giving defoliation during flower a try

Does that mean certain posters will have less time to try to convince us that they are the end all, grand pooh-bah emeritus, ambassador of all things cannabis related? God, I hope so... my small brain hurts...
You ever use mlr in your soil grows knott? I been looking for some articles on this and have had problems locating many same with @Uncle Ben ?
So when you move the plant the genetics change?


Yes land races genetics will change when removed from natural growing environment. There are many many articles on this subject. Go do some due diligence and look it up for yourself.

Yes the properties of the plant change. Because u r changing environment and medium. You can never duplicate the same environment or medium these plants are accustomed to be grown in, therefore many of the characteristics that make them true land race strains are altered.

Do the research I can post a few hundred links regarding land race strains and what happens when you move them, u can google it for yourself since u think im this big liar. Like wtf u think I just make this shit up? Lol i obviously made a post about it for a reason. Im not gonna post bad information bcuz w internet u can find an answer in less than 10 seconds to anything.

Like i told the other dude if you think im full of shit go research the topic and prove me wrong, ill be waiting because I know i, right, period. Once a land race strain is taken from its natural environment its loses some of its original attributes. Land races are very distinct and recognizeable when they are grown in their natural origins. When and if You take that plant and move it elsewhere the only thing ur gonna probably keep is the smell and flavor.

Also remember that land race strains are the backbone for most all cannabis varieties we have today. Because cannabis is a wild indigenous plant thats been around for thousands of years, modern cultivation has taken these strains to create better strains for purposes such as quality, yield, mold and disease resistance and other important genetics we want in our cannabis plants. Therefore, land races are for the most part been bred out of extinction in the growing community unless ur living somewhere in mountain regions or tropical areas where strains have been growing wild for centuries and tou harvest th seeds and continue to grow them their.

*** hybridization has forced many if not ALL true land races to become extinct. Saving some of the original characteristics of these plants remain but its no where near what its original pheno came from. Land races are mild in potency compared to today because we breed for potency, yields, aroma and flavor etc.. Its not hard concept to understand at all.
Ex. Taking people from their place of birth and moving them to a different region, over time they will evolve and change. Africans who were captured and taken as slaves eventually will change from their original genetics including skin pigment, size of noses, amount of hair they have to adapt to their new enviroment. So although they are the same descent and genetics removing them from their natural environment leads to subtle changes over a short period, AND dramatic changes over a long period of time all things being constant.

More importantly when you take a land race strain and breed it through selective breeding ie. Focusing on disease resistance, yield, growth and other commercial growing tehcniques the genetics are altered which is why true land race strainsare almost impossible to get your hands on and many are completely extinct. Seed companies that "produce" land race strains are NOT true land races, because a land race by definition is a plant that has NOT been bred. So unless u went and got that fuckin plant from wherever it came from and used it to get cuts etc than its not a TRUE land race and is most likely 90% a cross of a true land race strain. Including the AK or Afghan Kush (land race name).

Furthermore, and MOST importantly growers and breeders such as Arjan and his partner Franco have many articles and information regarding land races strains including origins and genetics and the impact on changing their environment. They also created a series you can find on youtube called strains hunters which is all about land race strains across the world.

** QUOTE from Franco and Arjan on Land Race Strains.
"Land race strains are important because they are the bases that have been selected by nature, for such purposes" AND "the span of time over which nature does this is so huge that they are not replicable by man under ANY circumstances - NOT indoor, NOT outdoor, NOT anywhere!"

Removing a land race from its natural origins loses many of the characteristics in which nature selectively designed it to grow and be cultivated. Changing even a small factor such as a medium can drastically change a land race strain and for sucn purpose, is no longer considered to be a land race strain even if the seeds are harvested directly from that plant and grown outside its natural habitat.

