Scott Walker...F##K Yeah

remember I'm the one telling you to not bring UB up unless he is present and accounted for. I can handle a debate by myself. He makes the debates funny. Don't you think UB would make a brilliant lawyer
Yeah, shitting your pants in the courtroom is the best legal defense. "Your Honor, I demand a retrial because my lawyer has shit all over my defense."
Yeah, shitting your pants in the courtroom is the best legal defense. "Your Honor, I demand a retrial because my lawyer has shit all over my defense."

why don't you even try to debate me anymore? is it because you got so tired of winning?

Yes, he was talking about peaceful protesters at the capitol. Funny, I know a girl that danced with SW at a Dead show one. She totally regrets it.
Yes, he was talking about peaceful protesters at the capitol. Funny, I know a girl that danced with SW at a Dead show one. She totally regrets it.

I'll bet he doesn't even give her that much thought. Apparently, he destroys liberals and their overlord financial backers without breaking a sweat. He's far more moderate than I would prefer, but it's hard not to like a guy with his history of defeating scumbags.
I'll bet he doesn't even give her that much thought. Apparently, he destroys liberals and their overlord financial backers without breaking a sweat. He's far more moderate than I would prefer, but it's hard not to like a guy with his history of defeating scumbags.

isn't this the guy who compares homosexuality to fucking dogs?
Then the US is not a place for you. This is a secular country based on secular values and Scott Walker is a step above George Bush on the religious nutjob scale

I guarantee you Walker will never be the president

I heard the same thing about Bush, twice.

As to the rest, I'm an anti-theist you chucklehead. Conservative idealism has no requirement of religious belief. That you think you can offer insight as to who should be in this country, shows nothing but delusion, misplaced condescension and intolerance.
I heard the same thing about Bush, twice.

As to the rest, I'm an anti-theist you chucklehead. Conservative idealism has no requirement of religious belief. That you think you can offer insight as to who should be in this country, shows nothing but delusion, misplaced condescension and intolerance.
Religious extremism, in any form, be it Muslim or Christian, like Walker, the TEA party and the entire republican party (aka the Christian Taliban) doesn't belong in a secular country

You can call that opinion intolerant all you want, take away the Christian extremists and I'm sure you would agree with that exact same statement. That says a lot about you and your beliefs..
I'm an anti-theist

then why do you cheerlead exclusively for the most religious candidates, celebrate cases like hobby lobby, worship a guy who said that killing unarmed innocent black teens is "god's will", and so on and so forth?

and wasn't that hate crime in your tate where muslims were executed in a parking lot carried out by a heavily armed white male "anti-theist"?
