Philly buses ordered to accept ads featuring Hitler

Considering Israel wouldn't exist without us, I think they owe us a lot more than the bullshit they been giving us.

compromise has no place when you believe you deserve it all.

i hope netenyahu loses his bid for re-election.

he's a bully (and egomaniac) who leveraged his connects within the US congress, which was to make it appear he is the US choice of PM..which he's not.
compromise has no place when you believe you deserve it all.

i hope netenyahu loses his bid for re-election.

he's a bully (and egomaniac) who leveraged his connects within the US congress, which was to make it appear he is the US choice of PM..which he's not.

If it was up to me I would stop all monetary aid to Israel and put our boys back home back to work. I could give two shits if some dude in the middle of nowhere has a job when my neighbor is busting his ass trying to find work in our own country.

When we got infrastructure falling apart and an entire state on the verge of mass insanity in the next few years (california drought) we should be focused more on what is good for the homeland rather than what is good for some money sucking shithole in the middle of the desert.

If you consider me a racist take a look back at what I wrote and then try to comprehend the fact that I don't care if the person in Israel is white black blue brown purple or green... fuck em. When they start paying us billions of dollars to be part of the crew then we can acknowledge them.

check the OP..who's starting the trouble with those bus ads?

they go out of their way to prove their "plight".

the US is supposed to back hate messages (by the jews) designed to pit the muslim community against others..what you call that shit?

for some reason the jews in the US and Irael think we're they're are as much our friend, as the muslims.

put that in your water pipe and smoke it!
I am a nationalist, we should fix our shit then worry about the rest of the broken world. Worrying about the rest of the world is turning us into them. Our bridges are falling apart, our education system is in shambles, our politicians are bought n sold, our police departments believe that shooting you dead is better for society than locking us up.

Our country is going to hell in a handbasket with a bow and nice little christmas card on it.
i'm entitled to my opinion..

people with religion bring on their own problems and make the rest of us suffer for it.

keep religion in your home and to yourself, where it belongs!