could it be that the religion islam is a trojan horse

just a thought...there are many islamic neighbor hoods in the united states and other countries as well

hahahaha no no no no bad person no wish for great buds

1 religion all 3 of the major ones including that one is the same god (so what the hell is everything bitching about)
2 do not be that guy that spreads fear and panic about what is different ......walk up and ask them about it politely
3 most of those ppl in those areas are pissed off more so at this crazy ISIS ppl then the avg person on the street (they want them gone making them look bad )
4 dude put down the bong/blunt/vape hose/pipe some of them pretty damn cool (ask if they are a cop if they say no get them stoned it is ok ) they might have hash

come on the next thing u know u will be outside the house in hoods with burning cross in the yard .........same story different players is the crazy ppl over on the other side of the world that are piss offed they have no power and little dicks so they take something like religion and twist it in a matter that fits their views and sells its (just like the witch hunts 1700s)

u want to win and feel safe ........go talk to the ppl and have a BBQ chicken and steaks for everyone ......toss in some beer some weed going to be a fun night

now don't yah feel safe
hahahaha no no no no bad person no wish for great buds

1 religion all 3 of the major ones including that one is the same god (so what the hell is everything bitching about)
2 do not be that guy that spreads fear and panic about what is different ......walk up and ask them about it politely
3 most of those ppl in those areas are pissed off more so at this crazy ISIS ppl then the avg person on the street (they want them gone making them look bad )
4 dude put down the bong/blunt/vape hose/pipe some of them pretty damn cool (ask if they are a cop if they say no get them stoned it is ok ) they might have hash

come on the next thing u know u will be outside the house in hoods with burning cross in the yard .........same story different players is the crazy ppl over on the other side of the world that are piss offed they have no power and little dicks so they take something like religion and twist it in a matter that fits their views and sells its (just like the witch hunts 1700s)

u want to win and feel safe ........go talk to the ppl and have a BBQ chicken and steaks for everyone ......toss in some beer some weed going to be a fun night

now don't yah feel safe
do you understand the word just a thought ?
Im married to a Lebanese woman for 40 yrs now & yes Islam is a trogan horse , not for the educated & employed but for the uneducated & impoverished who are being manipulated by corrupt Cleriks using religious beliefs to further their own cause .

I wouldnt dare post my wifes thoughts on how to stabilize the region being torn apart using Islam as a shield, the hard core politics forum nutt jobs would rip her to shreds , call her a racist who believes in genocide ect .

Right now the religion of Islam is the most dangerous weapon in the world & before its brought in line with modern thinking there is gonna be alot more dead bodies , innocent victims & destabilized areas .
Im married to a Lebanese woman for 40 yrs now & yes Islam is a trogan horse , not for the educated & employed but for the uneducated & impoverished who are being manipulated by corrupt Cleriks using religious beliefs to further their own cause .

I wouldnt dare post my wifes thoughts on how to stabilize the region being torn apart using Islam as a shield, the hard core politics forum nutt jobs would rip her to shreds , call her a racist who believes in genocide ect .

Right now the religion of Islam is the most dangerous weapon in the world & before its brought in line with modern thinking there is gonna be alot more dead bodies , innocent victims & destabilized areas .

it is Not Islam it is a twisted version made up by some dick guy to fit the way they see the world .......most Islamic ppl are cool as hell they have set rules about how to treat ppl traveling (as long as u are nice and respectful u got no worries )....fuck ISIS did the worst thing in the whole religion ....they used fire to kill someone that is reserved for god only weapon so by doing it like that they were saying they are on the same lvl as god (pissing off a bunch of the fellow Islamic) ...Jordan is not pissed that the person died ....they are pissed how they died .......that death is a rally call

and if u want to fix it is really really really simple ...........what is the same not look at what is different look at what is the same the amount of normal common stuff u have do in your life is the same they do the only different is the name of the god u pray too ........even tho all 3 names are the same thing

religion is all just a simple for of control for ppl ......Jewish rules came first 3000 years of that then the Jesus thing 200 years later it was made into rules .......then in 700 AD the Islamic started .....everything is based off the one before ...Islamic's even think Jesus was a msger from god (not his son but a guy doing the Mohammed thing before Mohammed)

and tell your wife i am down with her my answer is to line the whole planet with Nukes every 30 miles on a towers and the whole thing is linked to one button and i have the button
i will get on TV /radio and tell the world this .......we all get along together or we all die together make your choice ....we know they will pick death and i will be the asshole to kill off the human race
Your preaching to the choir Justugh , I'm Christian & me misses is the evil Muslim who used to be Christian when she was young girl,her whole family was Christian but was given a choice , convert to Islam or die ,even though they converted their lives were in danger ,I got her whole family out before the savages could chop their heads off , the leaders of Islam have lost their path , much like ancient Christians .

