The religion of peace

didnt you already accuse me of plagiarizing MYSELF by maintaining a consistent stance?

no, i said you have been spamming the same thing verbatim for years.

if you can cite where i accused you of "plagiarizing" yourself, then go ahead. when you can't you will have called yourself a liar, saving me the work.

and yes, desert dude is now parroting you verbatim, as are others.
actually, corpse defiling doesnt prevent moslems from entering "paradise"

nothing in the koran or hadith claims this. many moslem groups have a cultural taboo about corpse defiling, which is why they practice it so eagerly, but it's not any part of their books.

shit, a moslem can even drink beer and eat bacon if he must, to survive.

moslem religious strictures are actually a little milder than the orthodox jewish dietary laws.

orthodox jews are expected to die before partaking in the delicious flesh of the swine.
Who said anything about corpses?
Who said anything about corpses?
defiling corpses was implied when wrapping them in pig skins and stuffing their gobs with pork was suggested.

since thats exactly what Black Jack Pershing did to the musselmen terrorists in the phillipines ~1900
defiling corpses was implied when wrapping them in pig skins and stuffing their gobs with pork was suggested.

since thats exactly what Black Jack Pershing did to the musselmen terrorists in the phillipines ~1900
Hadn't heard about that. Did it work? I read that a private "security" firm sent a threat to do that to the local imam (along with the imam's cut off ear) to obtain the release of some clients kidnapped employee. The employee was released immediately.
Hadn't heard about that. Did it work? I read that a private "security" firm sent a threat to do that to the local imam (along with the imam's cut off ear) to obtain the release of some clients kidnapped employee. The employee was released immediately.

it's a story, i have no confirmation that it is true, but here we go:

the story is dubious but often repeated.

i suppose i should have said "Alleged to have done that", but it doesnt really matter.
Did anyone else catch the story of the fire-bomb on the offices of the Hamburger Morgenpost?
They printed Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

I'm somewhat suspicious of who did it, especially in light of no one claiming responsibility. "Hooligan" opportunism, perhaps? Trying to fan that flame?
Regardless, it's not getting better over there.

Meanwhile, a 24 year old Muslim from Mali was responsible in helping save the lives of 15 people in the Jewish Supermarket, and aided police with their final assault plan after he escaped through the roof, knowing all the details of where, who and how.

What a twist, eh?
Only since 640 AD

The fighting didnt start then, that was when the sides changed names..

Competition has been going on with every species on the planet since they were created. Why do we treat this as something new or special?

by that logic, we should be storming eastern washington for skinheads, since right wing extremists have killed far more americans than jihad has.

Whenever 2 or more skinheads are gathered.....


I am all for equal treatment.

What happened at Ruby Ridge?
Did anyone else catch the story of the fire-bomb on the offices of the Hamburger Morgenpost?
They printed Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

I'm somewhat suspicious of who did it, especially in light of no one claiming responsibility. "Hooligan" opportunism, perhaps? Trying to fan that flame?
Regardless, it's not getting better over there.

Meanwhile, a 24 year old Muslim from Mali was responsible in helping save the lives of 15 people in the Jewish Supermarket, and aided police with their final assault plan after he escaped through the roof, knowing all the details of where, who and how.

What a twist, eh?

I saw a CNN special on the Shopping Mall Terror Attack. They had all the security footage. What a story, in detail. I had no idea. Over 60 killed. Only 4 Tangos. No Law present for over 1 hour. Incredible heroism and self sacrifice.

Two groups got disgusted with the SWAT element that would not go in the building, so separately a rouge police band and a rouge Army squad go in, All Muslims by the way, and ended up shooting at each other, while the Tangos were seen on CCTV in a storage room, resting and chatting.

And this does happen here, but when it does, armed citizens form instant militia and protect civilians. We see this all the time here, and no where else in this world.

And here Buck moos apology for Jihad.
defiling corpses was implied when wrapping them in pig skins and stuffing their gobs with pork was suggested.

since thats exactly what Black Jack Pershing did to the musselmen terrorists in the phillipines ~1900

Oh so that is where Mossad got the idea?
Pop quiz. When was the first Islamist buried in a Pig Skin?

Answer: Long after the first Jew was burned alive.

by that logic, we should be storming eastern washington for skinheads, since right wing extremists have killed far more americans than jihad has.

How much Federal Agent undercover has infiltrated these Enclaves. 4%? That's what they say happened to the KKK.