Well-Known Member
you can now strap on your hip waders and slog through it yourself.
in between the bad prose, failed poetry and declarations of divinity, it is chock-block full of insistence that ALL THE WORLD must bow to their god, violence is perfectly acceptable against "mischief makers" (and then goes on to define "mischief makers" as all unbelievers) and of course, declarations that if you disagree with even one word of this screed, you are an apostate/enemy of islam, and should be killed.
theres even some people who are irredeemable and can never be forgiven, instead they must be destroyed root and branch, like polytheists (which includes hindus, buddhists, taoists, confucians, and depending on their mood, christians just to name a few) atheists, ancestor worshipers, idolators (again thats a big list that includes christians or not, depending on their whim), and those who reject islam the first time it is "offered"
moslem apologists can say whatever they wish, but the book is clear;
become moslem or you will be either a slave a dhimmi or a corpse, and this includes the WHOLE world.
"Jihad" is mandatory. if you arent supporting the "Jihad" in some way, youre committing the "sin of shirk"
some people are simply damned and a must be exterminated (the list varies depending on who is shouting at the moment)
every word in the koran is 100% true and non-optional
if you dont like some parts, tough noogies. obey or be an apostate. (interpretations vary of course so anyone can be declared apostate by other sects)
and when all the world has become properly moslem (of YOUR sect of course) then we will have peace.
and of course, the jews.
sure theres lots of "jews are people of the book" slogans in there, but the oddities of the koran confuse the issue.
later verses in the koran can supersede earlier "revelations", yet the book is not arraigned chronologically.
the koran's chapters are arraigned from longest to shortest, with earlier "revelations" coming both before and after later ones.
who can decide whether jews are "people of the book" or not?
the Council of Experts does that in shia, and the imams do it in sunni islam.
both agree however that the "people of the book" revelations are older (and thus superseded) by the less apologia friendly declarations like:
[9.30] And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!
so yeah.
and then theres the Hadith...
dont get me started.
in the end, the moderate moslems who dont want to start shit, and arent scheming to subjugate the world by fire and sword, are "apostates" in the eyes of the fundamentalists, and being an apostate is almost as bad as being a polytheist or an idolator, or (depending on whether they are talking to a western or moslem audience...) being a hateful unforgivable, eternally condemned JEW
fuck that shit.
you're a known white supremacist.
people would be wasting their time to read anything that you say.