giving defoliation during flower a try

i don't know if you missed my post about loathing grammar nazis and the irony about being called a idiot.

making a mistake with the an/a rule would not constitute idiocy (IQ of 0-25)
so its not really (ironic) to be called (a idiot) unless you take the definition of irony from the Alanis Morissette song

its not even ironic that you misuse the term ironic although it could be racist, better check with UB lol

When has chuck put me in my place? LMAO

All chuck does is post memes and ask people why they are mad.

And YES, I make long posts because I use information and take in depth looks into what I say I dont copy and paste random BS. I post information that ppl can read, apply and maintain in making their own hypothesis. Whether you think Im right or Im wrong, thats fine with me. For those who can evaluate and come to their own conclusion based on the information I provide is up to them. If noone believes anything that I say that is also fine. But if you are going to call me names and turn this into a he said, she said argument and tell me im an idiot, THEN at least prove it.

Anyone can make a 1 sentence response and call someone a liar or an idiot or whatever they feel like typing but at least put some value and information that backs up your reasoning otherwise like the rest of the BS posted to these forums it has no merit and means nothing. When I make and write a post its been thoroughly proof read and i make sure that my message and points I am making are valid to the best of my knowledge.

And to answer the question I forgot who asked, YES a good majority of my grows I use Canna or AN, but I have now switched over to GH General Organics, as I am focusing on doing strictly organic grows ad focusing on quality over yield. With that said if I want to achieve high yields and good quality I will always use AN or Canna as in MY experience I have yet to find any nutrient line or combination of nutrients that can match their results.

And I also think its hillarious that Chuck calls everyone trolls and names but all he does is troll on this forum finding ppl to argue with and talk shit too, while providing 0 regarding cultivation practices or any information pertaining to increasing yields, plant quality etcc... He just copy and pastes shit UB or RM3 says and holds their hands hoping he gets a like from one of them because he is a miserable and pathetic individual with nothing better to do with his time apparently.

BOL happy harvesting!
When has chuck put me in my place? LMAO

All chuck does is post memes and ask people why they are mad.

And YES, I make long posts because I use information and take in depth looks into what I say I dont copy and paste random BS. I post information that ppl can read, apply and maintain in making their own hypothesis. Whether you think Im right or Im wrong, thats fine with me. For those who can evaluate and come to their own conclusion based on the information I provide is up to them. If noone believes anything that I say that is also fine. But if you are going to call me names and turn this into a he said, she said argument and tell me im an idiot, THEN at least prove it.

Anyone can make a 1 sentence response and call someone a liar or an idiot or whatever they feel like typing but at least put some value and information that backs up your reasoning otherwise like the rest of the BS posted to these forums it has no merit and means nothing. When I make and write a post its been thoroughly proof read and i make sure that my message and points I am making are valid to the best of my knowledge.

And to answer the question I forgot who asked, YES a good majority of my grows I use Canna or AN, but I have now switched over to GH General Organics, as I am focusing on doing strictly organic grows ad focusing on quality over yield. With that said if I want to achieve high yields and good quality I will always use AN or Canna as in MY experience I have yet to find any nutrient line or combination of nutrients that can match their results.

And I also think its hillarious that Chuck calls everyone trolls and names but all he does is troll on this forum finding ppl to argue with and talk shit too, while providing 0 regarding cultivation practices or any information pertaining to increasing yields, plant quality etcc... He just copy and pastes shit UB or RM3 says and holds their hands hoping he gets a like from one of them because he is a miserable and pathetic individual with nothing better to do with his time apparently.

