6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!


Well-Known Member
are there seeds available for the fireball online? i think they were your pics, but i saw a beautiful looking fireball in another thread
Well there is seeds but they are only offered as freebies right now but I happen to have a nice stash of fireballs :) yea you prob saw some of my pics but you probably also saw @BobBitchen lovely fireballs. He's gotta purple one that's on point


Well-Known Member
I'll be picking out my 5 flavors tonight and will be germinating Feb 1st in the morning. Can't wait.
If you need help with 'Midnight in Alaska", check this out, lol

https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&rlz=1C1GIGM_enUS572US572&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=what time is it in alaska&oq=what time is it in alaska&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4900j1j7

All you Europe guys especially! Goes double for Asia. And don't be fooling with the Intl Date Line either!


Well-Known Member
Just would like to say that I would personally like to thank everyone that came over to our site and supported us by purchasing our brand. I did not expect anyone to but many people did. As the owner of provision seeds I wanted to hop on and thank everyone Personally And thank you FC for reaching out to us. If there is anything else we can help with please let us know.



Well-Known Member
Probably don't help that I only have a phone for internet and the settings button on my phone don't work so it limits what I can do here.