever the Judge decides is the new Law for Wolf owners in your town. Maybe they say you have to give it a muzzle, maybe they say you can't own it without a license, maybe they say you can't own it at all etc.

Common Law works on all levels. US Supreme Court makes rules for the Country, State Supreme Courts make rules for the State, a County Judge makes rules for the County, and a City Judge makes rules for the Town.

A Common Heritage of Mankind is something that no one can really own, but everyone can use. Examples are the Ocean and Space.

An Embassy or a Diplomatic Mission is a group of people from one state/country, who own land in another state/country, and work to establish treaties and accomplish goals in that country/state. Once the Diplomatic mission establishes permanency it becomes an Embassy and the head of the Embassy is considered the Ambassador. Embassy can also just refer to the building or office that the Diplomatic mission is operating from.
For Democratic Non-Violent Protests, there are some Organizational tactics that can be used. If Clubs, Tribes are established, it makes it much easier to protest, this is why Unions are more successful when striking than regular employees are.

Here are the Supreme Court Rulings that are the "Law of the Land" and defend our Rights, such as the Right to Gather, and the Right to Free Speech.

Public Sit ins

Police May not Plot Against a Protest

The Local, State or Federal Government should not put "Breach of the Peace Statutes" in place, because they are more likely to incite violence than not

Police Breaking apart a Peaceful Crowd is Illegal

Most protests don't have any previous organizational structure, so the best way to establish it for the first time is to get people to line up in rows, then give each row of people a flyer to explain what their overall goals should be as a group, This way people can choose to do different things, but be following a main plan within the group that they talk to throughout the protest. Do not try to get people to line up constantly, this is only to create the foundational structure to accomplish a goal other than being loud, not a way to create a regimented force of soldiers. When passing out any other objects or flyers, they should be something that encompasses all the established groups.

The reason you want to make groups is to create more diverse functionality and thought. This does not need to be a division within the whole group, only within the core people that are there first. For example, if there are a group of people with Walkie Talkies in your protest, you would want to make this division within that group of people, so that you could all coordinate different plans. Examples of divisions of labor would be Making/Passing out Protest signs, Giving People Rides or Collecting Emails/Phone Numbers, Setting up a space where people can get water and maybe food, Making videos of specific protesters or groups and getting their names, Keeping an eye on the crowd to make sure no one is bringing like Molotov Cocktails in to start a riot, etc.

If you have groups you can do various things instead of just trying to be some random "Administrative Entity" over the protest. Goals should be to go to Libraries, Universities or Local/National News Broadcasting stations and holding "Sit Ins" or at least "Stand Outsides". These places are places that will get more people to come and join, as well as being more likely to be News worthy.

If you do NOT want to be in the News, use Profanity a lot, put a Cuss word in your Groups name (Ex: You can call yourself the Fuckers and it won't be in the news) and if you want to stay off of Live Broadcasting, write the word "fuck" on your forehead.

At least one person should try to get Emails or Phone numbers from protesters, the people there are obviously interested in learning more.

Any goal that you want to accomplish politically should be something you care passionately enough about to make a Pamphlet or a Brochure type thing, at least made up of a 2 pages and folded together to make a pamphlet. Not a lot of people understand that they can start political organizations (look up "How to start a PAC" if you want to make one) or how to run for office in local campaigns. So having information about how to do these things can be extremely helpful.

Protests are not going to accomplish much more than getting the word out, and eventually you have to tap in to Democracy and protest by getting new people in Office as Judges, Sheriffs and Mayors. TONS OF CITIES have District Attorney's that run unopposed. People only think to Vote for Mayor and Sheriff and stuff, they don't think of running themselves, and they definitely don't worry about who the District Attorney is. But that is such an important position as far as deciding who goes to jail in town.
This is not a "rail" against Thanksgiving, this is just some History.

Thanksgiving has 2 origins. The Thanksgiving in America that we all think of, didn't actually exist until around the time of Abraham Lincoln. The Holiday is based on a Letter that someone found from the time of the Pilgrims, and in the letter it described a feast. So the feast became the model for the American Holiday. Here is what the letter said:

The Pilgrims were all being assholes, firing their guns so they could be loud and scare the Indians, then the Indians came and outnumbered the Pilgrims, so the Pilgrims started feeding them. Then the Indians sent some people back to their camp to bring more Indians and Deer and Squash. Turkey was not actually eaten that day.

