The religion of peace

Will the apologists/appeasers and dumb of head, like Buck, at least admit, we are fighting a world wide War Cult, embedded in Sunni Mosques most everywhere?

are you sure they aren't fighting us world wide?

as i recall, only one of us has bases in nearly every country in existence.

Perhaps, but though persecuted Luther spearheaded the reformation. Isn't that the path the moderates (muslims) are taking?

Are they? Sunnism is the tradition, as was Catholism in Luther's time. For the analogy to hold up the "moderates" would have to re-nounce Sunni. But, they don't. Where is the We Protest this war cult, like Luther's protest of
Catholics ? Not to be seen. And, yet, this Ibn ʿAsākir, dude, is still the darling of jihad.

As we see here, Jihad is nothing new.
The Intensification and Reorientation of Sunni Jihad Ideology in the Crusader Period examines the important role of Ibn ʿAsākir, including his Forty Hadiths for Inciting Jihad, in the promotion of a renewed jihad ideology in twelfth-century Damascus as part of sultan Nūr al-Dīn’s agenda to revivify Sunnism and fight, under the banner of jihad, Crusader and Muslim opponents. This jihad vision was exclusively centered on selected quranic verses and prophetic hadiths. Ibn ʿAsākir and other Sunni scholars in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Syria departed from the earlier scholarly focus on legal nuances and aversion to invoke jihad in intra-Muslim conflicts. They championed this intensification and reorientation of jihad ideology in mainstream Sunni scholarship, and gave it a lasting legacy.
he was responding directly to you. he even quoted your post in his reply.

why try to lie about that?

I asked and he did not answer. But, you chimed in and screwed it up. You patterned the answer. Only then did he tap dance and "sure whatever" type answer.

And what the Saudi and Chechen? And you lie...why? You appease and apologize for jihad...why?
I asked and he did not answer. But, you chimed in and screwed it up. You patterned the answer. Only then did he tap dance and "sure whatever" type answer.

And what the Saudi and Chechen? And you lie...why? You appease and apologize for jihad...why?

you're off your damn rocker.
Hookie, you may be right. I just saw a speech from the President of Egypt. He said, Sunni must under-go a Revolution. He denounced all Clerics for being afraid of Jihad and silent or willing criminals with it.

So, we heard about Martin Luther, centuries later. Maybe this is beginning to happen in Islam. About time.
1000 lashes!! for being critical of clerics.

Raif Badawi, who was sentenced to 1,000 lashes and 10 years in jail, was flogged 50 times. The flogging will be carried out weekly, campaigners say.

Mr Badawi, the co-founder of a now banned website called the Liberal Saudi Network, was arrested in 2012.

Rights groups condemned his conviction and the US appealed for clemency.

On Thursday state department spokeswoman Jen Psaki urged the Saudi authorities to "cancel this brutal punishment" and to review his case.

In addition to his sentence, Mr Badawi was ordered to pay a fine of 1 million riyals ($266,000; £175,000).
You keep saying that as if it is beginning now. This has been going on for thousands of years.
Hmmm...I see the context of my statement has escaped your excessively broad perception of history.
The pressure cooker in Europe is what I was referring to, which has been building up steam over the last 30 years or so. Perhaps you missed my earlier thread on the subject before this all went down?

I have to admit it is a result of optimistically naive, socialist policy which has allowed this to develop, coupled with passive acceptance of mono-ethnic communities (among other, more mundane things). There's no perfect form of political ideology; there's always an opportunity cost. Nevertheless, lessons can be gleaned from it, and steps taken to prevent future occurrences.

But I question if it is too late for Europe.

