Suggestions for smoke bud rot.

fuck! i forget i used a stimulant to my plants yesterday...

that solution has these in one liter;
1 g Sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate
2 g Sodium orto-nitrophenolate
3 g Sodium para-nitrophenolate

somebody say me these are volatile....
I'm sorry you must of misunderstood my post

I agree it doesn't matter if it's dead, it's still harmfull

We all do stupid things, I've smoked mouldy bud and bud with bud rot before and it sucked but I lived

I definitely learned not to do that and that was back in highschool lol
I gotcha... but at the same time I did a BUNCH of stupid stuff in highschool...
expelled twice, juvenile record, did pretty much every drug minus heroin and pcp.
But... I lived.
just bustin balls man
Spores are made of chitin, some of the hardest stuff on the planet. Some mushroom heads out there say it's possible mushrooms could have come to earth on a comet, that's how freaking tough they are. So drying it out probably won't even kill it.
Spores are made of chitin, some of the hardest stuff on the planet. Some mushroom heads out there say it's possible mushrooms could have come to earth on a comet, that's how freaking tough they are. So drying it out probably won't even kill it.
You gotta be chitin me - A COMET?! That chit is nuts.

Exoskeletons would be impractical for larger animals because chitin is not strong enough to protect and support them.

I definitely wouldn't smoke that chit. It's like smoking a cigarette filter or summ chit.

Trash it. Don't smoke it, Don't blow it, don't Vape it, Don't cook with it, Don't eat it.

Not to scare you or anything, but if you end up with fungal pneumonia ur lung will look like this (cross section of a CT, left side is kinda normal, right side where the arrow pointing is, well you get it...)
Fig. 9: Thoracic CT (lung window) in axial plane demonstrates multiple fungus balls filling a pulmonary cavity in the left upper lobe with air crescent sign (arrow). References: Radiology, Dr. Peset University Hospital - Valencia/ES