The Turkey comes from the Older Tradition. The Tradition of Turkey comes from the Crusades, Queen Isabella and the Pope declared a day of Thanksgiving for all European Christians when the last Muslim Stronghold fell in Grenada. And the Turkey is eaten to represent the defeat of the Turks.
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Muslims took control of Spain and France for over 700 years, this is not often mentioned, but at the end of that 700 years the Christians started the Crusades. November 25, 1491, Santiago defeated the last Moorish stronghold in Grenada. King Ferdinand was married to Queen Isabella, Isabella is the same queen who paid for Christopher Columbus to come to America. The Pope of Rome and Queen Isabella were successful in taken back Europe after it was Muslim/Moorish for over 700 years. On Thanksgiving, the Pope and Queen Isabella sent Cardinal Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros to Baghdad Turkey to kill any Muslims who would not convert to Christianity.
The Importance of Closing Your Eyes

I am sure most people have had the thought or question "Why do we have to sleep?", I don't have the answer, but here are some things that happen when you close your eyes.

Dreaming: We have all probably had at least a few dreams in our lives, some people even equate dreaming with "Good Sleep" which I don't think is a proven case. But when you close your eyes at night, your Pineal gland releases Melatonin, and Melatonin is what gets you tired, and puts you to sleep. Melatonin is extremely similar to Serotonin, and you can get it at various Grocery and Drug stores. 5-HTP is very similar to Serotonin and has been shown to promote dreaming in some people. AcetylCholine has been shown to regulate dreaming, and taking it has also been shown to promote dreams.

Meditation: When people meditate, the goal is similar to sleeping. You close your eyes and your Pineal gland will release Melatonin. This non-sleeping Melatonin full state is known as "Meditation".

Closed Eye Visuals: If you have ever heard anyone talk about an experience with something like Mushrooms or LSD or anything like that, they may have talked about Fairies and Gnomes and all kinds of weird things. This is probably not true. If you want to see anything "Different" than what is actually there, you will have to close your eyes. Mushrooms will make edges wiggle, and colors meld and shift in and out of each other, it will make Fire Amazing and Lights have Halos, and the Stars might move or connect the dots for you. But usually if you want to see anything different, you have to close your eyes.
I will be trying an Oilahuasca mix sometime this coming week. Below is the video explaining what the Oilahiasca mix is and should do according to all the people who have written about trying it (there is a forum online, and a thread on a few other forums). But I will try it some time this next week, and I will make a video showing the experience.
If you know this already, then this obviously isn't for you. It's for everyone else.

Today you probably ate some Turkey, Turkey contains Tryptophan, maybe not enough to be effective, but it is an example of Trytophan in your diet. You can also find it in Milk. Tryptophan is a structure very similar to Serotonin. Serotonin is what regulates Happiness, Sadness, Excitement, Anger, etc.

Melatonin is very similar to Serotonin and it regulates sleep. There are MANY structures in nature that are related to Serotonin. Another example is 5-HTP which is a supplement people can get at the store. 5-HTP means 5- Hydrotryptophan or Hydroxytryptophan, I forget which one.

If you have ever heard of DMT or Ayahuasca, this is theorized to be what actually causes Dreams directly. DMT is DimethylTryptamine, and it is related to Tryptophan and Serotonin. Mushrooms contain Psilocybin which has the Chemical name of 4-PO-DMT. Here is an example of the change from Tryptophan to 4-PO-DMT that happens inside mushrooms:

There are also things that are similar to these structures that are made in labs in China and Canada, and they are not illegal. They are known as "Research Chemicals" which means no one has found a medical use for them yet, and there is no known risk of abuse/addiction. Examples of this are DPT, which is Dipropyltryptamine, and 4-Aco-DMT.
People seem to think that God is meant to be some "Super Power" or "Creator" or "Magic Force". And if they don't see that, they will not accept him. But, this is not the way people always thought of God.