While it's true most Muslims are good folk they are in no position to challenge those who have power & wealth , the government's who should be stepping in militarily are not doing so , any sane person would think the middle east would grow up as nations & as human beings .

Nothing will be done about the Muslim outrage over Isis by middle eastern countries , nothing meaningfully anyways .
yah and u know a thought is the first action to do something

and u can go to jail for it ...........the cop in NY that was a cannibal ....he never did anything only talked and thought about it

he did no overt action did not have any tools or anything only thought about it
let me put it simple for you...Trojan horse=not bad...Islam=not bad...inside the Trojan horse=danger...inside Islam= danger
let me put it simple for you...Trojan horse=not bad...Islam=not bad...inside the Trojan horse=danger...inside Islam= danger

I knew exactly what you meant about trogan horse , islam is a 500 kiloton nuke waiting to go off & nobody is willing to prempt its threat .

If push comes to shove you can bet your ass Israel will take the gloves off , i love israels balls .
let me put it simple for you...Trojan horse=not bad...Islam=not bad...inside the Trojan horse=danger...inside Islam= danger

Trojan horse to me is a Attack .....the most famous look at right hand and the left hand slits your throat
wolf in sheep clothes gets close throws it off and does what a wolf does

at no point do i think the ppl that live in Muslim sections of cities are this .........might someone hide in there and blend in with the ppl yes but to label the whole section a trap a trojan horse is wrong in my mind

now some counties i know of are Trojan horses if u are a black man .........u will drive in the odds of u driving out are very slim
Im married to a Lebanese woman for 40 yrs now & yes Islam is a trogan horse , not for the educated & employed but for the uneducated & impoverished who are being manipulated by corrupt Cleriks using religious beliefs to further their own cause .

I wouldnt dare post my wifes thoughts on how to stabilize the region being torn apart using Islam as a shield, the hard core politics forum nutt jobs would rip her to shreds , call her a racist who believes in genocide ect .

Right now the religion of Islam is the most dangerous weapon in the world & before its brought in line with modern thinking there is gonna be alot more dead bodies , innocent victims & destabilized areas .

You have balls, Panhead, it is SO refreshing to read someone who sees this very real threat. I was engaged for a few years to a Palestinian girl, and her parents wouldn't approve the wedding unless I converted to Islam. So, I studied the Qur'an and the Hadiths and could pronounce common Islamic phrases fluently in Arabic. Her and I were both atheist, so we didn't mind all the useless ritual and ceremony. There is no doubt that the religion commands violence, especially in the Hadiths. Luckily, most muslims don't practice this violence, but that is cherry picking. It is a religion of dogmatic intolerance, everyone MUST eventually become a muslim or perish. It isn't just the poor and uneducated that carry out these religious demands of violence and destruction, I understand most of the 9/11 terrorists came from affluent and educated families. Many Liberals state that it is not the religion, but other factors such as poverty, politics, ignorance, etc.. How can they say it is not the religion when these terrorists state EXPLICITLY that their actions are religious in nature. Islam is intolerant, and I don't think that it is intolerant of us not to tolerate intolerance (there has to be a better way to say that). The religion commands violence, some muslims obey and state they are following these commands, but this violence is not religiously motivated? I must be missing something. Many say that 'moderate' muslims don't do these things, only the 'extremists'. But it is the beliefs and tacit endorsement of the 'moderates' that makes the continued violence of these 'extremists' possible. The results from the polls taken from moderate musilims is astonishing, it seems most really do endorse most of these extreme actions. The late Christopher Hitchens, as well as Sam Harris, give extremely educated and well thought out arguments regarding the dangers of Islam to the world. It is worth listening to them, even if just attempting to poke holes in their arguments -

For those of us with longer attention spans, here are full debates on the matter -