BOL happy harvesting!
you mad bro? you seem a little upset
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you again asshole, you are so angry it's not even funny. I explained that you can clearly see the bleached leaves from the gavita. the bud itself is fucking huge,like your anger issues. Maybe I should have put a coke bottle next to it so you could compare.
Lol. That's not light bleaching, nice try.
Lol. That's not light bleaching, nice try.
yeah, white leaves is not light bleaching, ok. Tell you what, Ill get you a new pic in a couple hrs now that i have the light dialed in, then you can fuck off, mkay? Plus, i ain't gonna lie, running 10-15 strains in a perpetual and keeping them all green is a tough thing to do, but i got it pretty dialed in.
i actually enjoyed pks mile long posts, he incited tons of e ammo flying from side to side before the troll fest started
wiki debate. you are engaging in debate as you read my post.??? your post was wrong stating this is not a debate. this is a fact.
now i become the prey. you guys crack me up. if i interject its not going to change the posted info and make you lose the debate. but attacking in fear like primates makes your side look weak. cummon, your five year old is showing, idiot? really? nice ftw there.

From your provided link. dig your own stupid hole.

The outcome of a debate depends upon consensus or some formal way of reaching a resolution, rather than the objective facts as such. In a formal debating contest, there are rules for participants to discuss and decide on differences, within a framework defining how they will interact.
You are just self serving with this debate business. It is for self declared "winners." This is just a baby-poo argument and very garden variety at best. This is a science and science is not a debate.
From your provided link. dig your own stupid hole.

The outcome of a debate depends upon consensus or some formal way of reaching a resolution, rather than the objective facts as such. In a formal debating contest, there are rules for participants to discuss and decide on differences, within a framework defining how they will interact.
You are just self serving with this debate business. It is for self declared "winners." This is just a baby-poo argument and very garden variety at best. This is a science and science is not a debate.
ya its really blowing my mind that these are the same guys that run the advanced growing threads involved in this debauchery. since i guess your google is selective when you debate to pick out things that aren't the point of the argument i will do it for you, wiki debate, here is the first couple lines stating that we are indeed, having a debate right now......
Debate is contention in argument; dispute, controversy; discussion; especially the discussion of questions of public interestin Parliament or in any assembly.[1]

Debate is a method of interactive and representational argument. Debate is a broader form of argument than deductive reasoning, which only examines whether a conclusion is a consequence of premises, and factual argument, which only examines what is or isn't the case, or rhetoric, which is a technique of persuasion.

cummon doer, you were running the root slime and beneficial bacteria thread for a while and your going to tell me you can't tell me accurately what a debate is? whaaaat?
ya its really blowing my mind that these are the same guys that run the advanced growing threads involved in this debauchery. since i guess your google is selective when you debate to pick out things that aren't the point of the argument i will do it for you, wiki debate, here is the first couple lines stating that we are indeed, having a debate right now......
Debate is contention in argument; dispute, controversy; discussion; especially the discussion of questions of public interestin Parliament or in any assembly.[1]

Debate is a method of interactive and representational argument. Debate is a broader form of argument than deductive reasoning, which only examines whether a conclusion is a consequence of premises, and factual argument, which only examines what is or isn't the case, or rhetoric, which is a technique of persuasion.

cummon doer, you were running the root slime and beneficial bacteria thread for a while and your going to tell me you can't tell me accurately what a debate is? whaaaat?

You are telling us this is a Parliament or something? Debate is where things of import get DECIDED. No one is running anything here, nor is this some sort of democracy. Your own link disproves you, if you read it.

No one cares for winners and loser here, only losers care. There is nothing here and no reason at all, to debate a thing. And there are no judges. It is anonymous only. Not a debate. A discussion.

Please conduct yourself more appropriately, knowing that fact. Hint. Read closer...closer... maybe learn how to spell like an adult, and be taken more seriously?

Besides, this is just a plain jane, argument, of no consequence. Not the same thing as debate, at all.

I guess they teach nothing these days to the youth, so how can you even know, huh?
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You are tell us this a Parliament or something. No is running anything here, nor is this some sort of democarcy at all. Read closer...closer... maybe learn how to spell like an adult, and be taken more seriously?

Besides, this is a plain jane, argument is all. Not the same thing and I guess they teach nothing these days to the youth.
right now we are debating weather this is a debate. or according to you we aren't? is that what your saying? this isn't a debate were having to try and prove/disprove if we are actually debating?

cause id figure that if you read the question, pick a side, and then try and convince the other side of your sides point...that you are debating. no?
Monty Python...the Argument Sketch

A man walks into an office.