A similar line of thought that people have is that Christians are massively distinctive from Jews or Muslims. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are the 3 most SIMILAR religions on the planet. Judaism started with the Old testament law, Moses, Noah, etc. Then Jesus came, this created the new Testament. Then Mohammed came and wrote the Quran to add to that. Just because these people kill each other the most, does not mean they are very different.

Hindu started in the Indus valley when they Vedas were written in 2000 BC, so 4000 years ago. In the Rig Veda, you will find talk of Shiva and Soma. Soma is what comes out of things when you burn them, and Shiva is the feeling you get when you are high or from dancing. Shiva is not a magic man in the sky that gives you these feelings, Shiva is the Sankrit word FOR these feelings. They did not say "I am high right now" they said "I am Shiva right now". Another example of a Vedic God is Agni, Agni is not some magic God in the sky, Agni is fire. Fire itself is what they called Agni. So Agni would burn things, and create Soma (everything has a Soma), some of which make you Shiva. These are just the ancient words because they didn't have a word for "high". And they used the altered states as purposefully as possible. Which is why India was such a center for creativity and trade.

Buddhism comes from Hindu, so these 2 religions are kind of like Christianity and Judaism. The first Buddha's name was Siddhartha, and he wrote a bunch of stuff and "Turned the Wheel of Dharma" creating a new path for Ancient Hindus. This is similar to what Jesus did in relation to Judaism, except Buddhism does not mention God once, and is actually kind of similar to Jesus in that it is about dropping all worldly desire and anger, which is also part of Hindu, Buddha just focused it and took out the Gods.

To the Ancient Egyptians, Gods usually had to do with some form of Education. For Example, "Khepri" was the Dung Beetle God, and his name translates to "The Keeper". In Ancient Egypt, the Dung Beetle basically represented the Clock. Since the Dung beetle uses the Stars and the Moon to Navigate at night, then the Sun to Navigate during the day, the Egyptians were able to copy it and make maps of the sky aka Calendars. Another example is the Egyptians Soul, an Example of which is the Shadow, and another example of which is the Name. Both of these things still exist today, it's not like they were talking about some magic thing.

Then if you look at the Roman Pantheon, they are literally just worshiping the Calendar and the things around it. Google "God Jupiter" and you will see that the Romans worshiped the planet Jupiter. Most Roman and Greek Gods are just Mnemonic practices that remind people of the things that hold society together. For example, the Goddess "Nemesis". Greeks and Romans did not actually believe there was a Woman named Nemesis that would come to get them if they did not make the right offerings, it was just a social construct. Same with Nike, which is the Goddess of Victory. They did not actually think some lady in the sky helped them win the battle, they were just worshiping Victory.

The Jewish people also knew about the planets, they called Mars "The One Who Blushes" in Hebrew because it was Red (Look it up).

The Christians then came through later, and killed everyone who did not accept that God was a magic man in the sky, and now there are even atheists telling people that if God doesn't live in the sky he isn't real.
Police Tactics in a Protest

During a Protest, Police should take the role of an outside presence. They do not need to be involved, and according to training videos from the 60s, they are only supposed to put plain clothes officers in the protest. And if you watch the Yippies and the Hippies in the 60s talking in videos and stuff, they talk about how part of the plan was to get the Police to beat on the Plain clothed officers with them.

Police should not take an offensive position, but they probably will. If they do, what they are going to do is a "Show of Force". This will include loud barking, and possibly banging on shields or stomping feet.

If the Police do this, the best response is to get people to start doing some kind of beat. Like even just clapping and stomping "We will rock you" is sufficient.

If the police move forward, the main protesters should not run at the police to fight them. The main protesters should make their way to the back of the crowd to form a ring. If you hold hands behind the other protesters, they will not be so easy to move back, and you will be able to hold your position without them moving you. Having something to create cohesive units can also help, for example, if you have brooms or something, you could work together against the shields more effectively.

These tactics are meant to be a response to police over action, like in Occupy and the early days of Ferguson, not a way for protesters to initiate action against the police. The best way to initiate action against the police is to read their oath to them, or just elect a new Sheriff.