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While I agree religions in general are there to manipulate you, Islam in itself as a religion is not a threat, some of my best friends are Muslims they are people like you and me, and want to live productive meaningful lives like most of us, like stated above you have US funded ISIS, all that BS, on top of that drones killing civilians like its no problem over there "whoops bad intel" of course they will hate you and everything you are but in general Muslims should not kill murder is strictly forbidden in the Qur'an, What other purpose should this life serve then to do good, is a good brief way to describe how I see it, and I respect them for it. I wont respect someone who goes to the point of killing innocents, but anyone who spends there life trying to do good to others, their families, friends, strangers is stand up in my book.
We wouldn't be looking at islam if the gov would have paid another religious sect to do it. It was opportune time for them so they took advantage and now we have a bunch of radicals with weapons while the gov tries to take the citizens arms. The world is going backwards not forward.
The Torah is just as violent as the Quran.

The difference between criticizing one religion and not another is that the adherents of the one you're criticizing are some of the most vulnerable and actively oppressed people on earth. Criticizing Islam now is like criticizing Judaism during World War Two.

To call them a threat to Western civilization is either stupid or dishonest or both. Western civilization has been and continues to be the greatest threat to everyone else.
The Torah is just as violent as the Quran.

The difference between criticizing one religion and not another is that the adherents of the one you're criticizing are some of the most vulnerable and actively oppressed people on earth. Criticizing Islam now is like criticizing Judaism during World War Two.

To call them a threat to Western civilization is either stupid or dishonest or both. Western civilization has been and continues to be the greatest threat to everyone else.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all contain violence within the pages of their holy books. The difference is that Judeo-Christian history—which is violent—is being conflated with Islamic theology—which commands violence. In the Muslim community, Jihad is a religious duty, because of the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. As you say, muslims are among the most oppressed and vulnerable, but most of this oppression has been done by other muslims via Islamic dogma. I find it ironic that it is the muslims that have the most to gain by Islam being defeated. As I posted earlier, I have had many muslim friends, and I have studied Islamic dogma for years. These muslims were great people, mainly because they, like most believers, cherry-pick through their religious texts and choose to ignore these commands of violence toward non-muslims. It is apparent that Islam is a threat to Western civilization, and to all other civilizations. Any ideology that commands everyone else must ultimately convert or be killed would be a threat, especially armed with modern weapons and the obvious willingness to carry out these violent commandments. All three abrahamic religions have violent histories, but only one is carrying violence toward all other groups into the modern era...
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Judaism, Christianity and Islam all contain violence within the pages of their holy books. The difference is that Judeo-Christian history—which is violent—is being conflated with Islamic theology—which commands violence.
Incorrect, there are many passages in the Torah, particularly in Leviticus where violence is commanded. No difference.
In the Muslim community, Jihad is a religious duty, because of the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force.

Jihad and conversion are not exactly synonymous, but you must be completely ignorant of Christianity if you think that they are not and have not always been driven to convert the world to their nonsense.

As you say, muslims are among the most oppressed and vulnerable, but most of this oppression has been done by other muslims via Islamic dogma. I find it ironic that it is the muslims that have the most to gain by Islam being defeated.

Just a couple of nonsensical comments with no reference to reality. You have clearly never heard of the theocratic apartheid state called Israel. You have clearly no idea what the United States have done in several Muslim countries in recent history.

As I posted earlier, I have had many muslim friends, and I have studied Islamic dogma for years.

I couldn't tell. Maybe you should study history.

It is apparent that Islam is a threat to Western civilization, and to all other civilizations.

It is apparent that Western Civilization is a threat to them and to all other civilizations. Just look at history. Your argument has no basis in reality. You're simply reading someone's distorted explication of the Quran and ignoring the brutal history of genocide by the West which actually happened repeatedly.

. All three abrahamic religions have violent histories, but only one is carrying violence toward all other groups into the modern era...

You're really not aware of the 2.5 million plus people murdered by the United States in Iraq alone in this century?

Get some perspective.
Incorrect, there are many passages in the Torah, particularly in Leviticus where violence is commanded. No difference.

God commanded the Hebrews to kill Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites—all specific peoples rooted to a specific time and place. At no time did God give an open-ended command for the Hebrews, and by extension their Jewish descendants, to fight and kill gentiles. When the Quran's violent verses are juxtaposed with their Old Testament counterparts, they are especially distinct for using language that transcends time and space, inciting believers to attack and slay nonbelievers today no less than yesterday. The Torah has commanded (past-tense) violence, The Quran is commanding (present-tense) violence. You are not the only one to miss this major, obvious difference. That is a major part of the problem...