Another Quote regarding Land Race strains from master breeder and cultivator, Big Wes. "Land race strains refer to a cannabis variety that HAS NOT been bred systematically, instead after many centuries and decades of growing in isolation these plant will eventually begin to exhibit some of their original characteristics. However, for example when you take Thai Sativa from Thailand and try to breed this strain and cultivate it in Northen California or Oregon, this strain will lose many of its original characteristics and will NOT even resemble its original genetics. When these land race strains are forced to live in environment which they are not accustomed to be grown in than many of their original characteristics and genetic properties are LOST, and you are left with merely a phenotype of the original strain."

Also, continuing with his statements " many land races trains including thai, panama, and afghan strains are predisposed to being hermaphrodites and obtaining a true female seed is almost impossible to obtain. For these reason many of these strains were hybrodized to remove that genetic composition and focus on developing true female seeds with better properties for modern growing. This produces what we have today in varieties such as AK-47 or Thai Stick strains which are merely a phenotype of the true land race strains because they share a common flavor and smell from the original land race strain in which it was bred from. Often times these strains are bred to shorten the growth period and to increase yield and potency based on market demands for commercial growers.

Ponto Red or Columbian Gold strains distinctively grown in regions of Columbia have been found impossible to grow when removed from their original environment. During the 70s-80s many of the hippies who search the world for these truly unique indigenous strains to bring back to the Americas where left with huge challenges and found that many of these land race strains were impossible and extremely difficult to grow in their new environment causing many to hybridize and cross them with other strains in an attempt to get a phenotype suitable to grow and produce high quality flowers with the terpenes and oils they wished to obtain.

So bottom line is these land race strains we get from seed breeders ARE NOT true land races at all and a merelt phenos of the original breeds, you can NOT remove any land race and maintain its origina genetics but merely obtain a pheotype of these strains, do the hw and u will find this information to be 100% accurate. I dont post anything that isnt based off yesrs of fact and personal experience and would like anyone to prove me wrong ill be waiting.
Like wtf u think I just make this shit up?

Yes I do.

When you posted that a plant cannot exceed 10% THC when grown with Dyna Gro you lost all credibility. IOW, what you're saying is that a plant that's genetically predisposed to reach 25% THC will reach that mark when grown with Advanced Nutrients, but will only achieve 8%-9% THC when grown with Dyna Gro. That's such a ridiculous, hyperbolic statement it makes me call in to question anything that you peck away on your keyboard.

A plant, not unlike any other creature on the planet will adapt to it's environment, and over many, many generations could experience some slight genetic changes. You're not taking in to account how long this would take, and the drastic environmental changes that the plant would have to be exposed to for this to happen. It would not be very difficult to closely mimic the strains native environment and prevent any changes like this from taking place.
Good points.

Back to wine. "Leafing" practiced by many vineyard managers is ONLY done before veraison and around the fruiting zone to improve wine quality (not plant quality) by reducing a chemical (pyrazines) in the grape that imparts herbaceousness aka a vegetal charaacteristic.
Would leafing a marijuana plant a week before harvest improve bud quality? Just a question, but I don't know if grapes and weed have anything in common. School me
Yes land races genetics will change when removed from natural growing environment. There are many many articles on this subject. Go do some due diligence and look it up for yourself.

Yes the properties of the plant change. Because u r changing environment and medium. You can never duplicate the same environment or medium these plants are accustomed to be grown in, therefore many of the characteristics that make them true land race strains are altered.

Do the research I can post a few hundred links regarding land race strains and what happens when you move them, u can google it for yourself since u think im this big liar. Like wtf u think I just make this shit up? Lol i obviously made a post about it for a reason. Im not gonna post bad information bcuz w internet u can find an answer in less than 10 seconds to anything.

Like i told the other dude if you think im full of shit go research the topic and prove me wrong, ill be waiting because I know i, right, period. Once a land race strain is taken from its natural environment its loses some of its original attributes. Land races are very distinct and recognizeable when they are grown in their natural origins. When and if You take that plant and move it elsewhere the only thing ur gonna probably keep is the smell and flavor.

