Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

oh well, ok.

if you ate vegetarian for three months than added egg milk and cheese you would still be vegetarian LOL I believe youre confused. or i read your posts wrong.

Kinda like how some "vegan" lady came into my work requested vegan food than decided she was "flexible" and had a steak

  • Semi-vegetarian: Someone who’s cutting back on his or her intake of meat, in general. A pollo vegetarian avoids red meat and fish but eats chicken. A pesco pollo vegetarian avoids red meat but eats chicken and fish.
    These terms stretch the true definition of a vegetarian, and only the term semi-vegetarian is actually used with much frequency.
  • Lacto ovo vegetarian: A lacto ovo vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry but includes dairy products and eggs. Most vegetarians in the U.S., Canada, and Western Europe fall into this category. Lacto ovo vegetarians eat such foods as cheese, ice cream, yogurt, milk, and eggs, as well as foods made with these ingredients.
  • Lacto vegetarian: A lacto vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry, as well as eggs and any foods containing eggs. A lacto vegetarian would, however, eat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.
  • Vegan: Technically, the term vegan refers to more than just the diet alone. A vegan is a vegetarian who avoids eating or using all animal products, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, any foods containing by-products of these ingredients, wool, silk, leather, and any nonfood items made with animal byproducts. Some vegans avoid honey.
Is this thread dead are you still around matt you might be interested in my vegganic grow lol, im using the full canna bio line in hydro although my soil contained blood meal and bone meal i didn't realize otherwise i would have bought canna terra pro + as it contains no nutes.
[QUOyou use blueberries/water as a flush through the hole flowering stageTE="Matt Rize, post: 4611583, member: 285126"]Then there is the media situation. I want to talk about Bio Terra Plus, BUT it's not available in the US (cali for sure) right now. ARGH! The Bio terra plus is on a level all its own right now in the media world. The price reflects that too...but it is amazing. I've read on here someone said to break it up, NO WAY, you are paying for the chunks. Research soil aggregate structure sometime. The diversity in the soil leads to microclimates. Microclimates lead to diverse microbe and beneficial fungi populations. Diverse populations lead to pH buffering, nitrogen fixation, root symbiosis, and overall pathogen resistance.

I want to big up Dr. VD before I go farther. I just found your thread yesterday. Like minds my friend.

Now I have to address perlite. Yes, the terra plus hold a lot of water. I can see how feeding more often in a lighter mix might make it easier to push nutes. I made the decision to go all natural, and perlite is not part of that. My grandmother taught me how to water soil that holds too much water. We'll get to water later.

To explain more: perlite is dead space in the microbial world. For me, it is not about feeding more, or more often. It is about maintaining a healthy root zone, and feeding both the roots and the microbes. The microbes in turn eat and their "poo" feeds the plants while I'm waiting to water again. By the time full roots have developed I'm watering my medium sized plants (in 4 gallon pots filled with terra plus straight outta the bag) about every-other day, just right IMHO.[/QUOTE]
Anyone care to share some results using the canna bio line or gh organics lol and supplements they used. Would be hella appreciated.I need a sweet nutrient regime.
I see alot of words like vegan and organics, what anout sustainabity?
They are all connected in their true meaning.

Imo yall are getting off track with yall non sense

+for truth

its not that i dont care if its organic but my priority list is

so vegan would be first priority over organic


Im glad to see someone around here who knows their stuff. Big ups for doing your own research and seeking the truth. Small minds cant comprehend big spirits. To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood. Stay strong.
Sorry, no EWC with Veganics! Worms are animals!

Veganism /ˈviːɡənɪzəm/ is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, as well as following an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of sentient animals. A follower of veganism is known as a vegan.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Annelida
Class: Oligochaeta
Subclass: Haplotaxida
Order: Megadrilacea
Suborder: Lumbricina + Moniligastrida

Are eggshells considered bones?
good question, but does it matter? I thought anything animal oriented was a no-no for veganics.. right?
so it's an animal product either way, right?
going from memory I think they are close, but not the same.
eggs are mostly calcium carbonate, and bones are mostly calcium phosphate (why bone meal has K in it)
so I would say that no, they are different.
Does that help?
good question, but does it matter? I thought anything animal oriented was a no-no for veganics.. right?
so it's an animal product either way, right?
going from memory I think they are close, but not the same.
eggs are mostly calcium carbonate, and bones are mostly calcium phosphate (why bone meal has K in it)
so I would say that no, they are different.
Does that help?
Isn't "K" potassium? But yea, wouldn't classify as veganic. Plant and mineral based amendments only i believe.
good question, but does it matter? I thought anything animal oriented was a no-no for veganics.. right?
so it's an animal product either way, right?
going from memory I think they are close, but not the same.
eggs are mostly calcium carbonate, and bones are mostly calcium phosphate (why bone meal has K in it)
so I would say that no, they are different.
Does that help?
yea, thanks..
I was thinking could it be considered vegetarian not necessarily vegan, cause ya vegans are strict some don't even eat honey
lol were not strict so much

think of it this way
if its from or comes from an animal we dont use/eat it ect.
I should have said very conscientious and wisely aware, not strict.. I was a vegetarian once, I really love the idea.

Longest week of my life.


I really need a girlfriend who cooks well with spices, maybe even grows organic vegetables.
How am i ever going to transition with chinese food in every city. lol
eggshells not vegan.

ya heard it here first folks from a vegan!

Eggs and cheese are the two reasons why I can't go vegan. I'd be lost at breakfast. :-)

I should have said very conscientious and wisely aware, not strict.. I was a vegetarian once, I really love the idea.

Longest week of my life.


I really need a girlfriend who cooks well with spices, maybe even grows organic vegetables.
How am i ever going to transition with chinese food in every city. lol


My wife is vegetarian so it was real easy for me to make the switch. Honestly the thought of eating meat at this point kinda gags me. Fish might be the only exception to that, but red meat or pork.... no way!
its pretty easy you just dont put it in your mouth.
i dunno why everyone thinks its so hard ive never fallen off the wagon so to speak, its been about 3ish years now..i dont find it an inconvenience i dont find it hard it is only mildly annoying when:

-you have to find brands that are vegan at first so reading ingredient labels for hidden words.
-going OUT to eat a restaurant (gotta call ahead)
-christmas/thanksgiving...and the never ending questions about why youre not eating turkey even though they know why , but they think its a diet and you should cheat
its pretty easy you just dont put it in your mouth.
i dunno why everyone thinks its so hard ive never fallen off the wagon so to speak, its been about 3ish years now..i dont find it an inconvenience i dont find it hard it is only mildly annoying when:

-you have to find brands that are vegan at first so reading ingredient labels for hidden words.
-going OUT to eat a restaurant (gotta call ahead)
-christmas/thanksgiving...and the never ending questions about why youre not eating turkey even though they know why , but they think its a diet and you should cheat
It can be very hard when you look at the costs. Even going organic is expensive. Here in the Midwest I physically cannot afford to live and eat Vegan.