Jihad and conversion are not exactly synonymous, but you must be completely ignorant of Christianity if you think that they are not and have not always been driven to convert the world to their nonsense.

True, jihad is not only about conversion. If the opponents won't convert to Islam they can choose death. As for Christianity, since it is impossible to find New Testament verses inciting violence, those who espouse the view that Christianity is as violent as Islam rely on historical events such as the Crusader wars waged by European Christians between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries. The Crusades were in fact violent and led to atrocities by the modern world's standards under the banner of the cross and in the name of Christianity. After breaching the walls of Jerusalem in 1099, for example, the Crusaders reportedly slaughtered almost every inhabitant. These actions were done by men, but are not commandments from god. Obviously in modern times, the spreading of christianity is not often attempted by violent means, and when it is, it is again the will of misguided men, and not the word of god. Modern Islamic violence, on the other hand, is commanded by god...

Just a couple of nonsensical comments with no reference to reality. You have clearly never heard of the theocratic apartheid state called Israel. You have clearly no idea what the United States have done in several Muslim countries in recent history.

We can all clearly see Islam's oppression of muslims: The oppression of the muslim women (to cover their bodies to various degrees, to explicitly be lesser than male muslims, not to educate themselves, not being able to go out of their homes unless accompanied by males, etc.). Also, the Sunni-Shia oppression and slaughter of muslims by muslims throughout recorded history demonstrates an appalling number muslim deaths. Al-Qaeda is also responsible for instigating sectarian violence among Muslims. Al-Qaeda leaders regard liberal Muslims, Shias, Sufis and other sects as heretics and have attacked their mosques and gatherings. Examples of sectarian attacks include the Yazidi community bombings, the Sadr City bombings, the Ashoura Massacre and the April 2007 Baghdad bombings. This is the reality my comments were referencing.

I don't necessarily agree with Israel's policies, or even their right to exist in the forceful, immoral way they have created the State in the 20th century. I am also aware of US terror and slaughter in muslim countries, and I am opposed to that, as well. But that is not the topic of this thread. The topic of this thread is the Islamic threat...

I couldn't tell. Maybe you should study history.

It seems that you could use a brush up, yourself. I hope that the historical facts I've listed here will assist with that...

It is apparent that Western Civilization is a threat to them and to all other civilizations. Just look at history. Your argument has no basis in reality. You're simply reading someone's distorted explication of the Quran and ignoring the brutal history of genocide by the West which actually happened repeatedly.

The US is a threat to other civilizations, no doubt. But again, that is not this thread's topic. I have studied the Quran and Hadiths myself, and @panhead has had exposure to Islamic dogma for 40 years. What is the extent of your study of Islamic dogma? My argument is clearly backed up by the facts of reality, if you'd like to show us which of the facts I listed are incorrect and why, I would like to take a look...

You're really not aware of the 2.5 million plus people murdered by the United States in Iraq alone in this century?
Get some perspective.

I am aware. That is simply not the topic that is being discussed in this thread. I'd be glad to participate in a thread in which the topic is the horrors inflicted by the US, or Israel, or whomever, and I'd agree with most of what you have stated on these topics. This thread is dedicated to the Islamic threat...
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You posit a very specious argument here. First off, you're incorrect, the Torah is just as violent as the Quran, despite your opinion to the contrary. There are many verses and not only Exodus which you allude to as specifically referring to a time, place and enemy. The Torah is repleat with commands from God to rape, stone and other acts of violence on quite a few opponents. Furthermore, much is lost in translation, making this debate quite obfuscating.

So let's address the thesis of your argument. You're saying that Islam is more violent than the other two major Abrahamic religions because of God's commands to commit violence. In the same argument you admit that the Christian people have the far more violent history but excuse them on the basis that they did so of their own volition and not because God commanded it.

Then to top it off, you claim yourself to be arguing from authority "years of studying the Quran" and Panhead because of 4 decades of marriage to a Palestinian. You have no clue what you're talking about. This is evident in your poor argument. Panhead said in another thread his wife was Filipina. I on the other hand have served several combat tours with the airborne infantry in both Iraq and Afghanistan and I speak Arabic. I have endured years of indoctrination into your very fallacies and overcome it.

Don't even mention mistreatment of muslim women, there is nothing the West has done to improve their lives.

I defer to my first post in this thread to assert my views.