Also remember that land race strains are the backbone for most all cannabis varieties we have today. Because cannabis is a wild indigenous plant thats been around for thousands of years, modern cultivation has taken these strains to create better strains for purposes such as quality, yield, mold and disease resistance and other important genetics we want in our cannabis plants. Therefore, land races are for the most part been bred out of extinction in the growing community unless ur living somewhere in mountain regions or tropical areas where strains have been growing wild for centuries and tou harvest th seeds and continue to grow them their.

*** hybridization has forced many if not ALL true land races to become extinct. Saving some of the original characteristics of these plants remain but its no where near what its original pheno came from. Land races are mild in potency compared to today because we breed for potency, yields, aroma and flavor etc.. Its not hard concept to understand at all.
Ex. Taking people from their place of birth and moving them to a different region, over time they will evolve and change. Africans who were captured and taken as slaves eventually will change from their original genetics including skin pigment, size of noses, amount of hair they have to adapt to their new enviroment. So although they are the same descent and genetics removing them from their natural environment leads to subtle changes over a short period, AND dramatic changes over a long period of time all things being constant.

More importantly when you take a land race strain and breed it through selective breeding ie. Focusing on disease resistance, yield, growth and other commercial growing tehcniques the genetics are altered which is why true land race strainsare almost impossible to get your hands on and many are completely extinct. Seed companies that "produce" land race strains are NOT true land races, because a land race by definition is a plant that has NOT been bred. So unless u went and got that fuckin plant from wherever it came from and used it to get cuts etc than its not a TRUE land race and is most likely 90% a cross of a true land race strain. Including the AK or Afghan Kush (land race name).

Furthermore, and MOST importantly growers and breeders such as Arjan and his partner Franco have many articles and information regarding land races strains including origins and genetics and the impact on changing their environment. They also created a series you can find on youtube called strains hunters which is all about land race strains across the world.

** QUOTE from Franco and Arjan on Land Race Strains.
"Land race strains are important because they are the bases that have been selected by nature, for such purposes" AND "the span of time over which nature does this is so huge that they are not replicable by man under ANY circumstances - NOT indoor, NOT outdoor, NOT anywhere!"

Removing a land race from its natural origins loses many of the characteristics in which nature selectively designed it to grow and be cultivated. Changing even a small factor such as a medium can drastically change a land race strain and for sucn purpose, is no longer considered to be a land race strain even if the seeds are harvested directly from that plant and grown outside its natural habitat.

Another Quote regarding Land Race strains from master breeder and cultivator, Big Wes. "Land race strains refer to a cannabis variety that HAS NOT been bred systematically, instead after many centuries and decades of growing in isolation these plant will eventually begin to exhibit some of their original characteristics. However, for example when you take Thai Sativa from Thailand and try to breed this strain and cultivate it in Northen California or Oregon, this strain will lose many of its original characteristics and will NOT even resemble its original genetics. When these land race strains are forced to live in environment which they are not accustomed to be grown in than many of their original characteristics and genetic properties are LOST, and you are left with merely a phenotype of the original strain."

Also, continuing with his statements " many land races trains including thai, panama, and afghan strains are predisposed to being hermaphrodites and obtaining a true female seed is almost impossible to obtain. For these reason many of these strains were hybrodized to remove that genetic composition and focus on developing true female seeds with better properties for modern growing. This produces what we have today in varieties such as AK-47 or Thai Stick strains which are merely a phenotype of the true land race strains because they share a common flavor and smell from the original land race strain in which it was bred from. Often times these strains are bred to shorten the growth period and to increase yield and potency based on market demands for commercial growers.

Ponto Red or Columbian Gold strains distinctively grown in regions of Columbia have been found impossible to grow when removed from their original environment. During the 70s-80s many of the hippies who search the world for these truly unique indigenous strains to bring back to the Americas where left with huge challenges and found that many of these land race strains were impossible and extremely difficult to grow in their new environment causing many to hybridize and cross them with other strains in an attempt to get a phenotype suitable to grow and produce high quality flowers with the terpenes and oils they wished to obtain.

