Looking great, that lush green makes me miss my tubes only more. My hydro plants look very much like that around that age, almost cabbage like, thick short stems and the leaves are as sturdy as some of my house plants. They usually bulge a bit like that too until they grow more foliage.
Ok, page 16 pics...
Got this on one plant that otherwise looks healthy:

Maybe too much bat shit in that one

Probably just burned and close up pics makes me see things I normally don't. Doesn't look healthy... also looks like the frost that is normally on those fans isn't popping out.
The fat tri right in the back has two largely purple fans:

I know some people like that coloration and fading near the end but while I don't necessarily mind, it's too soon. Night temps as lows as 58, though no longer than a few hours. Checked local shops for heating mats but they are more expensive than I remembered and I might just rather spend that on pvc...
groupshot, I added one of the plants in smaller pot back after removing most of it's side branches, it's the second one from the right in center row.