ill answer anything honestly

Lol i looked up duck dynasty, but i somehow get the sense theres a producer behind telling them nah more rednecky, more rednecky. Im pretty sure those folks are also the self proclaimed kind of rednecks. I duno are people proud to be rednecks? Is it something that gets affirmed and self promoted kind of like gangster rappers?!
I think it's the new hot thing in reality tv.
Frig Duck Dynasty, they are christians but have lost them selves to chasing money.

Have you seen the duck commander line of guns. They are just mossbergs that are marked up with their name on it. I used to like the show but it looks like some one walked into walmart and barfed DD stuff all over the place.
I think it's the new hot thing in reality tv.

Actually the bit of the episode i watched made me laugh my tits off.
I think some rednecks daughter had some kid wanting to take her in the barn for a while. So they first had to check whether or not he could go hunting ducks cause you know... so lol they didnt find any ducks but found a rattle snake which the kid killed. And then theres like scenes of all the redneck seniors commenting on the kill and how theyd be proud to be taken in the barn by the likes of him themselves. Fucking hilarious
yeah duck dynasty is a funny show and I'm sure your right, someone is telling them to act up or play around more just for the cameras

I went into wal-mart on a recent trip to kentucky and whitebb is right, their branding is on everything. They are cashing in on their fame.
Is this true?
Beef like that has a different color and taste.

If you do you won't go back.

I hunt rabbit, squirrel, turkey, and deer.

Squirrel pot pie or squirrel dumplings, mmmmmm.

Fresh wild turkey breast thin sliced rolled in flower and fried, OMG.

Man hamburger helper made with deer meat and sweet tea is the shit

Thats pretty much all I eat
Frig Duck Dynasty, they are christians but have lost them selves to chasing money.

Have you seen the duck commander line of guns. They are just mossbergs that are marked up with their name on it. I used to like the show but it looks like some one walked into walmart and barfed DD stuff all over the place.
Love the show...But I think you are right and it's beginning to lose it's appeal:sad:....The first couple season's were awesome