So bottom line is these land race strains we get from seed breeders ARE NOT true land races at all and a merelt phenos of the original breeds, you can NOT remove any land race and maintain its origina genetics but merely obtain a pheotype of these strains, do the hw and u will find this information to be 100% accurate. I dont post anything that isnt based off yesrs of fact and personal experience and would like anyone to prove me wrong ill be waiting.
It's called phenotypic expression. Genetics are not changing, per se.
Yes land races genetics will change when removed from natural growing environment. There are many many articles on this subject.

Aint buying it. What factors are involved to make such changes?

Whose articles are these? That's right, stoners. I'd like to see a DNA profile of a pure sativa sourced from the uplands of Panama and the same DNA profile 20 years later while grown in Washington state, backcrossed as it would be in nature, done by a scientific organization such as Cornell.
Yes land races genetics will change when removed from natural growing environment. There are many many articles on this subject. Go do some due diligence and look it up for yourself.

Yes the properties of the plant change. Because u r changing environment and medium. You can never duplicate the same environment or medium these plants are accustomed to be grown in, therefore many of the characteristics that make them true land race strains are altered.

Do the research I can post a few hundred links regarding land race strains and what happens when you move them, u can google it for yourself since u think im this big liar. Like wtf u think I just make this shit up? Lol i obviously made a post about it for a reason. Im not gonna post bad information bcuz w internet u can find an answer in less than 10 seconds to anything.

Like i told the other dude if you think im full of shit go research the topic and prove me wrong, ill be waiting because I know i, right, period. Once a land race strain is taken from its natural environment its loses some of its original attributes. Land races are very distinct and recognizeable when they are grown in their natural origins. When and if You take that plant and move it elsewhere the only thing ur gonna probably keep is the smell and flavor.

Also remember that land race strains are the backbone for most all cannabis varieties we have today. Because cannabis is a wild indigenous plant thats been around for thousands of years, modern cultivation has taken these strains to create better strains for purposes such as quality, yield, mold and disease resistance and other important genetics we want in our cannabis plants. Therefore, land races are for the most part been bred out of extinction in the growing community unless ur living somewhere in mountain regions or tropical areas where strains have been growing wild for centuries and tou harvest th seeds and continue to grow them their.

*** hybridization has forced many if not ALL true land races to become extinct. Saving some of the original characteristics of these plants remain but its no where near what its original pheno came from. Land races are mild in potency compared to today because we breed for potency, yields, aroma and flavor etc.. Its not hard concept to understand at all.
Ex. Taking people from their place of birth and moving them to a different region, over time they will evolve and change. Africans who were captured and taken as slaves eventually will change from their original genetics including skin pigment, size of noses, amount of hair they have to adapt to their new enviroment. So although they are the same descent and genetics removing them from their natural environment leads to subtle changes over a short period, AND dramatic changes over a long period of time all things being constant.

More importantly when you take a land race strain and breed it through selective breeding ie. Focusing on disease resistance, yield, growth and other commercial growing tehcniques the genetics are altered which is why true land race strainsare almost impossible to get your hands on and many are completely extinct. Seed companies that "produce" land race strains are NOT true land races, because a land race by definition is a plant that has NOT been bred. So unless u went and got that fuckin plant from wherever it came from and used it to get cuts etc than its not a TRUE land race and is most likely 90% a cross of a true land race strain. Including the AK or Afghan Kush (land race name).

Furthermore, and MOST importantly growers and breeders such as Arjan and his partner Franco have many articles and information regarding land races strains including origins and genetics and the impact on changing their environment. They also created a series you can find on youtube called strains hunters which is all about land race strains across the world.

** QUOTE from Franco and Arjan on Land Race Strains.
"Land race strains are important because they are the bases that have been selected by nature, for such purposes" AND "the span of time over which nature does this is so huge that they are not replicable by man under ANY circumstances - NOT indoor, NOT outdoor, NOT anywhere!"

Removing a land race from its natural origins loses many of the characteristics in which nature selectively designed it to grow and be cultivated. Changing even a small factor such as a medium can drastically change a land race strain and for sucn purpose, is no longer considered to be a land race strain even if the seeds are harvested directly from that plant and grown outside its natural habitat.