...and so it begins
My view is simple . I don't give two fucks about your religion and or beliefs . From any human to another , we all have a freedom of speech and if you don't like it , piss off . Not everyone believes in the same religion . Not all muslims are radical and therefore all are not bad .same thing with every race/religion . You will have your white trash , spics, niggas , along with your radical ass religious people . As decent humans we can all put that shit aside and live together .
My view is simple . I don't give two fucks about your religion and or beliefs . From any human to another , we all have a freedom of speech and if you don't like it , piss off . Not everyone believes in the same religion . Not all muslims are radical and therefore all are not bad .same thing with every race/religion . You will have your white trash , spics, niggas , along with your radical ass religious people . As decent humans we can all put that shit aside and live together .

Until a muslim kills your favorite cartoonist?

There is a problem, it is a multi-headed monster with no clear solution. The US is too interventionist/militaristic/etc. If we were complete isolationists there would still be terrorism however.

If the so called moderate muslims want to prove that they are part of a religion of peace then they need to step up and police themselves and out the radicals that are causing it to be really hard to believe.
Until a muslim kills your favorite cartoonist?

There is a problem, it is a multi-headed monster with no clear solution. The US is too interventionist/militaristic/etc. If we were complete isolationists there would still be terrorism however.

If the so called moderate muslims want to prove that they are part of a religion of peace then they need to step up and police themselves and out the radicals that are causing it to be really hard to believe.

when moderate americans like me out radical extremist americans like you, all you do is complain though.
How about you offer a solution instead of the menial incessant name calling?
Volunteer at a local political action group, or an organization that suits your agenda - if you're so passionate about it then make a difference rather than just name calling on a Cannabis site.
"Change your world"
You're smart enough apparently but you seem to have a mean streak.
Might want to address that, bad habits don't get better on their own.

How about you offer a solution instead of the menial incessant name calling?
Volunteer at a local political action group, or an organization that suits your agenda - if you're so passionate about it then make a difference rather than just name calling on a Cannabis site.
"Change your world"
You're smart enough apparently but you seem to have a mean streak.
Might want to address that, bad habits don't get better on their own.

Is that addressed to everyone?
No such thing as a religion of peace. All religions are dangerous, and nobody has the balls to hold those that commit atrocities in the name of their religion accountable because it's not the politically correct thing to do

Until that happens, nobody has a right to bitch about the acts committed in the name of somebodies imaginary friend
How about you offer a solution instead of the menial incessant name calling?
Volunteer at a local political action group, or an organization that suits your agenda - if you're so passionate about it then make a difference rather than just name calling on a Cannabis site.
"Change your world"
You're smart enough apparently but you seem to have a mean streak.
Might want to address that, bad habits don't get better on their own.

I suggest we give Alaska to Canada and we get Ontario and Quebec. Will you help me with this petition ?
Theres clearly a lot of stereotypes and prejudice following Muslims , try not to bunch a group of people with extremist
we dont do it with Catholics, or Jewish , or any other religion.

If you know anything about islamic religion is it essentially the exact same as Jewish and Christianity the only difference in the three is who jesus was, and different prophets
they are all basically the same religion kinda like a tree with branches,

I know its hard to look into something when you have fear mongering american tv blasting into your head a bunch of bullshit prejudice but sometimes we need to actually educate ourselves before we make judgements on a huge number of people i know its hard but do so, although there are people on here i doubt will do so, and they will continue on the bandwagon of uneducated based stereotypes because its easier to do that than admit your wrongs and learn
Theres clearly a lot of stereotypes and prejudice following Muslims , try not to bunch a group of people with extremist
we dont do it with Catholics, or Jewish , or any other religion.

If you know anything about islamic religion is it essentially the exact same as Jewish and Christianity the only difference in the three is who jesus was, and different prophets
they are all basically the same religion kinda like a tree with branches,

I know its hard to look into something when you have fear mongering american tv blasting into your head a bunch of bullshit prejudice but sometimes we need to actually educate ourselves before we make judgements on a huge number of people i know its hard but do so, although there are people on here i doubt will do so, and they will continue on the bandwagon of uneducated based stereotypes because its easier to do that than admit your wrongs and learn
I respect all people and the way they worship, even if I disagree with all religions.