Allright here's the scoop , i called him a little while ago & said me & my son were having trouble figuring out why his mileage was so high & maybe Wright Express was over charging us cause his mileage should be close to his brothers , i figured on starting with the small shit 1st & im glad i did .
He says " well yeah my mileage is higher than normal we've been workin on your fathers cabin & were allmost finished too " , i didnt even ask about the charges at Home Depot or the ATM withdraws because i know where it all went now .
My father owned a few properties & a little vacation home outside Windsor Canada he left me when he passed away , we call the little house " the cabin" because its so small its impossible to find a long term renter , it costs us $1,200 a year in lawn care & brings in zero profit so me & him had a talk about the property early this spring , i didnt want to sell it because my father loved the place but im barred from entering Canada forever so wtf do we do with the place .
He dont have time to use the place & im perma banned from Canada ( Fuck the Queen ) so we talked about fixing it up & letting all our kids use it as a vacation spot they can do spring break type shit at , its got a nice little pond out back & for a little party pad it could be sweet after some work .
He said he was gonna start working on it in his spare time & thats the last we spoke about it , i had forgotten the whole deal until the phone call , so far he's put a new metal roof on the place , updated the kitchen & bath , had septic pumped , new water softener so the water dont smell like rotten eggs , rebuilt the garage that was falling down & new modern appliances , all its lacking is new carpet & he's waiting for the next house we flip so he can pad the carpet sq footage to get enough to finish the cabin .
It all makes sense now , he put the appliances & materials on other jobs & split them up to blend it all in for tax reasons , we cant use any money spent on the cabin on our business taxes so he did it smart , exactly how i would of spread the costs out .
The best part is he did every last bit of the work on his days off , vacation & short work days instead of going home with a full days pay he drove to Canada to work on the cabin , i couldn't ask for a better foreman or brother in law .
Im so glad i didnt jump the gun & accuse him of stealing , I would of caused a world of drama , from his hard work all our kids are gonna have a kick ass safe place to party & go fishing with the grand kids PLUS he never asked for one red cent for his time & effort all summer long ,thats family !
I allready told my son & he's happy it wasn't thievery but he didnt understand why his unk spread out the purchases on other PO's , the business dont own the property legally because its still in my name , now he understands it all .
Both brothers in law will see their raises on this weeks pay , they've earned it & i hope it makes them as happy as that phone call made me & my boy .
Thanks for lending an ear guys , all the advice helped clear this old farts head .