Another Quote regarding Land Race strains from master breeder and cultivator, Big Wes. "Land race strains refer to a cannabis variety that HAS NOT been bred systematically, instead after many centuries and decades of growing in isolation these plant will eventually begin to exhibit some of their original characteristics. However, for example when you take Thai Sativa from Thailand and try to breed this strain and cultivate it in Northen California or Oregon, this strain will lose many of its original characteristics and will NOT even resemble its original genetics. When these land race strains are forced to live in environment which they are not accustomed to be grown in than many of their original characteristics and genetic properties are LOST, and you are left with merely a phenotype of the original strain."

Also, continuing with his statements " many land races trains including thai, panama, and afghan strains are predisposed to being hermaphrodites and obtaining a true female seed is almost impossible to obtain. For these reason many of these strains were hybrodized to remove that genetic composition and focus on developing true female seeds with better properties for modern growing. This produces what we have today in varieties such as AK-47 or Thai Stick strains which are merely a phenotype of the true land race strains because they share a common flavor and smell from the original land race strain in which it was bred from. Often times these strains are bred to shorten the growth period and to increase yield and potency based on market demands for commercial growers.

Ponto Red or Columbian Gold strains distinctively grown in regions of Columbia have been found impossible to grow when removed from their original environment. During the 70s-80s many of the hippies who search the world for these truly unique indigenous strains to bring back to the Americas where left with huge challenges and found that many of these land race strains were impossible and extremely difficult to grow in their new environment causing many to hybridize and cross them with other strains in an attempt to get a phenotype suitable to grow and produce high quality flowers with the terpenes and oils they wished to obtain.

So bottom line is these land race strains we get from seed breeders ARE NOT true land races at all and a merelt phenos of the original breeds, you can NOT remove any land race and maintain its origina genetics but merely obtain a pheotype of these strains, do the hw and u will find this information to be 100% accurate. I dont post anything that isnt based off yesrs of fact and personal experience and would like anyone to prove me wrong ill be waiting.
Are you related to Finshaggy?
You ever use mlr in your soil grows knott? I been looking for some articles on this and have had problems locating many same with @Uncle Ben ?
Are you speaking of the multiple linear regression (MLR) model included in the ECe Sampling Assessment and Prediction program package developed by the US Salinity Laboratory?

To answer your question with the MLR above in mind, no. We've never paid much attention to the salinity/moisture relationship. But I'm also interested in researching this aspect of non-hydro media. We've had great luck with pure coco coir. But it seems our Super Lemon Haze doesn't like too much salinity in the soil as evidenced by a bit of foxtailing and nanner production when pushed really hard on the nutes. I've been trying to gauge the upper limit and this last run showed me what I was looking for. Learning more about how the salinity increase affects the ability of the plant to uptake nutrients would be very valuable.
Believe what you want i just laid down the information directly from Arjan and Franco quoted from them, and another land race breeder who is well known on the global breeding level. Arjan and franco ar probably the 2 most experiencd land race breeders on the planet and u want to argue w me about what they said!! Proving my point exactly that YOU guys just argue w me about everything and this is fuckin hillarious, this isnt even me talkin im quoting the breeders who are world renowned for land race selectio and breeding from a show they have and produce called strain hunters. So go write arjan a letter n tell him he is a liar and see what he has to say, lmao.

And yes u r right i believe and know from experience dyna gro is BS! I have seen many runs using their nutrients and customers who have thrown the shit in the trash with many problems and terrible results. Some switched to Jr Peters bcuz they r on these forums and someone told em to use the shit and ghey came back and said that side by sides of dyna vs jr peters that strains arent even recognizeable and that JR Peters blows that shit out of the water.