Man: (Michael Palin) Ah. I'd like to have an argument, please.

Receptionist: Certainly sir. Have you been here before?

Man: No, this is my first time.

Receptionist: I see. Well, do you want to have the full argument, or were you thinking of taking a course?

Man: Well, what would be the cost?

Receptionist: Well, It's one pound for a five minute argument, but only eight pounds for a course of ten.

Man: Well, I think it's probably best if I start with the one and then see how it goes from there, okay?

Receptionist: Fine. I'll see who's free at the moment.


Receptionist: Mr. DeBakey's free, but he's a little bit conciliatory. Ahh yes, Try Mr. Barnard; room 12.

Man: Thank you. (Walks down the hall. Opens door.)


Man: Well, Well, I was told outside that...


Man: What?


M: Yes, but I came here for an argument!!

A: OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse!

M: Oh! Oh I see!

A: Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door.

M: Oh...Sorry...

A: Not at all!

A: (under his breath) stupid git.

(The man goes into room 12A. Another man is sitting behind a desk.)

Man: Is this the right room for an argument?

Other Man:(John Cleese) I've told you once.

Man: No you haven't!

Other Man: Yes I have.

M: When?

O: Just now.

M: No you didn't!

O: Yes I did!

M: You didn't!

O: I did!

M: You didn't!

O: I'm telling you, I did!

M: You did not!

O: Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?

M: Ah! (taking out his wallet and paying) Just the five minutes.

O: Just the five minutes. Thank you.

O: Anyway, I did.

M: You most certainly did not!

O: Now let's get one thing quite clear: I most definitely told you!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh look, this isn't an argument!


O: Yes it is!

M: No it isn't!


M: It's just contradiction!

O: No it isn't!

M: It IS!

O: It is NOT!

M: You just contradicted me!

O: No I didn't!

M: You DID!

O: No no no!

M: You did just then!

O: Nonsense!

M: (exasperated) Oh, this is futile!!


O: No it isn't!

M: Yes it is!


M: I came here for a good argument!

O: AH, no you didn't, you came here for an argument!

M: An argument isn't just contradiction.

O: Well! it CAN be!

M: No it can't!

M: An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.

O: No it isn't!

M: Yes it is! 'tisn't just contradiction.

O: Look, if I *argue* with you, I must take up a contrary position!

M: Yes but it isn't just saying 'no it isn't'.

O: Yes it is!

M: No it isn't!

O: Yes it is!

M: No it isn't!

O: Yes it is!

M: No it ISN'T! Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.

O: It is NOT!

M: It is!

O: Not at all!

M: It is!

(The Arguer hits a bell on his desk and stops.)

O: Thank you, that's it.

M: (stunned) What?

O: That's it. Good morning.

M: But I was just getting interested!

O: I'm sorry, the five minutes is up.

M: That was never five minutes just now!!

O: I'm afraid it was.

M: (leading on) No it wasn't.....

O: I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more.


O: If you want me to go on arguing, you'll have to pay for another five minutes.

M: But that was never five minutes just now!
Oh Come on!
Oh this is...
This is ridiculous!
O: I told you... I told you, I'm not allowed to argue unless you PAY!

M: Oh all right. (takes out his wallet and pays again.) There you are.

O: Thank you.

M: (clears throat) Well...

O: Well WHAT?

M: That was never five minutes just now.

O: I told you, I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid!

M: Well I just paid!

O: No you didn't!

M: I DID!!!

O: YOU didn't!

M: I DID!!!

O: YOU didn't!

M: I DID!!!

O: YOU didn't!

M: I DID!!!

O: YOU didn't!

M: I don't want to argue about it!

O: Well I'm very sorry but you didn't pay!

M: Ah hah! Well if I didn't pay, why are you arguing??? Ah HAAAAAAHHH! Gotcha!

O: No you haven't!

M: Yes I have! If you're arguing, I must have paid.

O: Not necessarily. I *could* be arguing in my spare time.

M: I've had enough of this!

O: No you haven't.

M: Oh shut up!

(Man leaves the office)