Now with that said ive also had people switch to bio-canna from my recommendations from dyna gro and jr peters and said they would never get off canna again period. High thc, high yields, powerful tastes and aromas. Do what u want i dont give a shit. Im not a cheap penny pincher. This business u spend money to make money. U go cheap u get cheap fuckin results. Every 1$ spent on average is 6-7$ earned back nutrients are vitally important. Ive tried and or run or had my closest associates try and run almost every brand of nutrients available on the market and I stand by and confirm that if u want good results using organics: Bio-Canna and GH General Organics are my #1-2 and synthetic or blend i would use AN jungle juice or connoiseur (if u want ph perfect technology) or use original Canna.

I also dont use lab made synthetic BS like dyna gro in my gardens. That crap is nothing but heavy cheap processed salt very cheap man made nutrients that are not made for cannabis and i will never use that shit in my garden. Been many studies on those nutrients and migraines and headaches they cause as well, including miracle gro since those two companies are damn near same process wise in how they make and blend their nutrients and sources they use in producing their products.

I use only high quality, organic blends very little synethics and i will pay top dollar because after growing for the last decade i know the difference between the two and u pay for what u get, period. U can talk all shit u want i get plenty of pm's and business bcuz i back my work up and know wtf im talking about and dont need a couple trolls on a web site to justify or tell me otherwise.
Believe what you want i just laid down the information directly from Arjan and Franco quoted from them, and another land race breeder who is well known on the global breeding level

As expected. They have not run, nor do they have the resources to run, DNA profiles.

I have no interest in bro science. Do you understand?

Believe what you want i just laid down the information directly from Arjan and Franco quoted from them, and another land race breeder who is well known on the global breeding level. Arjan and franco ar probably the 2 most experiencd land race breeders on the planet and u want to argue w me about what they said!! Proving my point exactly that YOU guys just argue w me about everything and this is fuckin hillarious, this isnt even me talkin im quoting the breeders who are world renowned for land race selectio and breeding from a show they have and produce called strain hunters. So go write arjan a letter n tell him he is a liar and see what he has to say, lmao.

And yes u r right i believe and know from experience dyna gro is BS! I have seen many runs using their nutrients and customers who have thrown the shit in the trash with many problems and terrible results. Some switched to Jr Peters bcuz they r on these forums and someone told em to use the shit and ghey came back and said that side by sides of dyna vs jr peters that strains arent even recognizeable and that JR Peters blows that shit out of the water.

Now with that said ive also had people switch to bio-canna from my recommendations from dyna gro and jr peters and said they would never get off canna again period. High thc, high yields, powerful tastes and aromas. Do what u want i dont give a shit. Im not a cheap penny pincher. This business u spend money to make money. U go cheap u get cheap fuckin results. Every 1$ spent on average is 6-7$ earned back nutrients are vitally important. Ive tried and or run or had my closest associates try and run almost every brand of nutrients available on the market and I stand by and confirm that if u want good results using organics: Bio-Canna and GH General Organics are my #1-2 and synthetic or blend i would use AN jungle juice or connoiseur (if u want ph perfect technology) or use original Canna.

I also dont use lab made synthetic BS like dyna gro in my gardens. That crap is nothing but heavy cheap processed salt very cheap man made nutrients that are not made for cannabis and i will never use that shit in my garden. Been many studies on those nutrients and migraines and headaches they cause as well, including miracle gro since those two companies are damn near same process wise in how they make and blend their nutrients and sources they use in producing their products.

I use only high quality, organic blends very little synethics and i will pay top dollar because after growing for the last decade i know the difference between the two and u pay for what u get, period. U can talk all shit u want i get plenty of pm's and business bcuz i back my work up and know wtf im talking about and dont need a couple trolls on a web site to justify or tell me otherwise.
Damn how much you chrarging for the advice? I hope they can get a refund at least
Believe what you want i just laid down the information directly from Arjan and Franco quoted from them, and another land race breeder who is well known on the global breeding level. Arjan and franco ar probably the 2 most experiencd land race breeders on the planet and u want to argue w me about what they said!! Proving my point exactly that YOU guys just argue w me about everything and this is fuckin hillarious, this isnt even me talkin im quoting the breeders who are world renowned for land race selectio and breeding from a show they have and produce called strain hunters. So go write arjan a letter n tell him he is a liar and see what he has to say, lmao.

And yes u r right i believe and know from experience dyna gro is BS! I have seen many runs using their nutrients and customers who have thrown the shit in the trash with many problems and terrible results. Some switched to Jr Peters bcuz they r on these forums and someone told em to use the shit and ghey came back and said that side by sides of dyna vs jr peters that strains arent even recognizeable and that JR Peters blows that shit out of the water.

Now with that said ive also had people switch to bio-canna from my recommendations from dyna gro and jr peters and said they would never get off canna again period. High thc, high yields, powerful tastes and aromas. Do what u want i dont give a shit. Im not a cheap penny pincher. This business u spend money to make money. U go cheap u get cheap fuckin results. Every 1$ spent on average is 6-7$ earned back nutrients are vitally important. Ive tried and or run or had my closest associates try and run almost every brand of nutrients available on the market and I stand by and confirm that if u want good results using organics: Bio-Canna and GH General Organics are my #1-2 and synthetic or blend i would use AN jungle juice or connoiseur (if u want ph perfect technology) or use original Canna.

I also dont use lab made synthetic BS like dyna gro in my gardens. That crap is nothing but heavy cheap processed salt very cheap man made nutrients that are not made for cannabis and i will never use that shit in my garden. Been many studies on those nutrients and migraines and headaches they cause as well, including miracle gro since those two companies are damn near same process wise in how they make and blend their nutrients and sources they use in producing their products.

I use only high quality, organic blends very little synethics and i will pay top dollar because after growing for the last decade i know the difference between the two and u pay for what u get, period. U can talk all shit u want i get plenty of pm's and business bcuz i back my work up and know wtf im talking about and dont need a couple trolls on a web site to justify or tell me otherwise.

Maybe you hawking these "experts from afar" is Trolling. The Emperor has no clothes here. We have real experience. We know the difference between synthie and organie. It is shit. :)

Genetics don't change, so easily, son. The expression of the phenotypes may change and that is not the same thing so your experts don't know shit about genetics....or you don't.
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BTW, I know this show. I have seen it. So, I don't think they say the genetics change. Humans breed all the time.
They say our genetics do not change, as a result. Virus, random mutation and cosmic radiation change genetics.

The story changes with the telling. The tale grows taller. And since you are not quoting only saying you are, what you are doing is the trolling here.
BTW, I know this show. I have seen it. So, I don't think they say the genetics change. Humans breed all the time.
They say our genetics do not change, as a result. Virus, random mutation and cosmic radiation change genetics.

The story changes with the telling. The tale grows taller. And since you are not quoting only saying you are, what you are doing is the trolling here.

I guess I need to remember Im dealing with stoners and most likely not the smartest people in the world so I have to explain. Its obivous that u dont really know what genetics are so I will explain.

Cannabis genetics is called a genotype, which is the main blueprint for that strain. This genotype allows a strain to grow a certain way called its physical capabilities. Now it is up to the ENViRONMENT to develop these physical characteristics, that is why when u take a OG kush and u grow 1 indoor in hydroponics, 1 indoors in dirt/soil, 1 outdoors in supersoil and 1 in a soilless mix in a greenhouse you will never get marijuana flowers that look 100% identical. What u will be left with is flowers that have similar smells and aromas but look nothing alike. The shape, the size, the color etcc.. Will all BE DIFFERENT!! Why is that they are the SAME genetics right?

Exactly because they are different environments so the genotype of that strain is changed and what ur left with is a phenotype of that strain. The same thing that happens with land race strains when removed from their natural environment. U guys get it now? Its not hard to understand. Problem is u have the "genetics" u think have to be 1 way but thats not the case, because of environmental factors that change and alter their physical characteristics producing a pehnotype of that strain and not growing to its potential genetic makeup.

A phenotype is based on what the environment the cannabis is grown in that pulls certain characteristics from the genotype or genetics of that strain itself and is 100% dependent on that environment to develop the phenotype which is what ur left with.